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Multiple Regression (I)

(a) Yes.
Coefficient of ‘size’ does not make sense.

(b) c.v. = ± t(7, 0.025) = ±2.365 => ‘size’ can be removed.

(c) Test H 0 : β size = 0 (removing ‘size’ does not lead to a significant

reduction in explanatory power)
against H1 : β size ≠ 0 (it does)
SSR(income, size) – SSR(income) = 213.42 – 212.50 = 0.92

= 0.11 < F (1,7,0.05) = 5.59

0.92 /1
58.58 / 7
Since reduction in SSR is not significant, H 0 is not rejected.
t-test for beta(size)= -0.3328 and (-0.3328)^2 = 0.11
Two-tail test for partial slope = Right-tail partial F test

(a) tb1 = 13, tb2 = 12.189
t(11, 0.025) = 2.201
Both are significant at the 5% level.

(b) SSE = 139.410 SST = 3569.344. (b) s.e.e.=sqrt(MSE)

(c) CD = 0.957 =3.56
(d) 75.62

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