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EXAM 1 Maternity Questions.

1. Maternity Nursing process: ADPIE

A. Assessment: Vitals signs
B. Diagnostic
C. Planning
D. Intervention
E. Evaluation
Look for an example in my V-Sim
2. What does or doesn’t support the goal of maternal health care.
The primary objective of prenatal care is to promote the overall health of mother and
baby and to identify, prevent, and/or manage complications or problems as they
arise. Internet answer.
A) Advocates protecting the rights of the mother and fetus
B) Teaches family members interventions to improve health
C) Adheres to principles that focus on the needs of the mother
D) Encourages maternal hospitalization to regain strength and stamina
E) Assesses family members for strengths and specific needs or challenges

3. A question about Down Syndrome; What will be a nursing Diagnosis.

Interrupted family process.
4. 28-day cycle figure it out the ovulation.
First, I need to add 14 today. Example January 23 plus 14 days. Feb 6
August 10 plus 14; Ovulation 24. QUESTION 20

5. Someone prenatal breastfeeding Guidance what is normal? What can be done.

6. Pregnant woman what is normal? Baby move? QUESTION 43 ANSWER
Baby should be move between weeks 16 to 20 first time mom.
Second trimester 13 to 27
Third trimester 27 to 40 weeks

7. What are the hormones normal produce by the placenta?

Chorionic gonadotropin (CG)—
Human placental lactogen.
Estrogen (estriol)
Progesterone (progestin)—
8. First trimester pregnancy faint/dizzied. Take Blood pressure?
Have the patient turn to the left side and recheck the B/P in 5 minutes. QUESTION 25

9. First and second trimester nasal congestion nosebleed what is causing it?
Estrogen causes increased blood supply to the mucous membranes and can result in
congestion and nosebleeds. QUESTION 16

10. Vascular blood volume 40-60 % in pregnant women why increasing?

Provide adequate perfusion of the placenta. QUESTION

11. G questions. Term 2 examples QUESTION 52

GPTAL. Example G4. P=2 TPAL T=2 P=0 A=1 L=2

G, gravida; T, term births; P, preterm births; A, abortions; L, living children

• G—the current pregnancy to be included in count
• T—the number of term gestations delivering between 38 and 42 weeks
• P—the number of preterm pregnancies ending >20 weeks or viability but before
completion of 37 weeks
• A—the number of pregnancies ending before 20 weeks or viability
• L—the number of children currently living

12. Naigales rules

9 months and 7 days.
The other way is three months backward, 1 year and 1 week forward

13. What advising to a pregnant woman that have nausea and vomiting. Why is that
happened? It may be due to changes in hormones (hCG). QUESTION 13 ALSO QUESTION
27 ANSWER could be delay breakfast until midmorning. Keep crackers. Dry toast.

14. Chadwick sign:

bluish-purple coloration of the vaginal mucosa and cervix
The goal of preconception care is to identify and modify biomedical, behavioral, and
social risks to a woman’s health or pregnancy outcome through prevention and
management interventions. PROBABLE. PAGE 352 BOOK
15. First trimester, feeling ambivalence pregnancy. QUESTION 42
Means a conflict of feeling. For example: I want to become pregnant, but I am scared
about being a mother.

16. Different Culture only female, not to touch them.

Limit torching to a minimum, as this may not be acceptable in her culture.
17. According to CDC which are safe pregnancy women. PAGE BOOK 415
Hep A, Covid 19
NOT recommended varicella and MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
18. Yeast infection Candidiasis What causes? Question 56
Instructions wipe from to back
Use pads rather than tampons
No tight clothing
No Douching
No Bath tubs
Eat a daily serving of yogurt.
19. Why dries a newborn?
Reduce heat loss from evaporation.

20. First period of reaction? How long it last? PAGE 593 QUESTION 46
Breastfeeding mom. Bounding I think it last 30 min to 2 hours
The nurse knows that breastfeeding is effective during the first 30 minutes after birth
because this is the First period of reactivity.

21. Fetal circulation? SLIDE 51. Shunting? VIDEO RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS. Question 34
The students nurse learns that in fetal circulation, the pressure is greatest in the RA
(Right Atrium) and cardiovascular changes that cause the foramen ovale to close at
birth are a direct result (Left Atrium).
Right atrium, increased pressure in the left atrium.

22. Reflexes: question 50

Moro Reflex

Infant feels as though it is falling: abduction of arms, adduction of arms, crying

Sudden jarring causes extension and abduction of the extremities and fanning of the fingers
Index & thumb form C-shape. *disappears after 3-4 mo.

