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Here's a detailed explanation of a random fact:

**Fact: The Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer.**


The Eiffel Tower, located in Paris, France, is known for its iconic structure and architectural elegance. This
interesting fact about its height variation is attributed to the expansion and contraction of the iron
components due to temperature changes.

During the summer months, especially when the weather is hot, the iron structure of the Eiffel Tower
expands as it absorbs heat. As a result, the entire tower can increase in height by approximately 15
centimeters (about 6 inches). Conversely, in colder temperatures, such as during the winter, the metal
contracts, causing a slight reduction in the tower's height.

This phenomenon is a classic example of thermal expansion, a property of materials where they expand
or contract in response to changes in temperature. In the case of the Eiffel Tower, which is made
predominantly of iron, the expansion and contraction of the metal components are noticeable but well
within the expected range for such structural changes.

The engineers and architects who designed the Eiffel Tower took these thermal effects into
consideration, allowing for the natural expansion and contraction of the materials. Understanding and
accounting for these changes are crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of the tower over time.

So, when visitors marvel at the Eiffel Tower's beauty during the summer, they may unknowingly be
witnessing a temporary increase in its height, thanks to the influence of temperature on the materials
from which it is constructed. This fact adds an intriguing dimension to the understanding of the tower's
dynamic relationship with its environment throughout the changing seasons.

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