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1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................- 2 -
1.1 Back ground of the study...........................................................................................- 2 -
1.2 Statement of the problem..........................................................................................- 2 -
1.3 Objectives of the study..............................................................................................- 2 -
1.3.1 General objectives...............................................................................................- 2 -
1.3.2 Specific objectives..............................................................................................- 2 -
1.4 Significance of the study............................................................................................- 3 -
1.5 Scope of the study......................................................................................................- 3 -
1.6Limitation of the study................................................................................................- 3 -
2. LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................- 3 -
2.2 Situation of sanitation in developing counties...........................................................- 3 -
2.3The situation of sanitation in Ethiopia........................................................................- 4 -
2.4 The impacts of poor sanitation on health of peoples.................................................- 4 -
2.5 Economic impacts......................................................................................................- 4 -
2.6 Access to potable water and sanitation......................................................................- 4 -
3 MATERIALS AND METHODS.....................................................................................- 5 -
3.1 Description of the study area.....................................................................................- 5 -
3.2 Study Design..............................................................................................................- 5 -
. 3.2.1 Study Population...............................................................................- 5 -
3.2.2 Methods of Data collection.................................................................................- 5 -
3.3 Sample Size and Sampling Technique.......................................................................- 5 -
3.4 Methods of data collection.........................................................................................- 6 -
3.5 Data analysis methods..............................................................................................- 6 -
4. frame work and Time budget break.................................................................................- 6 -
4.1 Time Farm Work.......................................................................................................- 6 -
4.3. Budget Plan...............................................................................................................- 7 -
REFERENCE......................................................................................................................- 8 -
APPENDIX.........................................................................................................................- 9 -


1.1 Back ground of the study

Sanitation is the hygienic disposal or recycling of waste in the environment that threats the
people’s health. It includes the basic services keeping personal hygiene, improving the
physical infrastructure of the toilet facilities, safe and adequate supply of potable water and
safe liquid waste disposal (WHO, 2005).

According to WHO sanitation is the hygiene means of preventing contact with hazards of
wastes to promote healthcare. Hazards can be physical, microbiological, biological or
chemical agents of disease (WHO, 2006).

In its broadest sense, environmental sanitation refers to measures to control or change the
physical environment in order to prevent the transmission of disease to human beings. Thus,
environmental sanitation requires intervention to improve access to encourage the sanitary
disposal of human excreta and household wastes and to change human behavior through
hygiene education (WHO, 2006).

Only 20% of the urban children and less than 13% of the total children were estimated to
have access to potable water, less than 9% of the total children use latrines in developing
countries. Few households display sufficient understanding of environmental sanitation
practices of regarding food, water and personal hygienic (Global toilet of finlands, 2006).

According to Girma Kebede sanitation rate in developing countries with the growth rate of
5% per year. On the other hand, the economic development of the countries lowers to the
rate of urbanization. Hence to cope up with the challenges and fulfillment of the
infrastructure demands of residents is very difficult (Girma kebede, 2004).

According to Elleni Zenebe in Ethiopia more than half of the population lack basic
sanitation and still use open defection system. In all the area of the country sewerage
systems is absent except in the area of central Addis Ababa. As the results most of the
domestic and industrial waste water is directly discharged in to the natural environment
without any treatments (Elleni zenebe , 2006).

1.2 Statement of the problem

In selected area ,in bahirdar town particularly 07 Kebele ,a lot of children were going to
clinic to get medicine among them majority of children were affected by gastrointestinal
disease. In this Kebele there was a bad smell around the environment. In this case most of
the Kebele people may be open infection because there is no appropriate latrine usage and
which creates unhygienic living environment in the area. These environmental conditions
have severed ill effect on the health of the residents.

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.3.1 General objectives

To assess the environmental sanitation based on the latrine usage in 07 Keble in bahir dar
town, in the year 2020 (2012)

1.3.2 Specific objectives

 To investigate the availability of latrine facilities in the study area
 To identify whether the people are using latrine or not
 To identify possible corrective measures to be undertaken in the study area
 To identify whether people have adequate and potable water supply or not

1.4 Significance of the study

The finding of the research will help the community to improve the issue of sanitation in the
study area. It will assist the concerned bodies to have more responsibilities to do about
environmental sanitation.

1.5. Scope of the study

This study discusses assessing the environmental sanitation and investigating the attitudes of
the people toward environmental sanitation in 07 2Keble. However the researcher was
focusing on some household’s latrine usage facilities and availabilities of potable water.

1.6. Limitation of the study

During the time of conducting the a research work, the researcher faced the following

 Unwillingness of the respondents to give appropriate information when the

sampled households were to give information asked, due to fear of penalty
 Inadequate availability of published documents and references books
 The sampled households were not returning the questionnaire in the
appropriate way.

2.1 The definition of sanitation

Sanitation is defined as the ‘’ safe management of the human excreta and other wastes
produced by the day to day activities of people. The definition includes both the
construction of sanitary facilities for waste management and their hygienic use. Diseases
caused by fecal –oral Transmission are among the most obvious endemic disease
throughout the developing countries and more so in Ethiopia. Thus, sanitation improvement
together with hygienic behavior can substantially reduce the transmission of diseases that
could spread through human excreta and other wastes (Kebede Faris, 2002).