Rooting Reflex

Rub finger on baby's cheek: turn towards whatever is there, finger or breast

Babinski Reflex

Infants flare up with Babinski -- NORMAL, opposite of adult Stroking outer sole of foot upward
causes toes to hyperextend and fan. Great toe dorsiflexes.
Disappears after 1 year

Stepping Reflex

Take little steps when you hold them up Disappears bx 4 & 8 weeks of age

Tonic neck
When head is turned to side, arm & leg extend on that side Opposite arm & leg flex
*Disappears after 3-4 mo.

Grasp reflex

Touching palms of hands or soles of feet causes flexion of hands and toes
Palmar grasp disappears after 3 mo. Planter grasp lessened by 8 mo.

23. Macula/ newborn Popular rash:

Erythema toxicum. A maculopapular rash with a red base and a small white papule
in the center is

24. What to do breastfeeding? Weight gain and bread feeding affectioning?

To know that a baby is getting enough milk, the baby should be using between 6 to 8
diapers a day.

25. Post-partum, what and how breastfeeding it is affected.

26. Mother called clot up while breastfeeding (clot up) page 526 question 49

Instruct and assist the mother to massage her breasts.

Breastfeed frequently and for adequate lengths of time.

27. Newborn abdomen question 45

On inspecting a newborns abdomen, which finding would you note as abnormal?
Clear drainage at the base of the umbilical cord. Clear drainage at the base of the
umbilical cord suggests the child may have a patent urachus or fistula to the

28. Breast out block duck page 212 breast are block milk stay. Mastitis question 51

A breastfeeding mother who was discharged yesterday calls to ask about a tender,
hard area on her right breast. The nurse’s first response should be: Try massaging
the area and apply heat: it is probably a plugged duct.

29. Meconium Family member concern? Page 577 Question 2

During a home visit, a new mother is concerned that, after three thick black tar like
meconium stools, then bright green stool. Newborns stools, typically pass through a
pattern of meconium, green transitional and yellow.

30. Weight loss what is normal? 5-10%

The weight loss is a normal finding, since newborns lose 5% to 10% of their birth
weight in the first few days after birth.
31. advantages of breastfeeding. Question 30

Breast milk contains antibodies and thus decreases the possibility of gastrointestinal
illnesses lowers your baby’s risk of having asthma or allergies.

32. Vitamin K question 15

A mother asks the nurse why her newborn is getting a vitamin K injection in the
birth room. The nurse explains that the injection is the law in NYS because:
Vitamin K is needed for coagulation, and the newborn does not produce Vitamin K,
in the few days following birth in 24hrs.

33. Diseases by amniocentesis? What is detected? What is not?

Amniocentesis can detect : Question 44
Neural Tube Defects, Rh incompatibility, and fetal lung maturity
Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs diseases and Sickle cell diseases.

34. Amniocentesis. What is concern after we perform. What the book said about: what is the
weaking mother during pregnancy?
Question 21
Precaution the nurse should take with a pregnant woman following an amniocentesis?
Assess fetal heart rate possible uterine contractions.
Preterm labor
The puncture site for bleeding or drainage.

35. question Weight gain during pregnancy know the phases) question 24
A woman with an average weight should gain: 25-35 pounds
Underweight woman should gain: 28 to 40 pounds
Overweight woman should gain: 15 to 25 pounds

36. PICA substance what to tell mom Question 38

Suggest she have a hemoglobin assessment done because of the association between
pica and iron-deficiency anemia.
37. Sex link recessive disorders what to expect as a child? Chapter 10 chapter 40
There is a 50% chance her male children will inherit the disease.

38. Genetic testing? Genetic abnormalities? What to say if the patient is doing generic testing?
What to expect if you find allele abnormal?
39. First trimester what works with nausea and vomiting? Question 27

Delay breakfast until midmorning

Keep crackers. Dry toast

40. Vegetarian Diet supplement? B12 vitamins question 18

Anticipate needing a vitamin B12 supplement during pregnancy.

41. Exercises for people Tailor sitting why is important Kegel. Exercises? Question 31 and
look at a video or other document. Tailor question 29
TAILOR SITTING; stretches perineal muscles. Supple perineal muscles allow the
opening to the vagina to expand for childbirth without tearing. Tailor sitting is an
exercise that helps accomplish this.

KEGEL exercise: How to do Kegel Exercises

 Make sure your bladder is empty, then sit or lie down.
 Tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Hold tight and count 3 to 5 seconds.
 Relax the muscles and count 3 to 5 seconds.
 Repeat 10 times, 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and night).

42. Effegle massage question 17

Lightly tracing a pattern on her abdomen with her fingertips

43. Different vitamins folic acid help? NEURAL TUBE DEFFECT NTD question 37
Daily intake of folic acid during pregnancy can minimize the chance of which health
problem in infants? NTD also spina bifida and anencephalic.

