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Blacklist on .

zla#6969 (974120206207176804)
Servers owned: & (not related to
staff or other owners of that server)
Reason: scamming, lying, racist, disrespecting pronouns,
framing, threatening

Recently, in November, a situation happened where zla purposely missed

kioshis pronouns, continuously threatened him and made fun of him. It all started
when kioshi won a giveaway but wasn't able to claim in time. Zla proceeded to
make fun of it after kioshi asked her to stop. While she was 'making fun of him'
she misused his pronouns multiple times. Kioshi strictly goes by he/they
pronouns - never had he once stated he used other pronouns and he already
had his pronoun roles which is why he was frustrated. She had immediately
assumed his pronouns. After multiple times of telling zla that she was misusing
his pronouns, she still continued to call and refer to him as 'she'. Kioshi ofc
lashed out and at this point was very frustrated. This is when she began to
threaten kioshi that if he didn't stop going on about it that she would ban him. Zla
and mei is tired (the former owner of .gg/kiro) had a strict agreement. Before mei
sold the server to zla, she agreed that she would not demote, ban or kick any of
the staff members. zla ignored that and decided to continuously threaten kioshi
that she would ban him. After the incident, she nuked the channel so that nobody
could see the problems she had caused, but a few screenshots below were
Zla was also caught lying about buying promos multiple times. In this
situation, she constantly kept lying about the nitro she said wasn’t claimed
by her. It started when daisy was bidding 10$ nitro for joins/stays, i checked
right before she sent it to .zla to check how many hours were left. Zla kept
on lying that she didn’t claim it although her screenshot says “Looks like
you already claimed this gift.” She made things more complicated by
saying “that's my friend kioshi’s alt”, even changed the name of one of her
alts to kioshi to frame the actual kioshi (id 1000429152920416286) alt id
978552131713896508. Pic below shows her screen when claimed

Here’s the conversation discussing about this situation, zla’s lies don't
make any sense.
After that, .zla sent an edited pic of the nitro again. The font and size is
CLEARLY edited. (img below)
Next, .zla is also caught editing the image to make it look like she bought it.
Zla even acted like she actually bought it as well:
The edited photo:

Iris’s pending robux:

Is lovelq even her alt?

More proofs of ppl saying they got scammed:

The suspected alt, was made A DAY AGO and joined my server that
EXACT SAME DAY and is the new owner and “friend”? After that xii dmed
me denying some of the things i put in the blacklist, but when i asked for
proof i never got a response.
Still continues to misgender THIS MOMENT.
After we had an argument in chat, .zla purges the messages (i said OMG
right after purged) to get rid of the evidence that what I was saying in the
blacklist is right.
One more thing,
discord is never
wrong about nitro

This is a Blacklist,
Do NOT Harass
The people
involved, Thank

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