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Navn: Elisabeth Tanja Uweis Fag: Engelsk

Skole: HC.Ørsted Gymnasium Dato: 22/2/2023

Eksamensnummer: side 1 af 6

Assignment 1

Omskriv nedenstående tekst fra præteritum (datid) til præsens (nutid). Marker verballeddene
i din besvarelse.
Eksempel: I knew how many cigarettes…
I know how many cigarettes…

I knew how many cigarettes I smoked each day, and I knew how little I ran except when
chasing a soccer ball now and then if a game came up, and I knew that there was little chance
of catching it and […] it angered me to know that a dog might outdo me, and so I resolved
that it would not. We ran. It surged ahead. I followed along the narrows of central Lima,
beneath her ragged and decaying balconies, past her boarded buildings, her cloistered
doorways, her shadows. I wanted the mutt dead. I ran with cruelty in my chest, like a drug
pushing me faster, and then my leg buckled and I sputtered to a stop. I was blocks away from
the plaza, in the grassy median of a broad, silent avenue lined with anemic palm trees, dizzy,
lungs gasping for air.

”lima, peru, july 28, 1979” by Daniel Alarcón , from War by Candlelight, Harper Perennial,
2006, pp.78-79

Din tekst

I know how many cigarettes I smoke each day, and I know how little I run except when chasing a
soccer ball now and then if a game come up, and I know that there are little chance of catching it
and […] it angers me to know that a dog may outdo me, and so I resolve that it would not. We
run. It surges ahead. I follow along the narrows of central Lima, beneath her ragged and
decaying balconies, past her boarded buildings, her cloistered doorways, her shadows. I want the
mutt dead. I run with cruelty in my chest, like a drug pushing me faster, and then my leg buckles
and I sputter to a stop. I am blocks away from the plaza, in the grassy median of a broad, silent
avenue line with anemic palm trees, dizzy, lungs gasping for air.

”lima, peru, july 28, 1979” by Daniel Alarcón , from War by Candlelight, Harper Perennial, 2006,
Navn: Elisabeth Tanja Uweis Fag: Engelsk
Skole: HC.Ørsted Gymnasium Dato: 22/2/2023
Eksamensnummer: side 2 af 6

Assignment 2

Find i lydklippet fra podcasten to substantiver (navneord), to verber (udsagnsord), to

adjektiver (tillægsord), to adverbier (biord), to pronomener (stedord) og to præpositioner

Angiv ordene i tabellen nedenfor.

Bemærk, at du skal afspille klippet under Assignment 2 i opgaven.

Ordklasse 1. ord 2. ord

Substantiv Podcast Envelope

Verbum Left Started

Adjektiv Several Unknown

Adverbium Quickly Originally

Pronomen They That

Præposition Into On
Navn: Elisabeth Tanja Uweis Fag: Engelsk
Skole: HC.Ørsted Gymnasium Dato: 22/2/2023
Eksamensnummer: side 3 af 6

Assignment 3

Omskriv sætningerne til enten et spørgsmål eller en nægtelse.

Eksempel: Facial recognition is now rampant. (spørgsmål)

Svar: Is facial recognition now rampant?
Eksempel: But we can take a good guess. (nægtelse)
Svar: But we cannot take a good guess.

1. The implications for our freedom are chilling. (nægtelse)

2. A British company called Facewatch has been using its facial recognition. (spørgsmål)
3. It makes us vulnerable to tyrants. (nægtelse)
4. This violates a core tenet of living in a liberal democracy. (spørgsmål)

Uddrag fra: ”Facial recognition is now rampant. The implications for our freedom are chilling”

Din tekst

1. The implications for our freedom are chilling. (nægtelse)

- The implications for our freedom are not chilling.

2. A British company called Facewatch has been using its facial recognition. (spørgsmål)
- Has the British company, called facewatch, used its facial recognition?

3. It makes us vulnerable to tyrants. (nægtelse)

- It does not make us vulnerable to tyrants.

4. This violates a core tenet of living in a liberal democracy. (spørgsmål)

- Does this violate a core tenet of living in a liberal democracy?
Navn: Elisabeth Tanja Uweis Fag: Engelsk
Skole: HC.Ørsted Gymnasium Dato: 22/2/2023
Eksamensnummer: side 4 af 6

Assignment 4

Skriv en sammenhængende tekst om billedet på 75 til 125 ord.

Skriv din tekst i nutid og anvend tre forskellige relative pronomener (henførende stedord).
Du skal markere dine tre relative pronomener i din tekst. (who, which, that, whom og whose.)