MYELOMENINGOCELE is an NTD in which the bones of the spine do not completely

form. This results in an incomplete spinal canal. The spinal cord and meninges protrude
from the child's back. This condition may affect as many as 1 out of every 4,000 infants.

44. Measure uterus size. Weeks no big enough or to big what to tell the mother Question 1 a
The body of the uterus is between the xiphoid level, just where it should be at this
time. This is normal.

45. Change of breast? What happen? Why? Question 4

Breast tenderness, pigmented areola, erected nipples. Bigger breast
Nipples and areolae become more pigmented. Currently no one knows definitely why
this adaptation occurs.
46. Mark what is means? Strange mark question 54 STRIAE GRAVIDARUM
Stretch marks on the abdomen and breasts
47. Anemia during pregnancy question 58
Dilution of hemoglobin concentration. Explanation: When blood volume expansion is
more pronounced and occurs earlier than the increase in red blood cells, the woman
will have physiologic anemia, which is the result of dilution of hemoglobin
concentration rather than inadequate hemoglobin.

48. Different sign positive e and negative of pregnancy. Question 23

Positive sign: Visualization of the fetus by ultrasound.
Fetal heart sounds. Fetal movement felt by a healthcare provider. Ultrasound of the
Signs of pregnancy
• Presumptive signs (subjective)
• Fatigue (12 weeks)
• Breast tenderness (3 to 4 weeks)
• Nausea and vomiting (4 to 14 weeks)
• Amenorrhea (4 weeks)
• Urinary frequency (6 to 12 weeks)
• Hyperpigmentation of skin (16 weeks)
• Fetal movements (quickening) (16 to 20 weeks)
• Uterine enlargement (7 to 12 weeks)
• Breast enlargement (6 weeks)
• Probable (objective) signs
• Braxton Hicks contractions (16 to 28 weeks)
• Positive pregnancy test (4 to 12 weeks)
• Abdominal enlargement (14 weeks)
• Ballottement (16 to 28 weeks)
• Goodell sign (5 weeks)
• Chadwick sign (6 to 8 weeks)
• Hegar sign (6 to 12 weeks)
• Positive signs
• Ultrasound verification of embryo or fetus (4 to 6 weeks)
• Fetal movement felt by experienced clinician (20 weeks)
• Auscultation of fetal heart tones via Doppler (10 to 12 weeks)

49. Newborn, normal or abnormal? Notify the nurse partitioner. Question

I need to report to the nurse partitioner if the infant is dusky and turns cyanotic
when crying.

50. Full term newborn HR 120 to 160 question 35

HR 100 to 160 or 120-160
Respiratory 30-60
51. Glucose screening what is best quick neonatal way question 60
Puncture the heel
52. Risk of LGA and SGA question 9 and 14 help from the book

Small-for-gestational-age (SGA) as infants whose birth weight is below the 10th percentile
on the intrauterine growth chart for their gestational age. Which is NOT a common
complication: Complications include perinatal asphyxia, meconium aspiration,
polycythemia, and hypoglycemia. High hematocrit and polycythemia( potencially leading
to hyperbilirubinemia) High hemoglobin and polycythemia (potentially leading to
hypobilirubinemia), prolonged acrocyanosis, hypoglycemia.

Large-for-gestational-age (LGA) infants are infants whose birth weight is above the 90th
percentile on the intrauterine growth chart for their gestational age. Example are:
Birth trauma, Hypoglycemia, Polycythemia, Hyperbilirubinemia.

Which is NOT a common complication of LGA: Hyperglycemia

53. Nutritional needs newborn question 39

Total fluid ingested for 24 hours must be sufficient to meet infant’s needs: 75 to 90
ml (2.5 to 3 oz) of fluid per pound of body weight (150 to 200 ml/kg) per day.
Number of calories required per day is 50 to 55 per pound to body weight (100 to
120 kcal/kg)

54. 2 questions about STI

56 PID what start general herpers, 5 PELVIC INFLAMATORY DISEASES

The student learns about shunts that support fetal circulation. Which of the following are NOT
included in this support system?
a. Ductus venosus
b. Foramen ovule
c. Ductus arteriosus
d. Ductus deferens
A woman you meet is interested in childbirth preparation. She asks why tailor sitting is
recommended as an exercise for pregnancy. Your response would be that it
A) improves the blood supply to the uterus.
B) strengthens abdominal muscles.
C) decreases respiratory effort.
D) stretches perineal muscles.
What would be appropriate for the nurse to document in a child suffering from meconium
aspiration syndrome?

a) Respirations as increased and high

b) Skin as pink
c) Chest expansion as normal
d) Heart rate as normal

Breastfed babies are less likely to develop certain health conditions which one is NOT included:
-kidney failure

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