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Unlike life in the countryside which is often considered to be simple and traditional, life in the city is modern
and complicated. People, from different regions, move to the cities in the hope of having a better life for them
and their children. The inhabitants in the city work as secretaries, businessmen, teachers, government workers,
factory workers and even street vendors or construction workers.
The high cost of living requires city dwellers, especially someone with low income, to work harder or to take a
part-time job. For many people, an ordinary day starts as usual by getting up in the early morning to do exercise
in public parks, preparing for a full day of working and studying, then travelling along crowed boulevards or
narrow streets filled with motor scooters and returning home after a busy day. They usually live in a large
house, or high-rise apartment blocks or even in a small rental room equipped with modern facilities like the
Internet, telephone, television, and so on. Industrialization and modernization as well as global integration have
big impact on lifestyle in the cities. The most noticeable impact is the Western style of clothes. The “Ao dai” –
Vietnamese traditional clothes are no longer regularly worn in Vietnamese women’s daily life. Instead, jeans,
T-shirts and fashionable clothes are widely preferred.
17. The most important reason why people move to the city is that.
A. to take part-time jobs B. to look for a better life C. to have busy days D. to look for
a complicated life.
18. According to the passage, the city life can offer city dwellers all of the following things EXCEPT.
A. friendly communication with neighbors B. the Internet
C. a variety of jobs in different fields D. modern facilities
19. We can infer from the passage that .
A. people do morning exercise in public parks because they have much free time.B. there is big gap between
the rich and the poor in the city.
C. people leave the countryside because life there is simple. D. most of the urban dwellers have low income.
20. Industrialization and modernization may lead to.
A. some changes in lifestyles B. the disappearance of Western-styled clothes
C. the fact that women no longer wear Ao dai D. global integration
21. The word “impact” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to.
A. action B. situation C. effect D. force


The education system of the 21st century has changed radically with the integration of the technology in every
sector.At the same time,the students are more matured than the previous time. Now ,in the twenty-first century
education depends on Thinking Skills,Interpersonal Skills,Information Media,Technological Skills as well as
Life Skills.Especially,the education of the present time emphasizes on life and career skills.Now there has no
value for rote learning.In general,it needs to meet the industry need.To clarify,the teaching will be effective
when a student can use the lesson outside of the classroom.
For changing the globalizing world, the role of the teachers is essential to improve the sustainable
education.At the same time ,inspriring and guiding the students in increasing employability skills with the
digital tools is the prerequisite for a teacher.Thus a teacher in the twenty- first century will be a digital
teacher.Teachers are not the facilitator for learning of the students only,and now they are responsible for
training the students for increasing employability skills,expanding the mind,growing digital citizenship,crtical
thinking ,and creativity as well as sustainable learning.Thus,the winning of the students is the win of the
With the passage of time and integration of technology in every sector,the teacher’s role has changed a
lot.They need to enrich some skills to develop their students.Otherwise,the students will not get the lesson,and
it will increase the rate of educated unemployed in the digital era.
1. What is the topic of the passage?
A. The changing role of teachers in 21st century schooling. B. The role of education in the 21st century
C.The impact of teachers on student achievement D. The decline of traditional educational system
2. According to the passage, the teachers of the 21st century .
A. can take their lessons outside of the classroom B.must help their students develop employability skills
C.need to find ways to improve digital citizenship skills D. should pay more attention to new digital tools
3. The word “it”in the first paragrap refers to __________ B.rote learning D. teaching
4. The phrase “ critical thinking” in the second paragraph means________
A. the analysis and evaluation of an issue to form a judgment B. a method of solving problems by using
your imagination
C. a thought without actual study of the fact D. the ability to think about things that are not actually present.
5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A.The roles of teachers are evolving due to changes in technology.
B. Teachers no longer function as lecturers but as facilitators of learning
C.If the students aren’t educated ,they will be unemployed in the digital era.
D. A 21st century education gives students the skills they need to succeed in their careers

We need to meet our nutritional needs, but people often make their food choices for reasons other than
nutrition. The availability of foods and their cost, the taste and appearance of foods, personal food likes and
dislikes, convenience, religious and cultural practices and traditions, health and medical conditions, etc. are
reasons why people eat for foods that they eat.
The foods in people’s diets around the world are very different from each other, but all good diets must be
composed of a variety of different foods that provide all of the food energy and other nutrients in the amounts
needed. For most people, a good meal will be based on a starchy food, sometimes referred to as a “staple” food,
as it forms the basis or main portion of the meal, and a variety of other foods (side dishes) that provide the
additional protein, vitamins and minerals needed for a good, healthy diet.
Staple foods are usually starchy carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread, couscous, maize (corn), potatoes, and
foods made from wheat, rice, rye, barley or oats. The other foods eaten with the meal should include generous
amounts of vegetables and fruits; good amounts of legumes; smaller amounts of meat, poultry, eggs or fish and
milk and milk products such as cheese and yoghurt. The greater the variety of side dishes served with the staple
food, the greater the chance that all the needed nutrients are in the meal.
1.Which is NOT true about a healthy diet?
A. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. B. Limit consumption of milk and dairy products
C. Eat a variety of foods in proper amounts. D. Make starchy foods the basic of most meals.
2. What is the text mainly about?
A. The different reasons we eat what we eat and a healthy diet. B. The careful food choices we need to
C. What we should eat to be healthy. D. Eating habits and dining customs.
3. A healthy, balanced diet consisting of several groups provides_______.
A. everything you need to satisfy your hunger B. large quantities of protein
C. all the required nutrients in proper amounts D. only a small amount of carbohydrates
4. What is a staple food?
A. A food that makes up a significant portion of a person’s diet.. B. A food that is high in nutrients but low
in calories.
C. A food that plays an important role in a healthy diet. D. A food that provides a large amount of starch
Question 21. According to the first paragraph, people tend to eat _______.
A. the foods they like B. the food that are unhealthy C. more food than their body need D. foods that are
rich in nutrients


Unlike life in the countryside which is often considered to be simple and traditional, life in the city is modern
and complicated. People, from different regions, move to the cities in the hope of having a better life for them
and their children. The inhabitants in the city work as secretaries, businessmen, teachers, government workers,
factory workers and even street vendors or construction workers.
The high cost of living requires city dwellers, especially someone with low income, to work harder or to take a
part-time job. For many people, an ordinary day starts as usual by getting up in the early morning to do exercise
in public parks, preparing for a full day of working and studying, then travelling along crowed boulevards or
narrow streets filled with motor scooters and returning home after a busy day. They usually live in a large
house, or high-rise apartment blocks or even in a small rental room equipped with modern facilities like the
Internet, telephone, television, and so on. Industrialization and modernization as well as global integration have
big impact on lifestyle in the cities. The most noticeable impact is the Western style of clothes. The “Ao dai” –
Vietnamese traditional clothes are no longer regularly worn in Vietnamese women’s daily life. Instead, jeans,
T-shirts and fashionable clothes are widely preferred.
17. The most important reason why people move to the city is that.
A. to look for a better life B. to take part-time jobs C. to have busy days D. to look for
a complicated life.
18. According to the passage, the city life can offer city dwellers all of the following things EXCEPT.
A. the Internet B. friendly communication with neighbors C. a variety of jobs in different fields
D. modern facilities
19. We can infer from the passage that .
A. people do morning exercise in public parks because they have much free time.
B. people leave the countryside because life there is simple.
C. there is big gap between the rich and the poor in the city.D. most of the urban dwellers have low income.
20. Industrialization and modernization may lead to.
A. the disappearance of Western-styled clothes B. some changes in lifestyles
C. the fact that women no longer wear Ao dai D. global integration
21. The word “impact” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to.
A. action B. situation C. effect D. force


