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Paola Adriana Flores Gutierez

Oscar Martinez

English 1301-110

14 September 2023

Genre Analysis on a Health Study

The Laredo TAMIU College of Nursing and Health Sciences is home to many

healthcare-related graduate programs that strongly emphasize community engagement and

service. The community often performs clinical training and research to prepare future nursing

and health science majors. These trials and research studies use participants from different

majors at TAMIU College for various results. Thus, to find participants, in August 2023, the

community created flyers to spread the word about their mental health study. The study

displayed is about performing research and evidence-based practices on students ages 18–35

with psychological problems. Through the flyer, they could show the necessary details and create

an eye-catching aesthetic for students interested in finding effective coping strategies and

improving mental health overall. Furthermore, the community uses text in the flyer because it

can present small amounts of information without being overwhelming, it can be mass-produced

and placed around campus or handed out, and it includes a QR code that gives people an

uncomplicated way to sign up.

Firstly, the TAMIU College of Nursing and Health Sciences, also known as TAMIU

CNHS, organized their text in the flyer in a brief, easily readable way. In most cases, flyers

provide a tiny bit of information that leaves the reader wanting to know more about what's being

displayed. The title, "A Community Mental Health Project," draws people in because it is big

and eye-catching. Following the title, the flyer provides enough information for people interested
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to know what the study is about and leaves them wanting to learn more. For instance, the text

states, "The TAMIU-Community Mental Health Project is recruiting students, ages 18–35, to

participate in evidence-based interventions aimed at effective coping and improving mental

health." This quote from the TAMIU CNHS demonstrates that the study mainly involves students

aged 18–35 in their research about mental health. From this quote, people reading the flyer will

get some information that might attract them to want to learn more or even sign up. Additionally,

not only is the short text on the flyer effective, but it also has low-cost production.

Secondly, a flyer is a convenient and cost-effective way to communicate information

about the mental health study to students at TAMIU. The one-sided sheet of paper makes it easy

for people around campus to learn about the mental health study. These flyers can be easily

mass-produced and strategically placed in high-traffic areas throughout campus. The flyers'

strategic placement ensures that the study's information reaches a broad audience. They can be

placed on a bulletin board or handed out to people walking on campus, making it easy and fast to

let everyone know that the study is happening and that they can participate. This approach

ensures that information about the study is not confined to a specific audience but reaches a

diverse demographic. The low cost of production and distribution of the flyer is convenient

because it's inexpensive and quickly distributed. In addition to its affordability and overall reach,

the flyer includes a modern touch to include people of all ages. It features a QR code, a gateway

for extra information, and a quick way to sign up.

Finally, the community can take advantage of adding a QR code to the flyer to direct

people of all ages to more information and an easy way to sign up for the psychological problem

study. For instance, the text on the flyer reads, "Sign up here (QR CODE) For more information:

Angelica Michelangeli, 956.326.2454," The quoted evidence

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supports that it is easy for people to sign up for the study and look at more information that

might not have been placed on the flyer. By simply scanning the QR code, people interested will

be taken to a website that provides additional information and a form to sign up for the study.

Moreover, the provided contact information for Angelica Michelangeli, in addition to the QR

code, lets students contact someone one-on-one for more specific details they might have yet to

find on the flyer or the QR code provided. This ensures that anyone interested in participating

has several ways to get more information they might need to decide about their involvement in

the study. By using new technology and traditional distribution methods, people can see that the

TAMIU CNHS makes it easy for everyone to join, adjusting varied information and sign-up


In summary, the TAMIU College of Nursing and Health Sciences is committed to

community engagement and service through its research initiatives, such as the mental health

study. Flyers have been a valuable and well-organized tool in making information accessible and

easy to understand and encouraging community involvement. The well-organized flyer has made

it easy for students at TAMIU to learn about the mental health study and participate. The brief

text, strategic placement, low cost, and addition of a QR code made the study that is convenient

for a wide range of students. This approach reflects TAMIU CNHS's dedication to promoting

mental well-being and inclusivity within the community.

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Works Cited

Texas A&M International University, “College of Nursing and Health Sciences - Community

Mental Health Project,” August 2023.

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