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Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey

Storey Base Model
at 2 and SII2 at 2 and SII3 at 2 and SII4

Storey 12 138697 130409 118842 113996

Storey 11 189561 182002 166939 156406
Storey 10 202547 197552 186070 177976
Storey 9 204847 200971 191162 183656
Storey 8 204463 201148 193241 186653
Storey 7 204307 200490 192833 186556
Storey 6 205837 200294 191370 183904
Storey 5 210537 201003 187434 177533
Storey 4 220831 202720 179396 163980
Storey 3 243471 205250 163907 141268
Storey 2 304853 134862 52333 29090
Storey 1 644427 548392 439533 384851
Storey 0 0 0 0 0

Storey Disp
Storey 12

Storey 10

Storey 8

Storey 6

Storey 4

Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000
Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000

Base Model
Soft storey at 6 and SII4

Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey

Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey
at 10 and at 10 and at 10 and
at 2 and SII5 at 6 and SII2 at 6 and SII3 at 6 and SII4 at 6 and SII5

110632 138582 136291 133309 130825 109726 90387 79877

149399 189416 188474 187002 185148 142937 113254 97102
172074 202200 199793 198215 196459 54693 25680 16044
178445 203987 196916 192771 189557 162273 139273 127020
181640 202560 185418 174968 167785 184236 173409 169039
181915 200514 166696 146369 132996 195936 192761 193173
178328 180777 64445 34612 21968 202880 202309 203868
170486 206497 172683 153993 143680 209355 209209 210890
153974 219005 203689 196961 196352 220159 220390 222241
128029 242676 237384 237785 241862 243283 244067 246104
20124 304526 304158 308126 314063 305159 306752 309137
360494 644234 647793 656855 667240 645698 649516 653695
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Storey Displacement Soft Storey at 6

Storey 12

Storey 10

Storey 8

Storey 6

Storey 4

Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000

Stiffness (kN/m)
Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000

Stiffness (kN/m)

Base Model Soft storey at 6 and SII2 Soft storey at 6 and SII3
Soft storey at 6 and SII4 Soft storey at 6 and SII5
Soft storey Storey Displacement Soft Storey at 2
at 10 and
SII5 Storey 12

Storey 10
120625 Storey 8

206717 Storey 6
247810 Storey 4
Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000

Stiffness (kN/m)

Base Model Soft storey at 2 and SII2 Soft storey at

Soft storey at 2 and SII4 Soft storey at 2 and SII5

Storey Displacement Soft Storey at 10

Storey 12

Storey 10

Storey 8

Storey 6

Storey 4

Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000

Stiffness (kN/m)
Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000

Stiffness (kN/m)

Base Model Soft storey at 10 and SII2 Soft storey at 10 and SII3
Soft storey at 10 and SII4 Soft storey at 10 and SII5
ft Storey at 2

400000 500000 600000 700000


d SII2 Soft storey at 2 and SII3

d SII5

600000 700000
600000 700000

ey at 10 and SII3

Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey

Storey Base Model
at 2 and SII2 at 2 and SII3 at 2 and SII4

Storey 12 171613 161357 147045 141050

Storey 11 234548 225194 206556 193524
Storey 10 250615 244435 230228 220213
Storey 9 253461 248665 236528 227242
Storey 8 252986 248885 239100 230950
Storey 7 252794 248070 238596 230830
Storey 6 254687 247827 236786 227548
Storey 5 260502 248705 231916 219665
Storey 4 273238 250829 221970 202896
Storey 3 301251 253959 202805 174793
Storey 2 377201 166868 64753 35994
Storey 1 797362 678536 543842 476184
Storey 0 0 0 0 0

Storey Disp
Storey 12

Storey 10

Storey 8

Storey 6

Storey 4

Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 30
Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 30

Base Model
Soft storey at 6 and SII4

Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey

Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey
at 10 and at 10 and at 10 and
at 2 and SII5 at 6 and SII2 at 6 and SII3 at 6 and SII4 at 6 and SII5