Long ago a lot of people thought the moon was a god. Other people thought it was just a light in the sky.
And others thought it was a big ball of cheese. The telescopes were made. And men saw that the moon was
really another world. They wondered what it was like. They dreamed of going there. On July 20, 1969 that
dream came true. Two American men landed on the moon. Their names were Neil Armstrong and Edwin
Aldrin. The first thing the men found was that the moon was covered with dust. The dust was so thick that the
men left footprints where they walked. Those were the first marks a living thing had ever made on the moon.
And they could stay there for years and years. There is no wind or rain to wipe them off. The two men walked
on the moon for hours. They picked up rocks to bring back to earth for study. They dug up dirt to bring back.
They set up machines to find out things people wanted to know. Then they climbed back into their moon
landing craft to begin their long trip back to the earth. Behind them they left the plains and tall mountains of the
moon. They left the machines they had set up and they left footprints that may last forever.
1. What is the story about?
A. How men discovered the moon. B. The first men walking on the moon
C. Dirt and rocks on the moon. D. How men flew to the moon.
2. What is the surface of the moon?
A. rocks B. dirt C. footprints D. machines
3. What does the word “they” in line 8 mean?
A. the two men B. the telescopes C. the two men’s names D. the footprints
4. Why is it quite difficult for the footprints to disappear?
A. Because they are very deep on the moon. B. Because the rain and wind don’t exist on the moon
C. Because the rain and wind are not strong enough.D. Because the rain and wind can’t wipe them off.
5. What may next people who travel to the moon find?
A. They may find their footprints. B. They may find their moon landing craft.
C. They may find that the machines are nowhere to be seen. D. They may find things people wanted to

Education is another area of social life in which infomation technology is changing the way we communicate.
Today’s college students may not simply sit in a lecture or library to learn about their field. Through their
computers and the wonders of virtual reality they can participate in lifelike simulated experiences and consider
the following scenario of the future fo education made possible through developments in information
For children over the age of 10, daily attendance at schools is not compulsory.
Yet, some of the older children attend school only once or twice weekly to get tutorial support or instruction
from a teacher. For the most part, pupils are encouraged to work online from home. Students must complete a
minimum number of study hours per year; however, they may make up these hours by studying at home at
times that suit their family schedule. They can log on early or late in the day and even join live classes in other
countries. In order to ensure that each student is learning adequately, computer software will automatically
monitor the number of hours a week each student studies online as well as that students’ learning materials and
assessment activities. Reports will be available for parents and teacher. The software can then identify the best
learning activities and condition for each individual studen and generate similar activities. It can also identify
areas of weak achievement and produce special programs adjusted to the students’ needs.
17. What is the topic of the passage?
A.Students don’t have to go to school any more. B. The effects of information technology on education
C. Computer software will make sure students learn at home. D. Students can know about their weak aspects
to focus.
18. How many times are children who are older than 10 required to go to school weekly?
A. No time. B. Three. C. Once or twice. D. four.
19. Who / what counts the number of hours per week that students spend learning?
A.Teacher. B. Computer software. C. Virtual reality. D. Parents.
20. What CAN’T the software do?
A. Design materials for the students. B.Monitor the time the students learn.
C.Find out the best activities for the students. D.Identify weaknesses of the students.
21. What is NOT MENTIONED as a benefit of infomation technology to the students?
A. Students can learn at times that suit their schedule. B. Students’ learning time won’t be monitored.
C. Students’ weak achievement can be identified. D. Students can stay at home to learn.

Young people in school today will be joining the workforce tomorrow. But are they being prepared for success
in the 21st-century work environment? When asked if students are missing skills for the workforce, we heard a
resounding ‘yes.’ Students today learn academic core subjects, which are useful. But they aren’t gaining all the
knowledge they need to seamlessly integrate into the office environment.
For instance, not all students have the right computer skills. “As technology has become pervasive in the
classroom and the workplace, solid technology skills are essential for every student. Teaching digital literacy
skills ultimately falls upon educators. Schools need to go beyond the ‘three R’s’ to improve college and career
readiness with technical skills,” said Ray Kelly, CEO, Certiport, a certification testing company
Beyond that, students need to be ready to meet specific employer needs. “Too often, high school students
do not demonstrate workplace habits that employers prioritize, including reliability, punctuality, customer
service and high-quality task completion,” said Andrew Rothstein, Chief Academic Officer of the National
Academy Foundation. “There are also frequent issues with written and presentation skills that are appropriate in
a business context. Teamwork and problem solving are the new constants.”
Indeed, teamwork is a very important - and often absent - skill among students entering the workforce.
“Students need to learn how to work well with others - cooperative learning, working in groups. Students need
to be able to think out of the box and be creative. They need to find different ways to offer solutions,” said
Marilyn Curtain-Phillips, a high school math teacher and college professor.
(From https://www.
1. According to the passage, today’s students _________.
A. aren’t ready for work B. are being well prepared for jobs
C. learn unnecessary academic subjects D. are skilled with technology
2. Which is NOT the thing that students need to succeed at work, according to Andrew Rothstein?
A. Good written communication skills B. The habit of being on time
C. The quality of being satisfactory D. The ability to work as a team
3. Technology skills, as Kelly said, are important to today’s students because _________.
A. technology is everywhere in the present time workplace B. some employers can require workers to have
these skills
C. students need them to improve their study skills D. technology allows student to gain access to information
anywhere at any time
4. What is the meaning of “think out of the box”?
A. think carefully and deeply B. think in a clear or logical way
C. think in a new, different, or creative way D. think quickly and effectively
5. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Work habits can break your development path. B. Teaching students job related skills is very important.
C. Academic skills will be required to thrive in tomorrow’s world. D. Acquiring a good knowledge of science
will improve your employability.

