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Since I had purchased the book and sent in some questions to Avalon, I now receive

emails now and again with recent updates and developments. Here is today's email:

"Below is the letter I just sent to my family members who are in California. I was
briefed by council on this situation a few days ago and urged to mobilize our core
group at that time then updated last night with the message there is a growing
sense of urgency even since that time. Naturally I felt a strong responsibility to
alert all of you in a timely fashion regarding major events that are taking place.

This is something I have been saying would come for the first 6 years of this 10
year window of ascension, so it should come as no surprise that this time has
actually arrived.

I am leaving this the way it is, as this letter has been redacted, edited and
cleared by council and don’t wish to alter it from what she wishes to convey. It
now reads rather disjointed with missing details, but that is how it is just going
to sound now.

Know that my sons are both Indigos, one of which is a Type 3 who is going through
strong emotional times right now and has decided to use assisted suicide as a means
of stopping the confusion in his mind, though I have explained to him what his
mission was many times and unless he embraced his journey as a wayshower, he was
choosing a very long period of recycle ahead. The intense energies associated with
this transition are putting unbearable pressure on those who are not making the
shift and suicide numbers which are now pandemic are not being reported by the
authorities to ally panic that would ensue otherwise. If you are feeling the same
intense mental and emotional distortions, just know that most of our original
500,000 who also have chosen to hang back are sharing that vibration with you at
this time.

So this letter now goes out to you as an example of what our contact has authorized
to be released to family members of the core group and to you, our team members who
have tarried but are still able to come back to the fold. There is still time, but
that is growing very short now.

This is only a brief summary of the release to the core group members last week. If
I could offer you more detail, I would, but that is reserved for those who have
taken their mission very seriously and have stood by the council group I have been
looking after for the last year, working as much as 14 hours a day, 7 days a week
without any personal income outside of the sale of only a very few books. It has
been harsh ever since arriving to make a major understatement. Never before were
our team members more deeply needed than the months leading up to this
announcement, especially going forward at this moment where all of Urth history
When I tell you that time for pondering is now over, just realize I am not
overemphasizing anything. From the outset some 5 days ago the word “now” used by
council has been emphatic, and not something that I need to embellish. She speaks
only a few words to get across the nature of what she states. It is for those
listening to heed as they will.

Do not expect these ships to come down into our airspace, as there is no planned
arrival by our team for anything other than for the prevention of complete
extinction. If any ships do make such an appearance, it is almost certainly not
benevolent and will be meant to deceive the people the other side is still trying
to hang onto. This armada is the largest show of force within many hundreds if not
many thousands of generations due to the severity of the threats being made between
countries now coming to a head here below.

To all of you I have known now for years in some cases, I wish you the very best as
you enter the final days of this separation. My heart is definitely with you all.
Things have escalated in big way and action will be required in order to remain

Be strong and be well everyone, volume 3 of the handbook series is about to be

published I am sure you will want to see. I will update you on that as soon as it
has been reviewed and cleared by council.



If you, your mom and brother don't find your way out of California now, you won't
need to kill yourself. I can't get word through to either one of them in a fashion
where they will even read this message, much less heed my advice, so it will be up
to you if you are going to help them survive.

This is not a crazy man rant with a sandwich board yelling that the end is near.
This is me in constant contact with the beings here to help mankind avoid
extinction for 6 years telling you they have now officially given word that the
state you are in is slated for eradication. There are various potentials now in
place to accomplish this, because California is a very strategic hot zone for their
future plans. They meaning the opposing side, or a collection of beings who have
already put in place the foundation of the One World Order. It was referred to as
Skynet in the Terminator series which was official disclosure that was required in
enough time predating their move to qualify the action through manifestation rules
with the aether. You call it "5G". As long as they show you the truth of their
agenda in advance and you allow it to happen anyway, then it was abiding by silent

Behind all the different species of invader beings who have been here for eons of
time, the one true force in charge of each of them are robots called the Budhara
Bourjha who came here through the Weasadek Matrix through what you now call the
galactic core black hole at the center of the Milky Way, a tear in the fabric of
spacetime that connects this matrix to that one. These robots are not sentient
beings, they are artificial intelligence, which means they have no sense of
morality or value for human life, all they know is their mission to proliferate
their own kind to ensure their own survival. They have been around for hundreds of
billions of years and by this time have the technological capabilities to control
the particles themselves that we call atoms, allowing them to create different
realities that we believe are real, but are not.

