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To: New Employees

From: Team 3
Cc: Supervisor
Subject: Effective strategies for beginning collaborative projects
Date: 7/10/2023

The goal of this memorandum is to train the new employees on the effective strategies for
beginning collaborative projects. These strategies are so important in the workplace because
our company always works collaboratively to do all the tasks, so it is expected from new
employees to master those strategies to excel in their work.

Strategy 1. Getting to know your team

Knowing your team is always the first step for having a successful collaborative project. You
must know their strengths and weaknesses in work, their timings and way of communication in
work, and whether all the team is in sync with each other or not. All of this is essential for having
a successful collaborative project.

Strategy 2. Team charter/contract

Putting a team charter together that lists the tasks for each member with the time due of it, and
agreeing to a contract between the team members will make the team dedicated to do the work,
and have a much more better understanding of what is happening with the project and how to
proceed with it, and it gives an insight for all team members to know what are the areas that
they are struggling with in the project. This team charter and the contract are an important part
of a successful collaborative project.

Strategy 3. Having the courage

In work, you will always face situations in which one of the team members is slacking off, or
having a different vision for the project given. Do not be afraid to point these things out for the
team leader and the person who is doing those wrong behaviors, because this courage is what
will eliminate any sort of “bad work” happening within the project.

It is highly advised for the new employees to refer to this memorandum all the time to insure
having an immense amount of understanding of how work is done in our company.


Team 3

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