Son Doong Cave has become more famous after the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) aired a live
programme featuring its magnificence on ‘Good Morning America’ in May 2015.
Located in Quang Binh Province, Son Doong Cave was discovered by a local man named Ho Khanh in
1991, and became known internationally in 2009 thanks to British cavers, led by Howard Limbert. The cave
was formed about 2 to 5 million years ago by river water eroding away the limestone underneath the mountain.
It contains some of the tallest known stalagmites in the world - up to 70 metres tall. The cave is more than 200
metres wide, 150 metres high, and nearly 9 kilometres long, with caverns big enough to fit an entire street
inside them. Son Doong Cave is recognised as the largest cave in the world by BCRA (British Cave Research
Association) and selected as one of the most beautiful on earth by the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation).
In August 2013, the first tourist group explored the cave on a guided tour. Permits are now required to
access the cave and are made available on a limited basis. Only 500 permits were issued for the 2015 season,
which runs from February to August. After August, heavy rains cause river levels to rise and make the cave
largely inaccessible.
17. What happened to Son Doong Cave in May 2015?
A. It was discovered by a local man named Ho Khanh. B. It became known internationally thanks to British
cavers, led by Howard Limbert.
C. It was explored by the first tourist group.
D. A live programme featuring its magnificence was broadcast on ‘Good Morning America’ by the
American Broadcasting Company (ABC).
18. Which statement is NOT true about Son Doong Cave?
A. The cave was formed about 2 to 5 million years ago.B. It was formed by river water eroding away the
limestone underneath the mountain.
C. Tourists can explore Son Doong Cave daily throughout the year.D. Some of the stalagmites in Son
Doong Cave are about 70 metres tall.
19. The word “them” refers to ______.
A. caverns B. stalagmites C. Kilometers D. British cavers
20. The word “inaccessible” in the passage probably means ______.
A. need to be careful B. should not be accessed C. cannot be reached D. may be flooded
21. From the passage, we know that ______.
A. the cave is always covered with rain water B. tourists need permission to explore the cave
C. few tourists want to come to the cave D. there is a street inside Son Doong Cave

Đọc dài 29
From the 20th to the 21th century, there have been significant changes in the majority of countries around the
world. Substantial differences are evident between the way we live today, and the way we lived a century ago.
Viet Nam is no exception although there are some aspects of life in Viet Nam that are similar to the way of life
of the twentieth century.
Living in Viet Nam today differs greatly from the lifestyle of 100 years ago. People in the past mainly
worked in agriculture whereas today there are significantly fewer people working in this sector of the economy.
These days, by comparison, people are more likely to be employed in manufacturing and tourism than in the
rice fields. Moreover, Viet Nam, which was traditionally agricultural, is transforming into an entirely different
country. While agriculture is still an important component of the Vietnamese economy, other enterprises are
accounting for an increasing amount of economic activity.
However, along with the differences, similarities also exist. The Vietnamese have kept many of the
characteristics of their forefathers. The Vietnamese people are as friendly today as they were in the past. This is
best illustrated in the way they welcome foreigners. Moreover, the determination of the people of Viet Nam has
not changed. The Vietnamese work collectively and happily towards the development of their country.
To conclude, while there are differences in past and present lifestyles, there are important similarities.
Although Viet Nam has changed in many ways, there always have been, and always will be, the friendly
welcoming smiles of the Vietnamese people.
1.Viet Nam has had significant changes .
B. for one hundred years A. since the 20th century C. from the 20th century D. in the 21st century
2.Nowadays, more people work in .
A. agricultural section B. manufacturing and tourism
C. the rice fields D. foreign enterprises
3. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. many people work in accounting B lifestyles: Past and present.
C. the majority of population works in manufacturing.
D. Viet Nam has kept the same lifestyles.
4. All of the following are traditional features of the Vietnamese EXCEPT .
A. the entirely different country B. the friendly welcoming smiles C. the hospitality to strangers D. the
determination to build the country
5,. The word "collectively” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to .
A. as a group B. very common C. owned by a group D. the same as

đọc dài 30
Education is another area of social life in which information technology is changing the way we
communicate. Today's college students may not simply sit in a lecture or a library to learn about their field.
Through their computers and the wonders of virtual reality, they can participate in lifelike simulated
experiences and consider the following scenario of the future of education made possible through developments
in information technology.
For children over the age of 10, daily attendance at schools is not compulsory. Yet, some of the older
children attend school only once or twice weekly to get tutorial support or instruction from a teacher. For the
most part, pupils are encouraged to work online from home. Students must complete a minimum number of
study hours per year; however, they may make up these hours by studying at home at times that suit their
family schedule. They can log on early or late in the day and even join live classes in other countries. In order
to ensure that each student is learning adequately, computer software will automatically monitor the number of
hours a week each student studies online as well as students’ learning materials and assessment activities.
Reports will be available for parents and teachers. The software can then identify the best learning activities and
condition for each individual student and generate similar activities. It can also identify areas of weak
achievement and produce special programs adjusted to the students' needs.
1. What is the topic of the passage?
A. The effect of information technology on education. B. Computer software will make sure students learn
at home.
C. Students don't have to go to school any more. D. Students can know about their weak aspects to focus.
2. How many times are children who are older than 10 required to go to school weekly?
A. No time B. Three C. Once or twice D. Four
3. The word “they” in the first paragraph refers to _____.
A. college students B. teachers C. developments D. experiences
4. What can’t the computer software do?
A. Design materials for the students. B. Monitor the time the students learn.
C. Find out the best activities for the students. D. Identify weaknesses of the students.
5. What is NOT MENTIONED in the passage as a benefit of information technology to the students?
A. It helps students do their homework. B. Students can learn at times that suit their
C Students' weak achievement can be identified. D. Students can stay at home to learn.

Đọc dài 31
The International Space Station (ISS) is the largest structure humans have ever put into space. This gigantic
satellite is used both as a laboratory for new technologies and an observation platform for astronomical,
environmental and geological research. It is a permanently occupied outpost in outer space and it is considered
to be an important stepping-stone for further space exploration.
The space station flies at an average altitude of 400 kilometers above the Earth and it circles the globe
every 90 minutes at a speed of about 28,000 kilometers per hour, which means that in just one day, the station
travels about the distance it would take from Earth to the moon and back. It also means that astronauts on board
the ISS get to see a sunrise every one and a half hour.
Five different space agencies representing 15 countries built the International Space Station for no less than
100 billion dollars. The primary partners on the project are NASA, Russia’s Roscosmos State Corporation for
Space Activities, the European Space Agency, the Canadian Space Agency and the Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency.
The International Space Station was taken into space piece-by-piece, which means that consists of modules and
connecting nodes that contain living quarters and laboratories powered by solar panels. The first module, the
Russia Zarya, was launched in 1998. Since then, a number of different modules have been added, extending the
ISS one piece at a time. The space station spans the area of a U.S. football field, and weighs 391,000 kilograms.
The complex now has more living space than a conventional five-bedroom house, and has two bathrooms and
gym facilities and a 360-degree bay window. Astronauts have also compared the space station’s living space to
the cabin of a Boeing 747 jumbo jet.
1.What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. General information about the ISS B. The launch and structure of the ISS C. The origin of the ISS
D. The functions of the ISS
2.In one day the station travels __________.
A. less than the distance it would take from Earth to the moon B. twice the distance it would take from
Earth to the moon
C. exactly the distance it would take from Earth to the moon D. approximately the distance it would take from
Earth to the moon
3.What does the phrase “stepping-stone” in the first paragraph mean?
A. means of progress B. piece of rock C. step forward D. way of success
4.According to the passage, the International Space Station _____________.
A. is worth less than $100 billion B. is primarily operated by the United State (NASA)
C. is a joint project between five participating space agencies D. was built by astronauts from 15 different
5.All the following statements are true EXCEPT ___________.
A. The ISS has the volume of a five-bedroom house. B. The ISS was constructed and assembled module by
C. The construction of the ISS was started in 1998. D. The ISS is around the size of a Boeing 747 plane.


