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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh

The honorable of the juries

All of my friends
Let me give thank to Alloh SWT who gives us the healthy, time and also chance to meet in
the school.Today on this special occasion, I would like to speak some words on the topic-
Good Attitude of Student. Attitude is the way a person behaves and expresses themselves. It
tells us a lot about their character and inner thoughts. Good attitude is a reflection of good
character, and vice versa. Our attitude helps us make friends and surround ourselves with
positive influences. Similarly, displaying a bad attitude can alienate us from others. Our
attitude mirrors our values and beliefs, and helps people understand us better. So, we must try
our best to put up a good and positive attitude that attracts the people around us and puts them
at ease. We must also engage with people with good attitudes, and help others correct their
bad attitude.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The 21st century is filled with immense technological advancements that have made
our lives more efficient and convenient. But, at what cost have these advancements come?
We live in a world where selfishness and greed are pervasive, and people often put their own
interests ahead of the common good. This can be attributed to several factors, including an
erosion of moral values and a lack of understanding about the consequences of our actions.
We must remember that we are all connected and our actions have an impact on each other.
So, how can we reverse this trend?
We must begin by teaching people at a young age the importance of being
compassionate, respectful, and considerate of others. Additionally, we must also encourage
individuals to take responsibility for their decisions and think before they act. Finally, we
must create a culture in which people are not judged by their material possessions but instead
by their character. If we can all make these small changes, I believe that the moral crisis in
modern society can be reversed. To conclude, we must always be mindful of our attitude!
Thank you for your time.

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