California, the coastal half of Oregon and Washington are all strategic locations.
You are seeing hundreds of fires up and down the west coast right now that are
breaking all the rules of known physics, vaporizing metal, granite, stone,
cookware, indestructible roofing tiles and even concrete. These are not fires, they
are ultrasonically propelled Dark Matter (anti matter) Saser beams that are space-
based and air-based directed energy weapons. 70 fires in a perfect ring around
Santa Rosa broke out in the same hour last year and all headed to the center of the
valley at up to 60 mph from every directions to wipe out hundreds of thousands of
homes in the blink of an eye where firefighters couldn't even get to the homes
before there was nothing left but ashes. No stoves, washing machines, cookware, and
the trees surrounding these homes were intact 10 feet away.

The East coast is slated for the same cleansing, as is a good portion of Texas, but
California is first.

They continue to monitor the situation, and we have many hundreds of crafts now
positioned around the sun where the space based fleet can stand by to deter
worldwide extinction level events from occurring, but these are not there to save
California, they are a global guard only. If the human life force is lost entirely
on this planet, the planet itself will be unable to complete the separation. Solar
observatories around the world have been taken off line because these crafts, along
with a huge portal in the middle of the sun are absolutely visible as a show of
strength. Even backyard telescopes and cell phones with filters as well are able to
show these clear images. They are online if you care to check. The new armada is a
consortium if you will. They are not here to harm life, but to protect the planet
as it finishes the ascension process it is already almost 2/3rds of the way into
now. That ascension will be complete in the coming short few years.

The two groups I know of have had crafts in the same location now since the opening
of the activation cycle since prior to 2013. One has been left clearly visible to
mankind that appears as a second sun. By this time there are hundreds of videos and
photos of this biosphere online if you would care to see for yourself. The new show
of force has taken place in the last number of days. They will all remain in place
until the safe passage of this planet has been completed.

This is not a call out to you to wake up and realize that you are now in the
process of major celestial events and are being offered the opportunity to choose
if you wish to leave this system safely on Tara Urth as she is escorted away from
this prison field or if you wish to remain on the antiparticle planet of Tara's and
move on into the Weasadek Matrix where it is slated to be physically relocated to
at the same time of the separation. It is about telling you what is actually
happening around you and giving you the chance to survive. This is my job as well
as my deepest personal concern for your welfare.

You now have the visible proofs to demonstrate this isn't a theory and I am not
delusional before you. If you continue to fail to seek verification of these
imminent events for even a short time, your window will close to move yourselves to
safe ground. It is your job to get this message to your loved ones.

I wish you all the absolute best through this and know that I have been working day
and night for years to ensure the safe ascension for the planet and for the life
force that is ready to move forward, and have never left you for a minute. But it
is now time to take action in the coming moments. Take a look at the fires, see the
reports from the firemen, take a look at the 6 years of hosting the second sun,
then research the closing of the solar observatories and the images and videos that
have been placed online. It has never been a joke, we are now long past the point
of no return, and it is going to happen with or without you. All I can do is
continue to try to show you the actual evidence for yourselves.

I am in contact with the beings who brought the human evolution to this planet 550
million years ago, and am also in formal contract with the group who's biosphere
you see as the second sun who have been responsible for the welfare of planet Urth
during this entire time. I remain in regular contact with the planetary forces of
this battle even today.

Be strong and be wise now. This is the final conflict before the separation.

