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look after: cuidar. My parents are still looking after me.

look down on: despreciar a alguien. Cristiano Ronaldo look down on everybody.
look into: investigar/obtener información. My superior said that he will look into
the problem.
look out: ten cuidado. Look out there is a car comming.
look over: examinar algo o analizar si está bien. My superior isn't looking over my
look up: buscar un número en agenda/móvil. I looked up your number, but I couldn't
find it.
look up to: admirar a alguien. I look up to Nadal since I was a child.

take after: te pareces físicamente o en cualidades. I don't take after my cousin

tough our mothers are twins.
take away {from}: aprender. Today I take away some information about logging
take off: despejar, salir corriendo. Planes couldn't take off this mornging because
the bad weather.
take on: empezar algo nuevo. Last year I took on English classes.
take out: llevar alguien a una cita romántica, matar a alguien, pedir comida. They
took out Epstein, he didn't commit suicide.
take over: comprar una compañía, alguien toma el control de algo. Musk took over
Twitter last year.

get alone with:llevarse bien. I really get alone with my cousin.

get away: ir de vacaciones. I want to get away to Barcelona next Easter.
get away with: zafarse de algo. He got away with every time he cheated in a exam.
get out of: escabullirse. I have a meeting tomorrow and I can't get out of it.
get over: aceptar algo malo. He has to get over his father's death.
get through: sobrevivir a algo durante un tiempo. I have to get through my work in
the company.
get on with: continuar haciendo algo / hazlo de una vez.
get into: empezar a interesarse en algo
get around to: no lo he hecho

dress up: vestirse bien o para un evento. I had to dress up to go to my cousin's

spice up: hacer algo más interesante. If Barcelona lose the next match the league
will be spiced up.
warm up: calentar antes de un ejercicio o de una actuación. To warm up I run 5
minutes in a treadmill.
speak up: hacerse notar. You are too shy, you should speak up more often.
dig up: descubrir información. The police dug up the culprit's identity.
look up: buscar un número en agenda/móvil. I looked up your number, but I couldn't
find it.
hold up: retrasar. The train was held up because the snow, I'm sorry.
back up: respaldar, dar soporte. I should back up my computer information every
dream up/make up: inventarse algo, perdonar una discusión. This story it's
unveliable, I'm sure he made it up.
team up: juntrse en equipo. I had to team up in many projects while I was in the
meet up: personas quedan. We can meet up tomorrow in Plaza Roja.

pick up: ir a recoger algo o alguien, ligar con alguien

drop off: dejar a alguien en un sitio.

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