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Philippine Christian University – Manila Campus

1648 Taft Ave. cor. Pedro Gil St. Malate, Manila

One of the best Christian University in the Philippines

(Term Paper)

Longinos, Jedah Mae

BSA – 2A

Prof: Lorah Grace B. Singson

What is Freedom?

Philosophers, sociologists, and legal professionals extensively argue and debate what
constitutes the idea of freedom. It has been described as one of a person's fundamental
rights; i nevertheless, it can be limited for many different reasons or objectives. Freedom
cannot be obtained without properly taking responsibility for one's own conduct, and
some limitations are unavoidable. Overall, this is a significant concern for individuals,
communities, and states. The way individuals understand the concept of freedom
influences criminal legislation, international relations, and the principles of morality. ii

Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance
or restraint. It encompasses a range of ideas and can be applied to different aspects of
human life, such as political freedom, iii personal freedom, iv social freedom, v and etc.
Freedom is extremely important in all aspects of one's personal and social well-being.
“Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.” 1 Individuals are free to express their
autonomy and make decisions that reflect their principles and wants. Furthermore,
societies that value individual and communal freedoms are characterized by greater
stability than those that are more likely to engage in conflict. Also, freedom has an
inherent connection to the rule of law. When legal systems defend and uphold rights and
freedoms, it develops faith in governments and a perception of fairness in society.
Freedom is important because it allows us to be ourselves and to work together while
maintaining autonomy. “For everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the
individual who can labor in freedom.” 2 Freedom manifests in various aspects of human
life, like, for example, the freedom of speech, in which individuals have the right to express
opinions, ideas, and criticisms. However, although individuals have freedom of
expression, they also have a duty to behave responsibly and to respect other people’s
rights. An authority may be allowed to restrict your freedom of expression if, for example,
you express views that encourage racial or religious hatred. “For to be free is not merely
to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of
others.” 3 Freedom is not a license to do something at the expense of others. To be free
means to have the ability to live according to moral standards-to produce some good and
to attain some virtue.

1 (“Kahlil Gibran Quotes”)

2 (“Albert Einstein Quotes”)

3(“In The Words of Nelson Mandela, ‘To Be Free Is Not Merely to Cast off One’s Chains’ | Social Impact Field
In essence, freedom is more than simply a theoretical concept; it has a significant and
beneficial impact on the quality of life, society’s improvement, and one's personal well-
being. It is crucial to support democracy, respect for human rights, economic
development, and the restoration of social harmony. However, any limitations or
restrictions on freedom must be learned and understood. It is essential that we maintain
a balance between freedom and responsibility in order to make sure that the exercise of
one person's freedom does not negatively impact the rights or well-being of other
individuals or society as a whole. Liberty is not the power to do what we like, but the right
to be able to do what we ought.

iEvery person shall have the right to liberty. No one shall be deprived of his or her liberty except on such
grounds and in accordance with such procedures as are established by law.

iiA long-standing position in philosophy, law, and theology is that a person can be held morally responsible
for an action only if they had the freedom to choose and to act otherwise. Thus, many philosophers consider
freedom to be a necessary condition for moral responsibility.

This refers to the ability of individuals and groups to participate in the political process, express their

views, and have a say in the governance of their society. It often includes the right to vote, freedom of speech,
and the absence of oppressive political regimes. This refers to the ability of individuals and groups to
participate in the political process, express their views, and have a say in the governance of their society.

Personal freedom concerns an individual's autonomy and the ability to make choices about one's own life

without interference from external sources. This includes the freedom to practice one's religion, choose
one's occupation, and engage in activities that do not harm others.

vSocial freedom is the freedom to associate with others, form relationships, and engage in social activities
without discrimination or prejudice based on factors like race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Article 10: Freedom of Expression | Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Ballor, Jordan J. “Lord Acton on Catholic and Modern Views of Liberty.” Religion & Liberty
Online, 17 July 2013,

“Freedom.” Wikipedia, 13 Oct. 2023,,constrained

Kmenshikova. “Why Freedom Matters.” Learn Liberty, 18 Feb. 2023,

“What Is Freedom? | Issue 143 | Philosophy Now.” Philosophy Now,

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