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SWahyuni's group assignment

Class A, Group 1

No Student ID Name

Work in groups, each group consists of 4-5 students

Give a name according to the class and group, A_1_SWahyuni's Bioethics

Submit before 10 September

1. Describe the 6 research areas in biomedical science

2. Explain the definition of basic research in medical science. Give an example
3. Explain the definition of applied research in biomedicine. Give an example
4. There are 4 types of biomedical research. State the types of research and give an example of
5. Explain descriptive research and state what question words are used in this research
6. Explain about analytical research and state what question words are used in this research
7. What is a clinical trial?
8. Describe the phases of the clinical trial, the number of participants required, and the purpose of
9. Mention the 8 stages of the research process
10. There are 10 research codes of ethics, mention 5 of them
11. What is the definition of scientific misconduct
12. What is a fabrication, give an example
13. What is meant by counterfeiting, give one example
14. What is plagiarism, give one example
15. Errors in the research process that are not classified as scientific errors, write 3 examples
16. How to prevent scientific breaches before, during, and after research?
17. Explain the 6 elements of human rights
18. Study the research scandals below, and explain the bioethics violation of each
a. Nazi Medical Experiments
b. Japanese Atrocities in China (Unit 731)
c. The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, 1932, 1936
d. Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital, the 1960s
e. Willow brook Hepatitis Study, 1964
f. The Thalidomide Experiment
g. Trial of AZT for HIV-AID
19. Mention some codes of ethics used in preventing human rights violations
20. What is meant by informed consent?
21. Write down 5 elements that must be in the informed consent
22. Write down the general principles of biomedical research involving humans as subjects
23. State the requirements for informed consent for research activities
24. Who must sign the informed consent?
25. Mention research in any fields that require additional informed consent
26. Explain 5 things about IRB
27. Explain 7 elements of Hippocrates’ oath
28. What areas does the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and human rights cover?
29. What are the goals of patient management in medicine?
30. State the 4 principles of bioethics and explain each one.
31. What is meant by prima facie?
32. There are two ethical approaches in clinical decisions, state them
33. There are 4 moral analyzes used in medical judgment, state them
34. Read and analyze case number 1 given using the four quadrants of Clinical Ethics. Give your
medical decision
Clinical ethic Question Answer Your medical
Medical What is the patient’s
Indications medical problems? Is the
problem acute? Chronic?
What are the goals of
In what circumstances are
medical treatments not
What are the probabilities
of success of various
treatment options?
In sum, how can this
patient be benefited by
medical and nursing care,
and how can harm be
Patient Has the patient been
Preferences informed of benefits and
risks, understood this
information, and given
Is the patient mentally
capable and legally
competent and is there
evidence of incapacity?
If mentally capable, what
preferences about
treatment is the patient
If incapacitated, has the
patient expressed prior
Who is the appropriate
surrogate to make
decisions for the
incapacitated patient?
Is the patient unwilling or
unable to cooperate with
medical treatment? If so,
Quality of Life What is the prospect,
with or without
treatment, for a return to
normal life, and what
physical, mental, and
social deficits might the
patient experience even if
treatment succeeds?
On what grounds can
anyone judge that some
quality of life would be
undesirable for a patient
who cannot make or
express such a judgment?

Are there biases that

might prejudice the
provider’s evaluation of
the patient’s quality of
What ethical issues arise
concerning improving or
enhancing a patient’s
quality of life?
Do quality of life
assessments raise any
questions regarding
changes in treatment
plans, such as forgoing life
sustaining treatment?
What are plans and
rationale to forgoing life
sustaining treatment?
What is the legal and
ethical status of suicide?
Contextual Are these professional,
feature interprofessional, or
business interests that
might create conflicts of
interest in the clinical
treatment of patients?
Are there parties other
than clinicians and
patients, such as family
members, who have an
interest in clinical
What are the limits
imposed on patient
confidentiality by the
legitimate interests of
third parties?
Are there financial factors
that create a conflict of
interest in clinical
Are there problems of
allocation of scarce health
resources that might
affect clinical decisions?
Are there religious issues
that might affect clinical
Are there legal issues that
might affect clinical
Are there considerations
of clinical research and
education that might
affect clinical decisions?
Are there issues of public
health and safety that
affect clinical decisions?
Are there conflicts of
interest within
institutions and
organizations (eg.,
hospitals) that may affect
clinical decisions and
patient welfare?

35. Read and analyze case number 2 using the four quadrants of clinical Ethics. Give your
medical decision
36. Read and analyze case number 3 using the four quadrants of clinical Ethics. Give your
medical decision
37. Read and analyze case number 4 using the four quadrants of clinical Ethics. Give your
medical decision

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