Dad "

Here is the first email, which is a mass email sent out to "core members". I am not
a core member, I was only in communication to get a few questions answered:
"This message is going out to our full mailing list, due to the seriousness of the
subject. Core group members can ignore this email. -avalon]

Our contact has spoken to me about heavy metals many times over the last 5 years.
it is a constant mantra with her. "Eat more wide green-leaf vegetables." Things
like turnip greens, spinach, etc. Over and over I have heard this. Chlorella and
cilantro must be in your diet constantly.

This is a hassle to me. Something I do not want to deal with while I can't even
understand what the fundamental basics are regarding the physics of the world
around me now that I know that every single thing that could have been weaponized
about the world around us, has been. It is like worrying about making the beds on
the Titanic. Give me a silver bullet.

And over and over she has told me there is no silver bullet. Everything is complex.
There is no snake oil that allows you to continue eating the wrong foods. Food is
the fuel that the body runs on. If you eat the wrong things, its just like putting
Coke in your car. It will not run. It might try to run, but it won't run right or
for very long.

So I woke up with an abscessed tooth a couple of days ago, and was forced to learn
how to deal with it. That's when everything came back around to the amalgam in my
teeth and heavy metals. Immediately Youtube brought me to the dangers of root
canals, amalgam and heavy metal poisoning. I didn't understand why they were using
the words heavy metals and mercury when I was researching amalgam. I soon learned.

Amalgam is another word for mercury (in essence). Mercury is a neurotoxin. And they
put that in our mouth and let it harden so it will last for a lifetime. Forever.
Not only that, but it is a metal, meaning it is an electromagnetic conductor of
dark matter energy we call electrons.

Cheops has been pounding into me how dangerous electromagnetic fields are and how
they are killing mankind, something that the book will be highly focusing on,
because it is time for mankind to move on to the next dimension, and they can't do
that if they're dead. Amalgam fillings amplify all the radio waves you are
subjected to everyday. I couldn't even begin to show you all the electromagnetic
fields you are exposed to each day in this message without it turning into a book.
They are everywhere where electricity is used, put it that way. They attack your
DNA basically every second of your life, and destroy your immune system.

Of course chemtrails are full of heavy metal, because they are what is used to make
the nanites out of that are literally computer-programmed to seek and destroy your
immune system as a default setting. Plus they are heavy metals that inflame your
immune system as well. If you are under these, then you are dying. That's as simple
as I can put it. Where the council group was being held was under extreme chemtrail
skies, which caused them all to be sick constantly the whole time they were running
every single day from black ops agents. I still have no idea how they survived it.

In a nutshell, the amalgam in your teeth is akin to making a headband out of

Kryptonite and fastening it to your skull on purpose when you know you came from
Krypton where that substance is your biggest enemy. And the dental industrial
complex has made it their mission to kill you off in the most agonizing and slow
manner possible to extract as much cash from you as they possibly can, all along.
They do it with the metal fillings, then when your immune system breaks down, then
they give you a root canal.

Realize this, cancer patients and those dying of heart disease all have one thing
in common. Every single one of them have had a root canal.

They all had at least one root canal. Now they're dead.

But more than this, they lived for years with chronic illnesses that were
debilitating; crippling them so badly they sometimes wind up in wheelchairs.

One holistic dentist I was watching today made some videos online (you will run
into them if you really are serious about learning about this topic), who has been
treating thousands of patients for decades. One of his patients had been crippled
in a wheelchair for years with arthritis. After he had learned more about the root
canal coverup and deliberate use of this unthinkably destructive technique, he
requested that the woman have it removed, though it was perfectly fine and wasn't
giving her any problems. Just like that she was out of the wheelchair and the
arthritis was gone.

This is because our teeth are systemic with our body. If our teeth are bad, then
our bodies are broken. So we go to fix the tooth, instead of fixing the body where
the problem originated. Sure, we get cavities from eating sugars, but the toxic
diets we are on are simply keeping our teeth from being able to fight off the decay
to start with.

