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Cutting class in high school has many drawbacks. Students in high school need to realize that a good education is very
important for many different aspects of their lives. A high school education has a very high impact on a student's future.
First of all, high school students need to realize that attending class is very important for a good education. When students
decide not to attend class, they are very much jeopardizing.
Lack of Knowledge for Response , one reason students will not speak is that they have nothing of value to
contribute. This may occur due to a failure to complete the homework assignment, finding the textbook difficult to read, or
having no context to relate the material to their own experience. Alternatively, students may not understand the question
as it was asked or may not have clear understanding of the task given to the group.

Lack of Interest , a student who simply just isn’t interested in the material is unlikely to contribute to a class
discussion or engage enthusiastically in a small group discussion. This is difficult to understand at times as most concepts
being taught by faculty members are very exciting to the faculty member. That said, it may well be the student does not
yet know enough about the material to experience that same level of intrigue.

Surveyed 300 undergraduates and indicated that students who frequently cut class felt that education was of
little importance to their future careers, had a need to socialize, had less interest in school organizations, and were likely to
consume alcohol, marihuana, and other drugs.

The reasons that students have for skipping school are hard to determine because of the many different
problems and obstacles that we as teen-agers face. Teen-agers are troubled every day of their lives by drugs, family and
peer pressures. School seems to us, therefore, less important than survival. One step to take in stopping students from
skipping school would be to limit class time for studying the curriculum and to place more emphasis on issues that are
experienced by the students. More importantly, school should be pleasant and comfortable for everyone

You don't gain anything out of cutting class but a momentary sense of freedom - you have to pay for it later, so it's
not really worth doing.So, attending classes will widen your horizon. All in all, I feel students need to understand that
attending class in high school is very important for a good education. A student's time in high school not only affects
themselves in the present, but also their families. But most important, a high school education has a very high impact on a
student's future.

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