2.2 Situation of sanitation in developing counties

In developing countries the sanitation coverage is very different. A small population of the
total population sanitation coverage is 10% and urban sanitation coverage is 20(%). Urban
mainly has access to sewerage system and has some type of sanitation facility. But the
majorities (60%) of people in developing countries do not have appropriate system
sanitation. (Public health protection, 2000).

Sanitation problem are aggravating with increasing population size and settlement in slum
dwellers are the most vulnerable on this condition as they suffer not only their own
uncollected waste but also that of rich people and commercial centers dumping near their
homes as well (Kwasi, 2004).

2.3The situation of sanitation in Ethiopia

The sanitation situation in Ethiopia is unacceptable more than 90% of excreta disposal is via
dry pit latrines and open fields. The vast majority of population in small and medium sized
towns defects in streams, drain, open fields, flush toilets and septic tanks. Flush toilets are
usually found in large town hotels, government offices and very high income resident house.
Liquid wastes from all urban sources are discharged and interacted in to ditches and nearby
water ways well (Girma kebede, 2004).

2.4 The impacts of poor sanitation on health of peoples

Infections of human beings spread through poor sanitation. Many diseases are transmitted
from flies to human via contaminated hands, soils, wastes, animals and insects. Human
excreta is identified to be the potential sources of some of 30 to 50 disease agents that are
very common and wide spread in most developing countries, Like Ethiopia including
cholera, typhoid, ascariasis and polio. It is reported that up to 60% of the current disease
burden in Ethiopia is attributable to poor sanitation and 15% of the total death is attributed
to diarrhea mainly among the large proportion of children under the age of five is 250,000
children each year (Manyahushal, 2005)

2.5 Economic impacts

The health impacts of in adequate sanitation leads to financial and economic cost including
direct medical cost associated with threatening sanitation related illness and lost income
through reduced productivity and the government costs of providing health services .Besides
a loss of working day due to health problem is an economic costs, which brought a
reduction of house hold income and it affect natural economy (Manyahushal Abebe, 2005).

2.6 Access to potable water and sanitation

Safe drinking water, sanitation and good hygienic conditions are essential for human
hygienic condition for human survived, health and dignity. Adequate and reliable water
supplies and sanitation services are critical for coping with every day human life. Improving
global access to clean drinking water and safe sanitation are the least expensive and most
effective means to improve public .Lack of improved water supply and sanitation services
leads to disease through two main transmission routes. These are water born disease
transmitting through the contaminated drinking water and water with disease accruing when
there is lack of sufficient quality of water for washing and personal hygienic. Lack of
improved water supply and sanitation services leads to disease through two main
transmission routes. These are water born disease transmitting through the contaminated
drinking water and water with disease accruing when their lack of sufficient quality of water
for washing and personal hygienic (UNESCO, 2009).


3.1 Description of the study area

The study will be conducted in Bahir Dar town, Amara regional state, North Western Ethiopia. It is
located at the distance of 564 km from Addis Abeba the capital city of Ethiopia. Bahir Dar located at
11 37 23’longitudes East and the latitude of 1800m above sea level. Average
temperature ranging from 28.8 to 11.3 Bahir Dar town is situated in area of tremendous
economic interest by virtue of its proximity to navigable Lake Tana, tourist attracting water fall, the
Tis Abbey, Zegie Monasteries and development project such as Tana Beles, irrigation schemes and
the city is known for its wide venues lined with palm trees and variety of colorful flowers.

3.2 Study Design

The study will be conducted at Bahir Dar town,07 Keble Bahir Dar Amara regional state, North
Western order to investigate the experiences of communities on environmental
sanitation and which would be agents of promotion on the behavioral change in relation to
sanitation and personal hygiene. In the study area method of data collection, time, etc, will
be included.

. 3.2.1 Study Population

The total population in 07 Keble is 43,000 and among those 21775are females and 21225are
males. The study will comprise the people with in the communities on environmental
sanitation based on the latrine availability and usage experts and peoples with different age
levels. From the kebele a total of around 100 respondents will be taken as a sample.

3.2.2 Methods of Data collection

Data will be collected through interviews, questionnaire and field observation. Structured
questioners will be employed together information at household level. The questionnaire
first will be prepare in English and then translate into Amharic. The Amharic version of
questionnaire will pretested on the respondents in similar communities.

3.3 Sample Size and Sampling Technique

The sample population will be selected from 07 Keble in town based on current
environmental sanitation situation and the Keble may represent the town based on location.
The sampling technique will be selected the respondents for this study will be simple
random sampling technique from the Keble, that means the respondents for this study will
be selected through randomly among the Keble. Besides the researcher will interview the
respondents from the health extension workers of the Keble and sanitation bureau of the
town there fore, 100 respondents will be selected randomly from the Keble.
3.4 Methods of data collection
The data will be collected primarily (Primary data) through interview, questionnaire and
field observation. The questionnaire will be close ended and open ended questions employed
to gather information from the respondents. The questionnaire will be prepared in English,
then will translate to the Amharic. The interview will be prepared and asked the respondents
then the researchers will record and register the answer from respondents.