English was originally the language of England, and soon it has become the primary or secondary language of
many former British colonies such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and India. Nowadays, it is the most
international language in the world. There an several factors that make the English language essential to
communication in our current time.
First of all, it is the most common foreign language. This means that two people who come from different
countries (for example, a Mexican and a Swede) usually use English as a common English to communicate.
English is also essential to the field of education. In many countries, children are taught and encouraged to learn
English as a second language. At the university level, students in many countries study almost all their subjects
in English in order to make the material more accessible to international students. On the Internet, the majority
of websites are written and created in English. Even sites in other languages often give you the option to
translate the site. It is the primary language of the press: more newspapers and books are written in English than
in any other language, and no matter where in the world you are, you will find some of these books and
newspapers available.
Although many people think that it is very difficult and confusing, English is actually the easiest language of
the world to learn because there are so many resources available. As soon as you decide you want to learn, there
are thousands of resources on the Internet and in bookstores. With good understanding and communication in
English, you can travel around the globe. Because it is the international language for foreigners, it is easy to get
assistance and help in every part of the world. You can test it by online travel. Any travel booking site you can
find will have English as a booking option.
1. When two people having different mother tongues meet each other, they will use
A. their own mother tongues to communicate B. English as a means of communication
C. the third language to communicate D. a second language as a means of communication
2. The study material at universities is often written in English so that .
A. scientists can understand it easily is the dominant language in England
C. all international students can follow it D. all children from many countries understand English
3. All of the following about the role of English on the Internet are true EXCEPT that .
A. websites offer you the option in other languages B. most websites are written in English
C. most programmers created websites in English D. most websites have English version
4. English is believed by many to be the easiest language of the world to learn because
A. you can decide you want to learn English. B. there are thousands of bookstores available. is not very difficult and confusing. is easy to find resources to learn English.
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The importance of English in today's world B .English makes you travel around the globe
C. you can use English to travel online is easy to get help to learn English all over the world

If you have decided to be a doctor or an engineer, it’s easy to get information about how to become
one. It’s more difficult if you want to be an actor. Nobody can say, “First you do this, then you do that, and one
day you’re an actor”. But I can tell you some things that will help.
Learning to be an actor usually starts at school. Frama lessons and clubs can teach students many things,
including different ways of acting and how wo write their own plays. Writing helps you to understand a lot
about acting. But even more important s learning to work in a group with other actors.
However, school lessons and clubs are only one part of learning about being an actor. Find small theatre
groups near where you live - and don’t worry about being the star! It doesn’t matter id you only have one word
to say in a play, it still helps you improve. You need to be on stage as much as possible, in a variety of different
types of plays.
When you finish school, you should think about studying at university. Of course, it’s possible to be an actor
without going to university, but doing a theatre course is a good idea for some people. These courses may
improve your acting, and also help you learn about a variety of subjects, such as business, history, music and
1. What is the best title for this text?
A. How to Become an Actor C. Different Types of Acting Jobs
B. My Life as an Actor D. Going to university may help
2. According to paragraph 1, if you want to become an actor, it’s difficult to.
A. find out what you need to do C. tell people why you want it
B. decide if it’s a good job for you D. compare with other jobs
3. The word “their” in paragraph 2 refers to.
A. lessons’ B. students’ C. clubs’ D. schools’
4. What advice does the writer give in paragraph 3?
A. Practice acting outside school. C. Learn about all kinds of jobs in theatres.
B. Meet theatre stars who live near you. D. Remember your words in the plays.
5. The phrases “a variety of” in paragraph 4 is closest meaning to.
A. many B. important C. unnecessary D. difficult

ĐỌC DÀI 34: The phrase "healthy lifestyle" is a definition of how you should live if you want to get the
healthiest body. You can- one that both looks good and feels good. You know die obvious behaviors that
describe someone who is healthy and takes care of themselves. A healthy person doesn’t smoke, eats healthy
foods with plenty of fruits, vegetables and fiber and. of course, exercises regularly. A healthy person also
knows how to manage stress. gets good quality sleep each night, doesn’t drink too much, doesn’t sit too much,
docs everything in moderation all the time. When you look at everything dial could possibly make a healthy
lifestyle, you can see just how hard all of those things are in our current world.
There is no such thing as a "bad” food, but there are some foods you should try not to have regular basis.
Fast food refers to food that can be prepared and served quickly. It is popular as the food is inexpensive,
convenient, and tastes good. Because fast food is high in sodium, trans fat. and cholesterol, it isn’t something
you should cat often.
The good news is you don’t have to change everything at the same lime. In fact, the trick to healthy living is
making small changes- taking more steps each day, adding fruit to your cereal, having an extra glass of water,
or saying no to Hut second helping buttery mashed potatoes. One thing you can do right now to make your
lifestyle healthier is to move more.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. How to manage stress B. Ways to live a healthy life
C. The behaviors to describe a healthy person D. Some healthy foods to eat
2. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to
A. fast food B. cholesterol C. trans fat D. sodium
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. We should eat healthy foods. B. We should avoid eating fiber.
C. A healthy person exercises regularly. D. Fast food has a lot of sodium, trans fat and cholesterol.
4. The word "trick” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. stress B. knowledge C. method D. time
5. What can we do right now to have healthier lifestyle?
A. Moving more B. Drinking more C. Sleeping more D. Sitting more

ĐỌC DÀI 35 Nowadays, it is rare to find a language class that does not use some form of technology. In
recent years, technology has been used to both assist and enhance language learning. English teachers in
Vietnam have incorporated various forms of technology to support their teaching,
Some technology tools enable teachers to differentiate instruction and adapt classroom activities and homework
assignments, thus enhancing the language learning experience. Distance learning programs can enable language
educators to expand language-learning opportunities to all students, regardless of where they live, the human
and material resources available to them, or their language background and needs. Further, English teachers can
engage students in the learning process, provide authentic examples of the target culture, and even connect their
classrooms in Vietnam to classrooms in other countries where English is spoken. The effectiveness of any
technological tool depends on the knowledge and expertise of the qualified language teachers, so Ministry of
Education and Training of Vietnam has organized thousands of IT classrooms throughout the country to
enhance technology skills for English teachers.
Technology continues to grow in importance as a tool to assist teachers of foreign languages in facilitating and
mediating language learning for their students and all the teachers are trying to make sure that students will
acquire a second language more effectively with the help of technology.
1. What can be the best title for the passage?
A. There are no language classes that does not use technology B. Role of technology in language learning
C. A new form of distance learning programs D. Natural disasters in Japan.
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. There is no relation between technological tool and the knowledge of the teachers.
B. Technology is becoming more important as a tool to assist teachers of foreign languages.
C. There are thousands of IT classrooms have been organized for English teachers throughout Vietnam.
D. Students can learn foreign languages from distance with the help of technology.
3. Why has Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam organized IT classrooms throughout the country?
A. Because they want toexpand language-learning opportunities to all students.
B. Because they want to engage students in the learning process.
C. Because they want to to differentiate instruction and adapt classroom activities.
D. Because they want to improve technology skills for English teachers.
4. What does the word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to?
A. The teachers B. The educators C. The technology skills D. The students
5. Which of the following can replace the word "enable" in paragraph 2?
A. allow B. prepare C. bring D. enhance

