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Nowadays social media is an indispensable past in the lives of people today.

There are
many social networking sites applications available in the world like Facebook, instagram,
tiktok, twitter, etc. Now, people can connect to anyone, anytime and anywhere. It has
provided us with a better and cheaper way to communicate. Besides, social media also
provides us with easy access to information about every aspect of life such as science,
technology, education and politics. Besides the positive things social networks bring, there are
various disadvantages to social media that can’t be ignored.
The first influence: “reduces face-to-face communication skills”. Chatting through social
networking sites applications such as Facebook, instagram, zalo, etc. Has become a favored
mode of communication. This means that people spend too much time chatting online instead
of interacting face-to-face with their family, friends and separating themselves from the real
worth. Many people decide to solve their problem through email and facebook instead of
Metting in person. In my opinion, this makes the situation become more serious because text
messages or icons cannot help us understand other people’s true feelings, which easily
misunderstanding and communication breakdowns.
The second drawback of social media is that it affects people’s physical health. People
who spend too much time using social media run a high risk of different diseases. While using
social media, people often consume a lot of fast food and fizzy drinks with high calo. This can
easily suffer from obesities, diabetes, stroke or cardiovascular diseases. Gluing eyes using
social networks leads to poor eyesight or short-sightedness. Furthermore, many people are so
obsessed with social media that they are not getting enough sleep. Stay up late to read or
write posts and check “likes”. This makes them feel exhausted and not have enough energy to
start the next day.
The last one is that social media affects people’s mental health. Social media leads to
anxiety disorder and depression. After spending excessive time on social media, most people
will fall into a constant feeling of tiredness. In addition, we can hardly ever find a true friend
who is willing to help us overcome our challenges in life just by talking on the Internet.
Therefore, many of us might feel depression and isolation when realizing that we have many
friends in our virtual worth but the real worth there is no one who can share joy and sadness.
In many cases, people will struggle with feeling that they are not as good as people in their
social media feeds or the idea that they might be missing out on opportunities that
compassion can increase depression.
In short, surely social media has both advantages and disadvantages. However, it all
depends on the user. Excess use of anything is harmful and the same thing applies to social
media. Therefore, make social networks a safer, heathier, and more productive tool. Use social
networks effectively to become a knowledgeable person in society.

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