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Learning engagement 1

They’re connected to:

- Colors
- Camera angles
- Contrasts
Learning engagement 2

Global issue: Determinism and its impact on perception of life

“Coraline” is a movie about little girl who moves to a new house with her
parents and eventually gets into another world created by the witch Beldam,
where everything seems perfect and her family treats her with care and
attention, in order to trap the heroine and eat her. Consequently, the idea of
destiny being already determined and how it impacts the perception of life can
be demonstrated throughout the movie as a result of the Coraline’s journey
across both worlds and witnessing various events.

- Coraline is unsatisfied with her life and parents and desires to come back
to the Other World, thinking this is what her real destiny is

- The real world is dull and joyless unlike the Other World, the screenshot
places the family in the center as the core where problematic
relationships come from

- Coraline becomes more convinced in own principles as the Other Parents

appeal to them in the form of her favorite things and their attitude

- The screenshot’s cake is vivid and pretty and appears to be looked at

from Coraline’s perspective (high angle shot) which focuses on the main
message of the Other World being her true and destined home
- Coraline realizes the purpose of creating the Other World which drives
her instincts to take the fate in her own hands and change it by escaping

- The buttons are also looked at from Coraline’s perspective (high angle
shot) and represent the real goal of placing the heroine inside of the
Other World, in opposite of what she wanted it to be

- Coraline chooses her own fate of coming back to the real world and live
with her parents in there, standing up against the Beldam’s old morale

- Coraline doesn’t sit comfortably and looks at Beldam eating (looks bigger
in perspective than the girl), with anger and despisal as the opposition to
her way of thinking and not lingering in the Other World

- Conclusion: the extracts demonstrate the alteration of Coraline’s way of

perceiving life from believing in her destined place in the Other World to
rejecting this idea altogether and determining on her own how she
genuinely wants to live by escaping to the real world

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