3.5 Data analysis methods

The data will be analyzed and interpreted in simple technical tools such as tables, through
descriptive technique and the percentage will be applied to analyze the qualities and
quantities of data.

4. frame work and Time budget break

4.1 Time Farm Work

The research will be submitting each title accordingly to the following time frame

Table 1 time frame work

No. Activity March April May June July
1 Problem identification 

2 Literature review
3 Tools preparation
4 Proposal predation of
set and sub mission
5 Sample selection
6 Data collection
7 Data analysis
8 Writing of first draft
9 Writing final report
10 Sub mission
11 Defense
4.3. Budget Plan
Table 2 Budget breakdown

NOItems Quantity Unit cost Total cost

birr cent birr cent

1 Transportation 5x3 15 0 15 0

2 Paper 50 25 0 25 0

3 Pen 3x8 24 0 24 0

4 Computer Writing 30x10 300 0 300 0

5 Memory (flash) 32GB 350 0 350 0

6 Questioner paper writing 80x10 800 0 800 0

7 Questioner paper printing 80x1 80 0 80 0

8 Questioner paper copying 80x0.5 40 0 40 0

and binding

9 Research writing 30x10 300 0 300 0

1 Research paper printing 30x1 30 0 30 0


1 Research paper copying 30x0.5 15 0 15 0


1 Cover page and binding 1x8 8 0 8 0


1 Total 1915 0 1915 0

Ellen Zenebe, (2006). Urban liquid waste management training. Girma Kebede, (2004).
Living with health risks. The case of Ethiopia ash

Global Dry Toilet Club of Fin Land, 2006. A guide to sanitation and hygiene for those
working in developing countries. Tamer polytechnic university of applied sanitation.

Kebede Faris, (2002). Human and other liquid waste management

Kwasi, (2004). Environmental health. In the Accrametiopolitan area university of Ghana.

Available at http; // www. Research solid waste

management. Accra-Metropolitan-Area –Ghana./File/504635277398531d16.

Manyahushal Abebe, (2005). Health impacts by lack of sanitation.

Public health protection, 2000. ’’Conventional to advanced environmental sanitation


UNESCO, 2009. Global access to clean drinking water and sanitation.

World Health Organization, (2005).’’The world health reports’’.

World Health Organization, (2006). ‘’Working together for health’’


I carry out a research to assess the current environmental sanitation in 07 Kebele. This
research is only academic purpose, here by I would like to request that all question below to
the best of your knowledge where appropriate places tick or circle the answer of your choice
to show your respond. Finally, I thank in advance for devoting your time to complete this



Questionnaire for academic research

Dear respondents; this questionnaire is designed to collect data for essay that will be used to
assess community participation mechanism in environmental sanitation based on latrine
usage methods. To achieve this purpose your response is very important and essential. Thus
your response will very relevant for the investigation of the problem. Therefore, you are
kindly requested to fulfill this questionnaire. Thank you in advance for cooperation.

Part one; Back ground and Information

1, Town------------

2,, Keble----------

3, Sex; a, male [ ] b, female [ ]

4, Educational status; a, illiterate [ ] b, basic education[ ] c, degree [ ]

d ,diploma[ ]

5 , Age; a, 20-24 [ ] b, 25-30[ ] c, 31-35 [ ] d, 36 and above [ ]

6, Marital status; a, married [ ] b, single [ ] c, widow [ ] d, divorced 7,

7. Income in month; a, 500 [ ] b, 501-1000 [ ] c, 1001-1500 [ ] d, > 1500 [ ]

Part two;

INSTRUCTION; Circle the letter of your choice or fill the blank spaces for the
following questions.

1, do you have environmental sanitation situation? A, yes [ ] B, no [ ]

2, what type of latrine do you have? A, flush [ ] B, dry pit [ ] C, no latrine [ ]

3, If your response for question number 2 no latrine, where do you use?

A, in Public latrine [ ] B, bush [ ] C, street [ ]

4, how often you clean your latrine? A, twice a day [ ] B, three times in a week [ ]

C, daily [ ] D, twice a week [ ]

5, If your latrine is full, what do you do?

A, dig another latrine [ ]

B, remove waste material from the latrine [ ]

6, if your response for the question number 5 is remove waste material from the Latrine,
who remove it?

A, municipality [ ] B, neigh hour good group

C, volunteers [ ] D, local public authority [ ]

7, is there availability of potable water supply? A, yes [ ] B, no [ ]

8, what is the main source of water? A, pipe water [ ] B, river water [ ] C, both [ ]

9, how often do you get potable water supply?

A, twice a week [ ] B, daily [ ]

C, twice a month [ ] D, three times a week [ ]

10, for watering garden purpose you use water at home? A, yes [ ] B, no

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