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SAES low in reading comprehension

It is crucial to learn how to read at an early age. This is a concern that the Department of Education is trying to
look into for the past years. It can never be assumed that just because a learner has passing grade equates that
all children in that batch can already read and comprehend. This can never be true and we should not deceive
ourselves in believing otherwise, so as to avoid bringing more barely literate people who will soon drop out of
school and become part of a sector that could hardly be employed.

In the case of pre-test reading result of San Agustin Elementary School, it is noted there are a many who were
left behind in their reading skills. There are few intermediate learners who are still in the word level while the
rest may be in the paragraph and story level but lacks comprehension. Same situation goes to the lower grades
where many struggles in reading and comprehension.

There may be some factors that causes why the reading level of the learners is low.

Blame the pandemic? I don’t think so because classes never stopped even during the peak of it.

We cannot totally put the blame to social media and the internet since most of the content we find in the world
wide web requires a lot of reading comprehension -- whether it is reading a comment, tweet, or an article online.

Lapses could also be present in the education system. While reading is heavily promoted in schools, there is a
possibility that the practice of comprehending what one is reading is not being totally promoted. Instead,
learners memorize what is in the textbooks instead of understanding it or just simply read the words without
looking further the connections and meanings of the words in the sentence or selection.

Also, at home, reading may not be an activity that is actively encouraged by parents. Instead they allow their
kids to play outside, watch television, or play mobile games.

The school has already released its statement on how it will promote reading. Measures like intensifying the
reading remediations in classes is now going on. The next move lies on the parents to encourage their children
to read their books at home. Books may also be in digital form so as to boost their interest in reading. If we
want to improve reading comprehension among the leaners, we must not loose our grip to the remedies we
intend to apply to them.

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