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Name :

Grade : 10

Subject : MYP Extended Mathema�cs

Unit Title : A whole range of things

Biblical Worldview : The earth belongs to God and it has been

declared by Him to be very good. In cherishing
and deligh�ng this gi� of crea�on we respond
with thankfulness, awe, and obedience. Through
Christ’s redemp�ve work we become partners
invited to take care of the crea�on.

Key Concept : Rela�onships

Related Concept : Representa�on, quan�ty, generaliza�on

Global Context : Globaliza�on and sustainability

Statement of Inquiry : How quan��es are represented can help to

establish underlying rela�onships and trends in a

Conserving lemurs

In this task, you will learn that how quan��es are represented can help to establish underlying
rela�onships and trends in a popula�on.
You have taken a gap-year working with a conserva�on group in the Andasibe–Mantadia Na�onal
Park in Madagascar which has 14 species of lemur, some of which are rare and endangered.
Apart from the famous Indri, another 13 lemur species inhabit the forests in the park, such as
woody lemur, grey bamboo lemur, diademed sifaka, brown lemur, red mouse-lemur, red-bellied
lemur, black and white ruffed lemur and even the night aye-aye lemurs.
The conserva�on project collects data each year on the lemurs to determine certain trends in the
You have been asked to collect data on the following informa�on on bamboo lemurs and make a
presenta�on for your team leader. You should consider:
• weight
• height
• gender
The raw data is given in the table on the next page.
In your presenta�on to the conserva�on group you might wish to:
• calculate measures of central tendency
• calculate measures of dispersion
• construct grouped frequency tables for the raw data
• draw a box-and-whisker plot for male heights and female heights to compare the distribu�ons
• determine if there are any outliers
• decide whether this informa�on can give rela�onships and trends in a popula�on.
Lemur tracked Weight (kg) Height (cm) Gender
1 1.52 34.2 m
2 1.31 35.1 f
3 1.91 36.1 m
4 1.55 32.5 m
5 1.47 31.8 f
6 1.56 30.9 f
7 1.69 35.0 m
8 1.30 34.6 m
9 0.98 32.0 f
10 1.17 31.6 f
11 1.26 38.0 m
12 1.68 29.8 m
13 2.85 47.5 m
14 1.14 36.4 f
15 1.56 28.4 f
16 1.47 32.9 m
17 1.65 30.9 m
18 1.36 37.5 f
19 0.94 32.8 m
20 0.85 32.8 f
21 1.23 31.8 m
22 1.58 35.0 m
23 1.45 32.4 f
24 1.16 35.8 f
25 1.57 38.9 m
26 1.05 32.8 f
27 1.85 31.8 m
28 1.54 37.5 m
29 1.03 31.5 f
30 1.50 31.0 m
31 1.90 38.9 m
32 1.02 32.8 f
33 1.84 36.2 f
34 1.65 63.8 m
35 1.54 35.9 f

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