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Краснящих Володимир БП-11

Test (the first year)



1. Ukraine is a sovereign state with its own territory. 2. The country is situated in the south-

eastern part of Central Europe. 3. Ukraine is one of the largest European countries, it

occupies the area of 604.000 square kilometers. 4. Ukraine is inhabited by numerous ethnic

groups. 5. Ukraine proclaimed its independence on August 24, 1991. 5. Ukraine isn’t a

mountainous country though there are the Crimean Mountains and the Carpathians. 6.

The main river in the country is the Dnieper which is the third longest river in

Europe. 7. The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical position in the

continental part. 4. Ukraine is a sovereign state whose independence was proclaimed in 1991.

5. Ukraine’s parliament, called the Verkhovna Rada, is the nation’s law-making body.



Kyiv is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe and is major historical, cultural,

educational and scientific center. Its official history dates back to the 5 th century

and throughout centuries Kyiv played an important role in establishing

European civilization in Eastern Europe. By late 9th century Kyiv became the capital

of the first Ukrainian state known today as Kyivan Rus. In the Middle Ages Kyivan

Rus was conquered by the Mongols, and later Kyiv became part of the Grand Duchy

of Lithuania, and later the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1654 Kyiv was

liberated from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by Cossack leader – Hetman

Bohdan Khmelnitsky. In 1775 it was annexed by the Russian Empire. The city

remained under Moscowian rule, with brief periods of independence in between 1918

and 1920. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kyiv became the capital

of independent Ukraine. Today Kyiv understands its historical importance and role

of the cradle of Eastern European civilization eagerly uncovering all the beauty of

modern European capital with ancient heart. Despite its large size, almost

everything worth seeing is contained within the historical Pechersk and Podil

neighbourhoods. Both are easily navigable on foot.



Going to the theatre brings back happy memories, as it recalls me of my very first

performance on stage, when was thirty years ago. Parts of that particular night are

so vivid that I can still picture myself as though it was yesterday. The excitement

amongst the actors, the audience's applause and the party after the opening night are

memories which will remain with me for time. I don’t know how we managed to

do so well. The rehearsals were far from satisfactory because we thought that we

could just have two rehearsals a week when in fact we needed more. The

background scenes scenes to the last act weren’t ready until an hour before the beginning

of the play despite the set builder’s best efforts The director was not satisfied at

anything and he didn’t even want to show up on the first night. Admittedly, I

wouldn’t have wanted to either. When the night finally arrived, we were all a bit

worried. I remember noticing through the curtain ten minutes before the start and

being amazed in the sight of a full house. Finally, it was time for the

curtain to go up. In the end, we proved the director wrong and everything went like



1.They have been traveling around the world for 3months. 2. Tanya has been playing the piano

since she started school. 3. We have been studying history for two hours. 4. I have been waiting

for a bus for half an hour. 5. Patrick and Lisa have been living in London since June. 6.

They have been making sandwiches since 2 o’clock. 7. He has been painting this picture for a

year. 8. She has been working on this exercise for 5 minutes. 9. They have been living at

their present address for 3 years. 10.


Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

I’m sorry I haven’t written sooner. I have been studying very hard. There’s so much to do.

I’m playing in a concert with the school orchestra next Sunday and we have been practicing

a lot. The house is in an awful state. Dad has been painting the doors and Stevie has been helping. You
should see it! I can’t tell who has been making a bigger mess. You can

imagine what mum has been doing. Thank you very much for the computer game you sent
me. I haven’t got much time to play it, so Ann has been winning. I have been thinking of you a lot.

Hope you can come and visit us soon.

Love, Jamie.

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