ĐỌC DÀI 40 Healthy foods are good for you! They help your body grow. They also give you energy to
work and play.
How do you know which foods to eat? Follow the food pyramid. Use it to make good choices.
Grains. The grains group gives you energy. Make sure at least half the grains you eat are whole grains. Eat
brown rice, oatmeal, and popcorn. Try whole-wheat bread instead of white bread.
Vegetables. Color your plate with all kinds of veggies. They help your heart, eyes, skin, and teeth. Experts say
to eat a rainbow of colors. Each color helps the body in a different way. Much on carrots, com, and broccoli.
Meat and Beans. The meat and beans group is high protein. That helps build strong muscles. Eat fish, chicken,
lima beans, and nuts.
Fruits. Fruits are nature’s treats. They are sweet and tasty. They help your heart, eyes, skin, and teeth too. Eat a
variety of colors. Try an apple or a banana. You can also mix pieces of different fruits to make a salad.
Milk Have milk and foods made with milk. Those foods are high in calcium. Calcium builds strong bones.
Foods made with milk can be high in fat. Try: low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese.
Oils Your body needs only a little oil to keep it healthy. Some foods that have oils are nuts, tuna fish, and
salad dressing.
1. What food group mentioned in the article builds muscles?
A. Meat and beans B. Vegetables C. Grains D. Fruits and oils
2. Which of the food groups does your body need at least amount of?
A. Grains B. Oils C. Vegetables D. Fruits
3. If your bones are weak, what should you eat or drink more of?
A. Milk and milk products B. Whole grains C. Meat and Beans D. Nuts and tuna
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The method of mixing different fruits to make a salad. B. Vegetables help your heart, eyes, skin, and
C. Eating meat and chicken gives you more protein. D. The various food groups and the benefits of
eating well.
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Whole-meal bread is better than white bread. B. You should eat more broccoli and corn and carrot.
C. Fruits are important for your heart, eyes, skin, and teeth. D. Milk products are high in calcium and
low in fat.


After only 50 minute flying from Ho Chi Minh City, you will set foot on the tropical paradise of Vietnam and
the world: Phu Quoc Island. The island has a roughly triangular shape with a north-south length of 50km and a
west-east width of 25km. A great part of the terrain is filled with beautiful sandy beaches, but there is a
mountainous region with 99 peaks, among which the Peak of Chua Mountain is the tallest one at 603 meters.
Due to Phu Quoc’s location in the Gulf of Thailand, its climate is sub-equatorial with a temperate weather all
year round, making trips to Phu Quoc possible any time in the year. However, the best time to travel to this
island is during the dry season, from November until March, when the sky is blue and clear and the rains are
Phu Quoc is most famous for its the cuisines and a natural wonderful coastline. The most famous food
of Phu Quoc is fish sauce, which has become quite popular all over Vietnam and the world. Besides, another
thing worth trying there is the spicy yet interesting black pepper. However, the factor that will definitely
intrigue you to visit Phu Quoc is its untouched coastline featuring several heavenly beaches. They have yet to
be explored to their full ability, but this fact might be actually positive as it gives the shores a romantic beauty
that you can find in nowhere else in the world.
1. What is Phu Quoc Island regarded as?
A. Tropical Paradise B. Pearl of the Orient C. City of Eternal Spring D. Lanterns Paradise
2. . According to the passage, Phu Quoc Island ....................
A. doesn’t have much tourist attraction B. has the tallest mountain in Vietnam
C. has both beaches and mountainns D. doesn’t have rains all the year round
3. Tourists can visit Phu Quoc anytime in the year thanks to .
A. its temperate climate B. its friendly local people
C. its location by the sea D. its dry season
4. The word “intrigue” has the closest meaning to .
A. promote B. inspire C. attract D. pay attention to
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Phu Quoc Island: the tropical paradise of Vietnam and the world B. Phu Quoc Island is
located in the Gulf of Thailand.
C. Phu Quoc’s dry season begins from November and lasts through March. D. The island is roughly
triangular in shape.
Have you ever had a dream about traveling to another planet in our solar system? If you have, there is
an actual programme that is happening right now, and it hopes to send people to Mars in 2023. Known as the
Mars One Mission, it will send a crew of four people on a one-way mission to colonize Mars. Those chosen
people will have to be ready to say good-bye to the earth forever, as there will not be a return trip.
For the people chosen, they will have to learn to do many different things. First of all, they will be living
the rest of their lives with just a handful of other people, so they all must have personalities that allow them to
get along. Second, the living quarters that they will have won’t be very spacious, so they will have to deal with
that condition as well. If they feel homesick, they will only be able to communicate with people back on the
earth via e-mail and videos and audio sent back and forth. However, there won’t be any real-time
communication. Even at the speed of light, communication between the earth and Mars takes about 20 minutes.
Whether the Mars One Mission will actually happen is the big question that a lot of people are asking.
There is an enormous skepticism in the science community, and Wired magazine gave the mission a miserable
score of two out of ten on its probability scale. However, for those who dream to go to Mars, at least they can
say there is a possibility that it could happen.
1. Who might like to go on this mission?
A. People who get homesick easily B. People with angry personalities
C. People who get along with others D. People who don't like to communicate
2. What will NOT happen to the people who go on the Mars One Mission?
A. They will have to live with other people. B. They will return to do the earth.
C. They will live in quarters that don’t have a lot of space inside. D. They will communicate with people on
the earth.
3. What will NOT be spacious?
A. The magazines B. The mission
C. The spaceship D. The living quarters
4. Which of the following is considered miserable?
A. A score of the programme on the probability scale.
B. A crew on board of the Mars One Mission.
C. A personality of people taking part in the programme.
D. A mission of astronauts to the ISS.
5. How long will it take for a message to come back from Mars?
A. Only a few seconds B. Around 20 minutes
C. Almost immediately D. About an hour

The Complex of Hue Monuments is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is located in the city of Hue in central
Vietnam. Hue was founded as the Viet Nam capital city by Gia Long, the first king of the Nguyen Dynasty in
1802. It held this position for thirteen Nguyen kings until 1945
The massive complex features hundreds of monuments and ruins, such as the Forbidden Purple City, once the
residence of the royal family and badly damaged during the Vietnam War, the Imperial City, royal tombs, the
flag tower, pagodas, temples, a library and museum.
Hue, located on the banks of the Huong River, (also known as the Perfume River) is about a hundred kilometres
north of Da Nang. Among the most impressive monuments in this former grand imperial capital are the Ngo
Mon Gate of the Imperial City which once was exclusively used by the royal family and their servants and
soldiers, the tomb of Emperor Minh Mang as well as the tomb of Emperor Tu Duc. In fact, many of the
monuments surrounding the royal buildings were constructed in the early 19th century and were modeled after
Beijing's Forbidden City. The wall that surrounds the citadel is six metres high and two and a half kilometres
The historical complex is known not only for its rich architecture but also for its beautiful landscape setting.
Overall, the site is quite spectacular. Avoid Hue between October and December as it gets most of its rain
from the northeast monsoon during that period. This small city is also famous for its Imperial-style cuisine.
1. What can be the title of the passage?
A. Beautiful landscape setting of Hue B. Beijing's Forbidden City C. UNESCO World Heritage Site in Hue
D. The Nguyen Dynasty
2. The Complex of Hue Monuments .
A. is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site B. has its buildings built during the reign of King Gia
C. was built by thirteen Nguyen kings from 1802 to 1945 D. is located on the left bank of the Perfume River
3. The word “spectacular” has the closest meaning to______.
A. simple B. astounding C. quiet D. peaceful
4. We can infer from the passage that______.
A. the Forbidden Purple City might be considered a smaller model of Beijing’s Forbidden City
B. the Imperial City is located in the Forbidden Purple City
C. the wall that surrounds the citadel is as big as the Great Wall in China
D. the royal tombs were built for each emperor in the Imperial City
5. All of the following are advantages of Hue EXCEPT______.
A. the art of cooking B. the waterway of the Perfume River C. the last three months of the year D. its
beauty of natural setting