136887 171470 168636 164946 161872 135767 111838 98833

184854 234368 233202 231381 229087 176858 140132 120147
212911 250186 247208 245255 243083 67673 31775 19852
220794 252397 243647 238519 234542 200784 172325 157165
224747 250632 229421 216491 207604 227959 214563 209155
225087 248100 206256 181105 164559 242436 238507 239016
220649 223678 79739 42826 27181 251027 250321 252250
210946 255503 213664 190538 177778 259039 258858 260939
190515 270979 252029 243704 242950 272407 272693 274983
158412 300267 293720 294216 299261 301019 301989 304510
24899 376796 376340 381251 388596 377580 379550 382501
446047 797123 801526 812740 825590 798935 803659 808830
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Storey Displacement Soft Storey at 6

Storey 12

Storey 10

Storey 8

Storey 6

Storey 4

Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000

Stiffness (kN/m)
Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000

Stiffness (kN/m)

Base Model Soft storey at 6 and SII2 Soft storey at 6 and SII3
Soft storey at 6 and SII4 Soft storey at 6 and SII5
Soft storey Storey Displacement Soft Storey at 2
at 10 and
SII5 Storey 12

Storey 10
149251 Storey 8

255776 Storey 6
306620 Storey 4
Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000

Stiffness (kN/m)

Base Model Soft storey at 2 and SII2 Soft storey at

Soft storey at 2 and SII4 Soft storey at 2 and SII5

Storey Displacement Soft Storey at 10

Storey 12

Storey 10

Storey 8

Storey 6

Storey 4

Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000

Stiffness (kN/m)
Storey 2

Storey 0
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000

Stiffness (kN/m)

Base Model Soft storey at 10 and SII2 Soft storey at 10 and SII3
Soft storey at 10 and SII4 Soft storey at 10 and SII5
ft Storey at 2

500000 600000 700000 800000 900000


d SII2 Soft storey at 2 and SII3

d SII5

00000 800000 900000

00000 800000 900000

ey at 10 and SII3
Soft storey at 2 Soft storey at 2
Storey Default model
and SII2 and SII3

Storey12 138697.043 130408.676 118841.892

Storey11 189561.124 182001.521 166938.539
Storey10 202546.564 197552.421 186069.87
Storey9 204846.752 200971.111 191161.957
Storey8 204462.785 201148.239 193240.696
Storey7 204307.46 200489.711 192833.03
Storey6 205837.41 200293.851 191370.212
Storey5 210537.215 201002.651 187433.944
Storey4 220830.806 202719.795 179395.625
Storey3 243470.662 205249.651 163906.656
Storey2 304853.067 134862.179 52333.085
Storey1 644426.837 548392.197 439532.729
Base 0 0 0

Soft storey Soft storey at Soft storey Soft storey at 6 Soft storey at 6 Soft storey at 6
at 2 and SII4 2 and SII5 at 6 and SII2 and SII3 and SII4 and SII5

113996.391 110632.224 138581.756 136291.322 133309.402 130825.062

156406.011 149398.61 189415.589 188473.658 187001.875 185148.19
177976.077 172074.201 202200.291 199793.008 198214.546 196459.49
183656.475 178445.394 203987.169 196915.484 192770.989 189556.753
186653.164 181639.84 202560.098 185417.745 174968.015 167784.956
186556.19 181915.242 200513.723 166695.618 146368.914 132996.132
183903.887 178328.113 180776.57 64445.094 34611.726 21967.687
177533.224 170486.263 206497.356 172682.591 153992.852 143679.617
163980.421 153973.966 219004.916 203689.371 196961.081 196352.151
141267.546 128028.655 242675.641 237383.727 237785.015 241862.251
29090.125 20123.599 304526.097 304157.735 308126.277 314063.134
384851.22 360494.245 644233.982 647792.569 656855.408 667240.446
0 0 0 0 0 0
Soft storey Soft storey Soft storey
Soft storey at 10
at 10 and at 10 and at 10 and
and SII2

109726.465 90387.276 79876.539 73072.541

142936.578 113254.484 97102.367 86395.027
54693.184 25680.334 16043.999 11292.996
162273.067 139273.182 127020.347 120624.59
184236.476 173409.217 169038.766 169677.968
195936.263 192761.421 193172.742 196416.138
202879.676 202308.897 203868.085 206717.452
209355.356 209208.701 210890.355 213116.944
220158.711 220390.407 222240.963 224125.531
243283.372 244067.221 246104.37 247809.503
305159.379 306751.878 309136.865 310918.104
645698.238 649516.281 653695.303 656643.161
0 0 0 0

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