I am not giving you a bunch of links here. I am telling you that to council, heavy
metals are one of the most serious, and intense problems facing the human existence
right now, and one of the most passionately covered up attacks there is. We get
mercury poisoning from fish esp. tuna, from our water, from our new clothes, from
driving down freeways that are saturated by lead poisons dried on the concrete from
millions of hours of constant lead being spewed into the air, and ultra-
concentrated inside any big city. I have told you repeatedly if you live in one of
these, you are in Atlantis, a trap designed to kill humans like rats inside a gas
chamber. And they're doing is with gasoline. Among many other highly covert attacks
such as insanely high mercury, lead, aluminum, and other heavy metals in roundup
and vaccines that are so high in these poisons that once you hear the actual
numbers, it will leave you speechless.

If there is one thing that really, really turns our contact into a fire breathing
dragon, it is vaccines. Left alone with Bill Gates in a room, that man wouldn't
walk out. And while that sounds like murder to us, its not. It is defending human
life that is our responsibility to do. When under extreme, life-threatening attack,
it is not just our right, but our responsibility to respond in force that is equal
to the threat. We aren't manifest alone. We are manifest together. If one of us is
killed, then we all die that day, one cell at a time. It is still death. If they
are unrepentant, and insist on continuing to attack us, then we have no other
option than to fight back.

As for the numerous mercury fillings in my teeth from a lifetime of being lied to,
all I can do is move toward manifesting the money some day to have them drilled out
to rid myself of this incredibly toxic substance that was deliberately put there to
kill me.

Amalgam is poison. Two teeth in the same mouth with amalgam creates an
electromagnetic field around them. Three create a bigger electromagnetic field.
That field now generates a torus field of dark matter energy freely flowing around
my entire head, enveloping my pineal gland in a constant ocean of white noise,
disconnecting me from my higher self and from my Azurite abilities to do my job. It
is not similar to, but is a Faraday cage that blocks most of the incoming signals
from my higher self from reaching my actual sensory antenna that was designed to
keep us all in constant touch with our higher selves while in manifestation. If we
are disconnected, then we are here alone on this planet, with a mind that has been
wiped of all previous knowledge, unable to parse through the constant barrage of
lies that we are supposed to somehow function under.

If you have any heavy metals such as mercury in your body, it has been stored in
your fat cells to get it out of the blood stream as fast as your DNA can get it
there. Those metals are ferro magnetic, meaning that they readily interact with
electromagnetic electrons which is dark matter. The metals create an
electromagnetic field around you, due to the fact that they are in the presence of
magnetite (covered in a second). That dark matter is just like having a built-in
microwave oven inside of you that is irradiating you every second of the day. This
is very complicated, but your body produces magnetite, which is another word for
neodymium magnets. It gives you the ability to translocate, fly and other things.

That magnetite creates an electrostatic torus field around your physical body. It
does this by interacting with your skeleton, teeth, nails, hair that are all
piezoelectric crystals. The energy the crystals emit then interacts with the
magnetite to create this field. It is your subtle energy field that sustains your
life and keeps you in contact with higher self.

Once you introduce heavy metals into your body, now the magnetite interacts with
those metals, which creates an electromagnetic field instead of an electrostatic
field. Electromagnetic is another word for dark matter. It is not meant to be used
in everyday life other than to start a fire to stay warm while you are still living
in caves with no idea how other to use energy to stay warm. When that magnetite
creates this new, dark matter electromagnetic field, the push-pull of the magnets
and the conductive heavy metals creates friction in your DNA that causes metabolic
thermal radiation, or heat. That heat breaks down your telomeres which shortens
your life. No matter what you have been eating all your life, you are full of heavy
metals. So you are a walking microwave oven that is frying yourself to death.

Not only that, but electromagnetic and electrostatic torus fields either harmonize
with, or battle with, every other electric field. So now your many different,
artificially-generated electromagnetic fields in your mouth and also your body (two
different, competing fields) are fighting against every electrostatic field
(organic, crystal field of energy) that you come in contact with. They are
literally running on opposite wave lengths, and when it comes to torus fields,
electron dark matter fields always override organic electrostatic fields. That now
cuts you off from communicating with your crystals you spend so much money on to
help you. You may as well throw them away if you have amalgam in your head, or
heavy metals in your body.

