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It is true that the scientific method is one of the key features that separates modern psychology

from its earlier inquiries and studies of the mind and behavior. One of the principles of science is
that we work with and create observable, measurable and repeatable facts. This means that we
must be able to measure, observe behaviors and factors in the environment which will helps us to
interpret, predict, and control human behavior.

Behavior is very complex both in humans and animals and this can be said to be continually
changing according to the certain factors. To better understand it, we have to involve aspects of
science which includes but are not limited to hypothesis and theory as well as considering other
key components in that makes room for verifiability, predictability, falsifiability, and fairness.
With the help of science, psychologists have been able to study the relationships between brain
functions and behavior and have come up with a set of principles that can be used to explain
most human behavior.

Scientists have constantly been carrying out experiment to better understand and explain how the
world around us works. They have been able to achieve much of this feat by creating theories
which generate hypotheses that are testable and falsifiable. “A theory is a well-developed set of
ideas that propose an explanation for observed phenomena that can be used to make predictions
about future observations” (The Scientific Method | Introduction to Psychology, n.d.). Through
empirical evidence, theories that hold are retained, while those that do not are discarded.
“A hypothesis is a testable prediction that is arrived at logically from a theory” (The Scientific
Method | Introduction to Psychology, n.d.). Such allows for a variety of scientists to recreate the
hypotheses in many ways and under different conditions or circumstances, test and validate or
falsify them. This helps the scientists reduce errors and broaden the applicability of such theories
and better understand how the human mind works.

Some of the other ways that have been used to explain behavior are observation method, genetic
method, survey method, experimentation method, introspection/self-observation method,
clinical/case study method (Sharma, 2015).

 Observation method is often used when experiments can’t be conducted. You observe
different humans or animals while performing different tasks and under different
 Experimentation method in which experiments are basically carried out in under
controlled environment.
 Case study method in which you can study about different cases or study that already had
been done in past and is mostly used in hospitals and educational settings.
 Survey method involves gathering certain information from a number of people and
comparing their opinions
 Genetic method is often used to observe behaviors caused as a result of earlier or prior
 Introspection/self-observation is often used to understand the inner feelings and
experiences of other persons but only the individual himself can observe and report

The Scientific Method | Introduction to Psychology. (n.d.). Lumen Learning. Retrieved June 25,
2021, from

Sharma, A. (2015, April 30). 7 Methods of Studying Human Behaviour. Psychology Discussion -
Discuss Anything About Psychology.

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