The Temple of Literature was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong‟s dynasty to honor Confucius at first
and celebrate the doctorates and high rank scholars of Vietnam. In 1076, King Ly Nhan Tong continued the
work and built Quoc Tu Giam as the first university of Vietnam.
The temple is divided into five court yards, each with its own significance and history. The first courtyard
stretches from the main gate to Dai Trung gate. The second stands out with Khue Van Cac pavilion. The third
courtyard is where doctors’ names were engraved on stelae above tortoise backs. There are a total of 82 stelae,
with names and origins of 1307 doctors, corresponding to 82 examination courses from 1442 to 1779. The
fourth courtyard is dedicated for Confucius and his 72 honored students, as well as Chu Van An - a famous
teacher known for his devotion to teaching. This is also where local authorities choose to honor outstanding
students in Hanoi nowadays, like those with top entrance results to university or top graduation outcomes. The
last and also furthest courtyard is Thai Hoc house, which used to be Quoc Tu Giam - the first university of
After more than 900 years of existence, the Temple of Literature is an example of well-preserved traditional
Vietnamese architecture. Along the pass are 100-year-old trees that have witnessed the ups and downs of
1. What does the text mainly discuss?
A. The origin of the Temple of Literature. B. The structure of the Temple of Literature.
C. The location of the Temple of Literature. D. The first university of Vietnam.
2 The word “stelae” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to .
A. tombstones B. trophies C. records D. pillars
3. It can be inferred from the passage that ______
A. Confucius was the first teacher of Quoc Tu Giam. B Quoc Tu Giam is located far away from the Temple of
C. Vietnamese people highly appreciate the talent of scholars D. the Temple of Literature is an important
historic site in Vietnam.
4. All of the following are true EXCEPT that _____.
A. The Temple of Literature has now lost most of its traditional Vietnamese architecture
B. Quoc Tu Giam is considered to be the first university of Vietnam.
C. Chu Van An used to be a teacher at Quoc Tu Giam. D. The construction of the Temple of Literature took
place in 1070.
5. What is the fourth courtyard dedicated for?
A. Confucius, his 72 honored students and Chu Van An B. Confucius and Chu Van An
C. Names and origins of 1307 doctors, corresponding to 82 examination courses from 1442 to 1779
D. 72 Confucius’ honored students
The price of holidays can fluctuate a great deal throughout the year, so you can save a lot if you are flexible
with your travel dates and avoid peak holiday times. It can be also cheaper if you book well in advance. Before
your departure, make sure you get as much information about your destination as you can. Find out if you
require any special visas or permits to travel there. Think about spending money as well. Will you be able to
access your own money easily enough or will you need to take cash with you? Think about eating larger
lunches and smaller evening meals to help your money go further, as lunch is generally cheaper. Make sure that
you keep sufficient identification with you at all times. It may also help to email a copy of your passport details
to yourself, in case it is lost or stolen. Label your suitcases clearly so that they can be easily identified as yours.
It can be useful to store a copy of your itinerary in a prominent place in your suitcase so that the airline will
know where to find you if your luggage gets lost. Be sure to pack any medication or other essential items in
your hand luggage. If your flight is delayed, or your luggage is lost, these can be difficult to obtain in an airport
or foreign country.
1. Which can be the best title for the passage?
A. Travel advice B. Travel procedures C. How to adjust travel dates D. Protect
your luggage
2. Which one of these is NOT advisable according to the passage?
A. Always bring identificationB. Save money by cutting out dinner C. Apply for visas if
necessary D. Research your destination
3. According to the passage, your luggage should be ___________.
A. tagged in case of being lost B. stored in a safe place C. packed with your passport D. painted a bright
4.The underlined word ‘it’ refers to your ___________.
A. luggage B. identification C. flight D. passport
5. It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.
A. you must always take cash with you B. larger lunches cost more than smaller ones
C. you can’t get back your lost luggage overseas D. travelling may cost more in peak season

Learning a new language is always an excellent idea. It provides you incredible benefits that come with the
backing of science! One of the most useful languages to learn is English.
Learning a second language is one of the best ways to keep your brain active and challenged. Studies have
shown that the brain undergoes changes in electrical activity and even structure and size while learning a
foreign language that do not occur when learning any other type of task or skill. Learning another language
offers important cognitive benefits at any age, helping to keep the mind active and even reducing the risk of
mental disease and slowing mental decline later in life.
When learning English as a second language, you approach new ways to think and express yourself
through written and spoken words. Learning multiple languages can help you communicate more clearly in any
language as you learn more about how language itself works and how to use it to promote ideas and reach out
to others in a variety of social and work situations.
The world may not have a global language, but English is the default option for countless forms of
communication across the globe. That’s why one of the benefits of learning English is that it significantly
boosts your hiring potential. In addition, it can offer you educational opportunities. If you desire access to some
of the best schools like Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge or MIT, then knowing English provides you an
incredible edge. It’s expected that around 2 billion people around the world will learn English over the next
1. The passage mainly discusses ________.
A. the benefits of learning English B. how to keep your mind active
C. the advantages and disadvantages of language learning D. ways to improve your English level
2. According to the text, learning English as a second language can ________.
A. have a negative effect on the brain B. reduce brain function
C. slow the mental decline due to aging D. lower the risk of heart disease
3. Learning multiple languages makes you a better communicator because__________.
A. you learn more about how to promote your ideas and make contact with others B. you know how to
get the attention of someone
C. you can improve your writing and speaking skills D. you can communicate more effectively in your mother
4. The word “cognitive” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.
A. intellectual B. mental C. emotional D. subjective
Câu 5. All the following sentences are the benefits of learning English EXCEPT:
A. it’s easy to use in communication.B. it provides better employment opportunities.
C. it helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s. D. it gives you access to the world’s best universities.