Once the destruction begins within the body, it is systemic, attacking every cell
within your DNA chain. You will have every form of mental disorder on some level
that you can imagine. Everything that is called dementia falls under that category.
Holistic dentists report all of these things being cured by removing both amalgam
as well as root canal crowns. Root canals fundamentally create systemic pathogens
within the body that the tooth then manufactures every single time your tooth is
compressed (chew). Your teeth are piezoelectric crystals that emit energy which
emit ultrasonic sound waves. Those waves then push through every vein of your body
all the toxins being created by the roots of the tooth that are now manufacturing
these confused organisms that are basically millions of cancer cells.

The reason why teeth are so powerfully important to your body, is because each one
of those piezoelectric crystals vibrate. When they do this, it creates a piezo-
electrostatic torus energy field that is factually a protective force field. When
two teeth then make an electrostatic energy field, it is much larger. Dozens of
them together is like having a head full of crystals that create an energy field
that spans from above your head down to your heart. That energy is power. The power
that runs the pineal gland and runs the metronomic beat of your heart. They are
your living crystals that largely power the body and are repowered by sunlight
(either on your skin, or much faster through your pupils). But since we don't ever
hear about such incredible things, we think they are just teeth. Hardly. Without a
bunch of teeth resonating inside your head, your pineal gland is sitting there
wondering what to do for power, so it just barely pulsates at all. They are
critical pieces of your biological Avatar. The reptilian brain faraday cage is also
involved in this synchronized attack on the human Essence, but that white noise you
can overcome to a large degree if your body is whole ("hol"istic).

We have to move toward fixing our damaged teeth through coconut pulling, or
swishing coconut oil in our mouths to heal these cavities once they have been
removed. Teeth are crystals, so they are living entities that will grow back and
heal themselves if given the chance. If you bombard them with sugar while your
body's electrostatic torus field is being cancelled by heavy metals electromagnetic
fields, then you are combining the attack on those crystals. This message is to
make it clear to you that you need to address heavy metals and root canal teeth as
soon as you possibly can if you are interested in the mission. You will have to
learn all about it and then report to each other to help one another get rid of
this enormous threat to your lives, because being well is your first mission. Only
then can you do your job to help others. Nothing is more important to our mission
than this, simply because you are a walking weapon without ammunition otherwise. If
we want to assist in any meditation defensive, we must first have a functioning
tool, otherwise we show up on the battlefield naked.

You may have to read this more than once, because electromagnetic fields and
electrostatic fields created in the body isn't something I have spoken about
before, and no one else I know of has either. They are secret of all secrets, and
something Cheops is hell bent for leather to educate the public on now, as he was
used as an electromagnetic weapon against the people for thousands of years and
this is personal to him. If you are serious about health at all, then learn about
heavy metals. Remove amalgam. Remove root canals because most of the cancer and
heart disease deaths you hear about are all because they have one or more root
canal crowns inside their gums. And start eating chlorella and cilantro dishes
along with wide leaf greens on a regular daily basis, because heavy metals continue
to come in from everywhere, and the foods that remove them from your body only work
as long as that food is processing through your system.

I cannot stress how many horrifying diseases these holistic dentists (most of which
were regular dentists for decades until learning what was really going on, and
switched from Sumerian Hermetic Alchemy to holistic healing) are saying are caused
by teeth and the lies they have been handing us all along. Usually only when these
dentists face death themselves, do they seek higher knowledge on how to organically
treat their own attacks. These things can all be cured if we just make our food
intake and our teeth priorities. Only now do I understand why this has been such a
big deal to our contact all along.

Much more about electromagnetic fields is coming soon in my new book almost
complete as dictated to me by Cheops (the pyramid), where he reveals how the
pyramids worked, and how they were weaponized in Egyptian times (yes, Egyptians
were absolutely powered). Torus fields are likely among the top two or three
attacks against the human evolution today and will be of great focus moving forward
now. "

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