Din tekst

Some people who live in a poor cultural society need to take care of their own lives and
be independent, but it's also important to be part of a community so we can help each
other. Not all people are part of a unity, but in some regions of Africa, for example, there
is a strong community where everyone stands together. One of the things they are good
at when cooperating, is killing wild animals, primarily for bushmeat. In some parts of
Africa, they tend to kill gorillas, that is mainly because they carry more meat on them, so
they can also sell the meat for a significant sum of money to make a living, which is why
they band together to maximize profits and build a strong society, because of their
Navn: Elisabeth Tanja Uweis Fag: Engelsk
Skole: HC.Ørsted Gymnasium Dato: 22/2/2023
Eksamensnummer: side 5 af 6

Facial Recognition
Facial recognition technology is becoming increasingly prevalent, with camera equipment frequently scanning
faces in public spaces. This presents a significant concern about the balance between the benefits of this
technology and the potential violation of our privacy rights. It's facing a complex issue that requires careful
consideration and needs to get more regulated. Throughout the years, facial recognition technology has
become more widespread and has become easier to use, after all, it has given society an easier way to access
our smartphones, just by using the front-facing cameras, likewise allowing security systems, to track people,
mostly criminals, as well as using facial recognition in the airports. Facial recognition technology has
numerous benefits for society, but does it have consequences for the community, are there any risks in using
this type of technology, or are there only useful things about using this type of recognition?

Facial recognition technology has become increasingly prevalent in various areas and has a significant positive
impact on the media industry, by using systems to recognize various people on the internet. Facial recognition
is now already part of everyday life, people have been using this technology nonstop, making it a useful tool
that everyone now has access to. But is facial recognition a helpful function, in social media platforms?
Facebook is one of the biggest media, which uses software that automatically tags people on their posts. The
software that Facebook use, does not always tag people automatically, In the video, “Facial recognition is
almost perfectly accurate – here’s why that could be a problem, (0:6 - 0:11s)”1 explain how you will be asked
on Facebook if you want to tag yourself, that simply because Facebook want to clarify that you are the person
on the post. In some sense, facial recognition technology can be extremely beneficial, overall, facial
recognition on media platforms can increase attention on social media posts, just by making them more
noticeable and discoverable by simply giving a wider audience through auto-tag.

Facial recognition technology is now more manageable and has become a huge topic in the field of biometrics,
regardless of this kind of technology, it has been around for decades and is now widely used as a security
system installed on CCTV cameras in airports, shopping malls, and other areas. Government agencies also use
this type of technology for the identification of civilians, primarily for identifying suspects in criminal
investigations. This can be a great method of Its examination as it helps gather evidence because it gives a
better idea of where people are. This is similarly shown in US airports, by using this facial recognition
Video: Facial recognition is almost perfectly accurate – here’s why that could be a problem
Navn: Elisabeth Tanja Uweis Fag: Engelsk
Skole: HC.Ørsted Gymnasium Dato: 22/2/2023
Eksamensnummer: side 6 af 6

technology, identifying non-locals and directing passengers to specific routes which helps reduce the need for
airport staff and saves time. Besides that, the government in China also uses facial recognition, an example
“China uses facial recognition technology to monitor and control its people” (l.14-15)2 they use this type of
technology to assemble information about citizens and to get better control of the community. Therefore, facial
recognition can be a great source of security and helps identify the location of people the government is
looking for.

Facial recognition technology can be a great tool to use, but it certainly has some complex issues that can’t be
regulated, which means the accuracy can't be 100 %, because of how the technology mistakes some people,
primarily dark-skinned women. “It does not work as well - on people with darker skins, women and children –
well over half the population – who are at risk of being misidentified and having to prove their innocence”
(l.34-36)3 This is a problematic issue, that can result that many innocent people can get false accusations, and
that way provides the security of individual rights. This would also raise concerns regarding privacy since
people are being supervised by companies, without them knowing. “4Our faces were being scanned secretly by
private companies” (l.1-2) This can affect the community, it makes them feel that they do not have any
privacy and makes them feel anxious because of how this type of technology somehow can misuse the
personal information of people, that can set many people at risk.
Above all, it may not be the biggest issue, but is somehow spoken a lot about, and not many people are
supporting the way this type of technology is used, scanning people's faces, without consent, is not the best
way of using facial recognition, as it may cause people to feel anxious when they experience this, but facial
recognition, still has its benefits and is used for various purposes, and now has maximized its use, because of
how people are perceiving this type of technology It’s gotten access to a wider range of things, like using facial
recognition on smartphones and CCTV cameras, and now it’s still a technology that people are working on.

Article:” Facial recognition is now rampant. The implications for our freedom are chilling.”
Article: “Facial recognition is now rampant. The implications for our freedom are chilling.”
Article: “Facial recognition is now rampant. The implications for our freedom are chilling.”

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