đọc dài 59
Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the best method. Is it
better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country?
The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the language all the time.
You will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go. Another advantage is that you have to speak the
language if you are with other people. At home, it is always possible to speak Vietnamese if you want to and the
learning is slower.
On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to study. You don’t have to make big
changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is never possible to
achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher, I think you can learn in a more concentrated
way than being in Britain without going to a school.
So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to spend some
time in the UK. This is simply not possible for most people, so being at home is the only viable option. The
most important thing to do in this situation is to maximise your opportunities: to speak only English in
class and to try to use English whenever possible outside the class.
1. What is probably the topic of the passage?
A. The best way to learn English B. How many people learn English
C. English schools in England and America D. Learning English in Viet Nam
2. What is one of the advantages of going to the UK to learn English?
A. You will have to speak English and not your language. B. There are very good teachers of English
C. There are no Vietnamese people in Britain D. The language schools in the UK are always better.
3. What is one of the advantages of staying at home to learn English?
A. You have to work too hard to make money in Britain. B. You can concentrate on learning English
C. Your life can continue more or less as it was before. D. The teachers aren’t very good in Britain.
4. The underlined word "viable" in the passage probably means__________.
A. understandable B. possible C. important D. careful
5. People who don’t have a lot of time and money should__________.
A. try and speak English in class more often B. learn English in Britai
C. go to America to learn English D. speak English more outside the class

đọc dài 61
Life in the city is totally different from the rural life. The city- life has both sides good as well as bad.
First comes before the bad side. The evils of the city life begin from its vast population. There is crowd
everywhere. The growing industrial development attracts rural people. They flock to the city to seek job and
enjoy luxuries of city life. But does one really enjoy a city life as a question. Lot of population creates problems
of accommodation. People live in congested houses in limited space. Colonies of buildings and skyscrapers are
raised at random without any systematic planning. The water- supply falls short. The smoke from the industry
and innumerable verities pollutes the air. People breath only smoke. They work round the clock. They always
are in a hurry and worry. No greenery, no nature, no open air, no tress, no birds, no time to stand and stare. Can
city- life be pleasant?
True, the city offers its citizens many up- to- date modern comforts and facilities. One can get best
education from primary to the university level. One gets verity of books from big libraries. There are many
good education aids like cultural centers, technical schools, museums, art-galleries etc. For recreation there are
parks with many toys. For amusement there are cinemas and plays. One can get the best medical facilities in a
city. There are good means of transports and big markets.
Question 1: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The good and bad life in the city. B. The life in the city is better than the rural life
C. The good rural life D. There are good means of transport and big markets.
Question 2: What does “evils” in the first paragraph mean?
A. the development of industries in urban areas. B. many people living in the city.
C. negative sides of a thing. D. a mysterious force that causes bad things to happen.
Question 3: Why people flock to urban areas?
A. There are more job opportunities and modern facilities. B. There are many kinds of
accommodation available.
C. There is a lot of space for people to live and work. D. There are many buildings and skyscrapers.
Question 4: Education facilities do NOT include ______ .
A. schools B. plays C. libraries D. museums
Question 5: What can people in the city do to entertain?
A. go to the cinema. B. stand and stare. C. breathe the air. D. go to the market.

Men have played a significant role in American society as the main breadwinner, and protector of the
family. But the traditional role of men has slowly been transferred to women. Society is changing with women
going to college, and gaining jobs. It may even happen in several years' time when women are given sole
earning responsibility in American society as the main breadwinner of the family. That is due in part to women
gained working privileges equal to men in the 1970s.
Up until the 1970s, men were the traditional family breadwinners, while women stayed at home, raised
the kids, made dinner every night, cleaned the house, and ran all of the errands. Men went to work every day,
making enough money to buy a nice home, buy a new car every so often.
Once women were afforded the opportunity to work in the same jobs men once held, men's more
traditional foothold in the workplace was loosened. Women were given bigger jobs with more responsibility,
but women take jobs with major responsibly with less pay than men.
The role of men in American society is changing with more women going to college, and obtaining
careers; men are playing more untraditional roles at home.
Women are still giving birth to the kids, running errands, cleaning, making dinner. Young children, boys
as well as girls, are being raised with dad at home taking care of the kids.
Millions of families are also raising their young with mom and dad sharing all of the responsibilities.
Today's role of men in American society is more of a shared role, with a more undefined role.
1: The traditional role of men was ______.
A. the main breadwinner of the family B. the supporter of women C. the foothold in the family D. raising
the children when they were at home
2: The word "foothold" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to______.
A. achievements at work B. a hole in a rock to support your feet
C. a strong position at work achievements at work D. supporting when climbing
3: Women used to stay at home doing housework because ______.
A. men gained equal working privileges B. men brought bread home every day
C. men offered a good life to the whole family D. men went to work every day
4: At work, women take ______.
A. the job of delivering bread B. the same job as men but with less pay
C. the jobs for college graduates D. all the jobs once held by men
5: The best title of this passage would be ______.
A. Changing Roles of Men and Women in American Society B. Sharing Responsibilities with Women at
C. The Shared Role of Men Nowadays D. Role of Men in American Society

đọc dài 70
You can do a few things to make homework less stressful. First, be sure you understand the assignment
and its requirement. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to. It is much easier to take a
minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night!
Second, use any extra time you have in school to work on your homework. Many schools have libraries that are
specifically designed to allow students to study or get homework done.
Third, pace yourself. If you don't finish your homework during school, think about how much you have left and
what else is going on that day, and then plan your time. Most middle students should have between 1 and 3
hours for homework a night. If it is a heavy homework day, you will need to devote more time to homework.
No one is expected to understand everything, and may be you need some help. The first place to turn for help is
your teacher. But if you don't feel comfortable with your teacher, there may be other teachers who teach the
same subject. Speak to other teachers directly and you may be in luck. Sometimes it just helps to have someone
explain something in a different way. Moreover, you might also be able to get some help from another student.
If there is someone you like who is a good student, think about asking that person if you can study together.
1. In order to make homework less stressful, the first thing to do is _______.
A. to remember the deadline B. to understand what you have to do in your assignment
C. to know who can do it for you D. to go the school library as soon as possible
2. If you have any extra time at school, you should _______.
A. spend time with your friends B. use it to make your day planner
C. study or get your homework done D. use it to understand the assignment
3. What can the word “devote” in the third paragraph be best replaced by?
A. reduce B. spend C. develop D. waste
4. When a student needs some help, the first person to ask for help is _______.
A. the best student at school B. his teacher C. a member in his family D. his friend
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Students should ask their teacher for help when they need it. B. Students might get some help from their
C. Students can follow some advice to avoid worrying about homework. D. Students can do homework in
school libraries.
đọc dài 72
Instead of buying costly prepared meals, which often tend to be high in calories, cook your own at home. Plan
out your meals with high-fiber foods like beans and whole grains which will keep you full and are a cheaper,
healthier alternative to rich proteins and more processed grains.
Eating less leads to weight loss, and cost savings, especially if you cut down on the right things. Start by cutting
your portions of pricy meat and poultry. Double up on vegetables.
Vegetables are great for weight loss, as well as all-around health. They are low in calories and high in water and
fiber - two things that keep you feeling full. Save cash by shopping for those that are in season. Frozen
vegetables can be a great bargain, with just as much nutrition as fresh, since they are picked and frozen at their
peak ripeness.
You don’t need to shell out a monthly gym fee to get moving. Instead, find fun activities you enjoy for free. If
you’re just getting started with a regular exercise routine, try your beginning with daily walks: start slowly and
build up time and speed.
One of the most powerful resources you have for helping you lose weight is your social network. Find a friend
who is also trying to lose weight and agree to help each other stay motivated. One study found that when
friends participated in a group weight-loss programme together, they lost more weight than people who did the
same programme on their own.
1. The advantage of cooking at home is ………..
A. to choose foods that keep you full and is cheaper enjoy a variety of rich proteins and more processed
C. to plan out your costly prepared meals D. to have food that is high in calories
2. What is the best title of the passage? .
A. Make your life easier. B. Advantages of cooking. C. Simple ways to lose weight on a budget.
D. Eat less to lose weight.
3. All of the following are true about vegetables EXCEPT that ______.
A. frozen vegetables are not good for your health B. they help you lose weight effectively
C. vegetables can keep you feeling full D. you feel healthier and save money with fresh vegetables in season
4. We can infer from the article that _______.
A. a partner can make you feel more motivated in losing weight B. you should join in a social network
instead of going to a gym
C. you should find fun activities at the gym and follow them D. joining a programme you can lose more
weight than your partner
5. The phrase “shell out” is closest in meaning to:
A. peel something outB. become more interested in something
C. pay money for something D. take someone out of a shell

