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**Duration: 3 Hours**


1. This exam consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.

2. Section A contains multiple-choice questions (MCQs), while Section B consists of essay-type questions.

3. Answer all questions. Write your answers in the provided answer booklet.

4. Do not use any electronic devices or reference materials during the exam.

5. Ensure your answers are clear and legible. Illegible handwriting may result in a loss of marks.

**Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions (60 marks)**

Instructions: Choose the correct option for each of the following questions and mark your choice on the
answer sheet provided.

1. Which of the following is NOT a primary domain of learning in Bloom's Taxonomy?

a) Remembering

b) Understanding

c) Applying

d) Observing

2. The concept of "differentiated instruction" in teaching refers to:

a) Teaching students with different abilities separately

b) Adapting instruction to meet the diverse needs of students

c) Providing the same lesson plan to all students

d) Using the same teaching methods for all students

3. In the context of assessment, formative assessment is primarily used for:

a) Grading and ranking students

b) Summative evaluation

c) Providing feedback to improve learning

d) Identifying the most talented students

4. A constructivist teaching approach emphasizes:

a) Teacher-centered instruction

b) Rote memorization

c) Active student engagement and problem-solving

d) Traditional assessments

5. What is the main goal of classroom management?

a) Enforce strict discipline at all times

b) Maintain complete control over students

c) Create an environment conducive to learning

d) Ensure students always follow instructions

**Section B: Essay-Type Questions (40 marks)**

Instructions: Choose TWO of the following essay questions and provide detailed responses in the answer
booklet. Each essay should be approximately 400 words.
6. Discuss the significance of using technology in the modern classroom and how it can enhance the
teaching-learning process.

7. Explain the principles of inclusive education and how teachers can create an inclusive classroom

8. Describe the role of a teacher as a facilitator of learning and discuss the key strategies to foster
student engagement and critical thinking in the classroom.

9. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of standardized testing in education, and provide your
perspective on its impact on teaching and learning.

10. Discuss the importance of professional development for teachers and outline some effective
methods for continuous improvement in the teaching profession.


- Each correct answer in Section A is worth 2 marks.

- In Section B, essays will be graded on the basis of depth of content, clarity, and organization, with a
maximum of 20 marks per essay.

This sample board exam for the teaching department assesses knowledge of teaching methodologies,
pedagogy, and education-related concepts, and it allows students to demonstrate their understanding
through both multiple-choice questions and essay responses. The total maximum score is 100 marks.

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