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I have a lot of areas in life that I need and don’t have self-discipline.

You, yourself have to willingly

discipline yourself if you want to reach something or stop the bad habits that will ruin your chance at
reaching for something in life. Of course, there are ways for me to be disciplined in these things. An
example is my mother’s rebuke in a positive way. It helps me since it’s natural for parents to do that
when it’s bad for their children.

An example of where I mostly need discipline is when in a situation where I was having a conversation
and have to say something about a certain topic, I think about it in my mind and then say it, but I
sometimes just don't think and speak impulsively without realizing it. I did not look at his or her
perspective or think that if I am him or her and if she or he were to say this will I get hurt or not.
Another one is me staying up late. Staying up late just to enjoy a lot of my time even if I am very tired
that I want to sleep but then again I wanted to stay up late even if there are plenty of time tomorrow.
I realized that I can avoid this if I have someone, like a friend, to tell me to sleep. Of course, I do have
my mother to evaluate me but I sometimes do not listen to her because I was so focused on having
fun to the point that I neglect my health. One of the most helpful ways is to have someone to help me
have self-discipline. I have to admit that sometimes my stubbornness helps in these situations
because then my mom will be very persuasive and give me punishment for not heeding her word. A
way to be disciplined is to have someone, someone that will evaluate and point out the wrong things
you've done in your whole life. And I'm sure you're not a burden to them because they let you open
up to them and that they believe in you to the point that if they do this you will turn into an
undaunting person. And if you do not have someone for them to do this for you I'm sure there are.
Even if they are people who you met at some point in life or who you just encountered, even if you
were strangers from the start, you still engaged in a conversation about a certain part of your life and
I'm sure they believe in you that you can do it.

I realized how important discipline is. In the past two weeks that I have experienced the best way to
be disciplined, for me, is to observe what will happen if I just let something happen for who knows
who, the worst or the best without discipline and with no certainty or guarantee that It will be for the
best. Reflecting on myself helps me realize a lot of things and recall something when I am not
disciplined. It helps me realize one by one the disadvantage I get. It helps me realize that I lost a part
of me, the passionate part of me. I began to doubt myself even though I haven't tried it myself. The
effort. The effort to not stay up late; The effort to do my best at class; The effort to listen to my mom.
I became desultory without discipline. I didn't know what real effort means now, more like I forgot.
But it came to me as I reflect that passion burns in my heart that I just need to fuel it and that effort
means pouring myself and my heart into fulfilling a purpose. And what keeps my passion and effort to
keep burning is to not doubt myself. The past two weeks made me recall what a certain someone said
that I don't have to do it alone and that I do it together. And that if I don't believe in myself, I just
have to believe in others that believe in me.

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