đọc dài 73
Dalat is one of the famous tourist cities of the country. This place has many beautiful poetic beauty spots with
friendly local people. Da Lat lies on Lam Vien plateau, in the Center Highland province of Lam Dong, 300
kilometers to the north of Ho Chi Minh City. Da Lat is a well-known city attracting all people who have been
there once.
Da Lat is known as a city of pine trees, waterfalls and flowers. Da Lat is described as a forest of flowers with
different colours and various species. Flowers can be found anywhere and in any season. We can see flowers in
Da Lat in the park, in front of the houses, in the gardens, etc. Da Lat has the widest range of orchild varieties in
the country. Da Lat has few rivers and canals but it has many spectacular waterfalls. It takes tourists several
days to visit all the waterfalls in the area. The famous Cam Ly Falls is only 3 kilometers from the town center.
The Prenn Fall is 10 kilometers in the south of Da Lat. The water pours now like a white shade. Da Lat people
are very proud of it. Besides beautiful scenery, Dalat cuisine is quite famous that visitors come here to enjoy it.
Dalat day or night have delicious food, which is rich flavor and affordable.
Dalat is not just a tourism city, it is town to slow down our mind, to escape from the bustling city life, to enjoy
every mintute together with nature.
1. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. There are many kinds of flowers in Dalat.
B. The distance between Dalat and Ho Chi Minh city is about 300 kilometers.
C. Dalat food is delicious and has reasonable prices.
D. There are two spectacular water falls in Dalat.
2. What does the word "it" in paragraph 2 refers to?
A. the fall B. the cuisine C. the food D. the scenery
3. Which of the following can replace the word "spectacular" in paragraph 2?
A. astounding B. bustling C. poetic D. breathtaking
4. How long does it takes to visit all the waterfalls in the area?
A. Some days B. A day and a nightC. Some weeks D. One day
5. What is the best title for the text?
A. Pine trees, waterfalls and flowers of Dalat B. Dalat’s food and drinks
C. Dalat - not just a tourism city D. Dalat - A beautiful destination for tourists

đọc dài 76 British teenagers sit up to 70 exams and tests before they reach their GCSEs (The General
Certificate of Secondary Education). But there are ways to ease the stress at exam time.
What a student eats and drinks in the run-up to exams can influence how clearly they think and how happy they
feel. A balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, fish and complex carbohydrates will help them
concentrate and think clearly. Too much high-fat, high-sugar and high-caffeine food and drink can make
studying harder.
Sleeping well and for long enough to feel rested, around six to eight hours for most people, will help thinking
and concentration. Students should allow half an hour or so to wind down between studying, watching TV or
using a computer and going to bed to help them get a good night's sleep. Regular exercise also helps them sleep
better. Cramming all night before an exam is usually a bad idea.
Parents should be flexible around exam time. When a child is revising all day, don't worry about household jobs
that are left undone or untidy bedrooms. If they're a bit moody they should stay calm. They can help a child to
revise by making sure they have somewhere comfortable to study.
Students should remind themselves that feeling nervous is normal. Nervousness is a typical reaction to exams.
All students will feel it. The key is to put these nerves to positive use. Being reminded of what they do know
and the time they have put into study can help them feel confident that they can reach their potential.
Câu 1. The underlined word “Cramming” in the passage probably means ___________.
A. having a nightmare B. memorising a lot of things C. reading things aloud D. sleeping for a long time
Câu 2. A comfortable place is good for students to ___________.
A. revise more effectively B. have a sound sleep C. feel positive about learning D. stop worrying about
Câu 3. Before exams, it is not unusual to ___________.
A. stay calm B. feel nervous C. eat well D. react typically
Câu 4. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. It is impossible for teenagers to ease their stress before exams. B. Eating and drinking properly can help
students study better.
C. Regular exercise and relaxation are necessary for a good sleep. D. Parents play an important role in raising
their children's exam results.
Câu 5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. How to be well-prepared for exams B. A balanced diet for examinees
C. What teenagers should do to feel rested D. Nervousness: good reaction to exams


If you think of the jobs that robots could never do, you probably put doctors and teachers at the top of the list.
However, in some cases robots already perform better than doctors at diagnosing illness. Also, some patients
might feel more comfortable sharing personal information with a machine than with a person. Could there be a
place for robots in education after all?
British education expert Anthony Seldom thinks so. He predicts by 2027 robots will do the main job of
transferring information and teachers will be like assistants. Intelligent robots will read students’ faces,
movements and maybe even brain signals. Then they will adapt the information to each student. It’s not a
popular opinion and it’s unlikely robots will ever have empathy and the ability to really connect with humans
like another human can.
Teachers all over the world are leaving because it is a difficult job and they feel overworked. Perhaps the
question is not ‘Will robots replace teachers?’ but ‘How can robots help teachers?’ Office workers can use
software to do things like organize and answer emails, arrange meetings and update calendars. Teachers waste a
lot of time doing non-teaching work, including more than 11 hours a week marking homework. If robots could
cut the time teachers spend marking homework and writing reports, teachers would have more time and energy
for the parts of the job humans do best.
Câu 1. The passage mainly discusses _______ .
A. robotics in the classroom B. the development of artificial intelligence
C. the replacement of a teacher by computers D. the work of the teacher in the future
Câu 2. Anthony Seldom, a British education expert, claims that by 2027 _______ .
A. robots will mainly help teachers transfer information B. robots will begin replacing teachers in the
C. the school curriculum will be adapted to individual learning styles D. robots will have the ability to really
connect with humans
Câu 3. According to the last paragraph, teachers _______ .
A. work harder than office workers B. waste a lot of time marking homework
C. have less help than office workers D. will only teach knowledge to students
Câu 4. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _______ .
A. doctors and teachers seem as if they can be replaced by robots or computers
B. machines sometimes can outperform doctors in disease diagnoses
C. robots will probably never have human understanding of emotions D. overwork is one of the reasons
teachers are leaving the profession
Câu 5. Which of the following sentences is true?
A. Anthony Seldom thinks teachers in the future will help robots in class.
B. Robots are always better at diagnosing illness than doctors.
C. Education experts agree robots will fully replace teachers by 2027.
D. One advantage of robot teachers is that they could empathize with students.

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