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Student Observation: Analyzing Text by Engaging in Meaningful Discussion

Natalie S. Russell

Chico State University

EDTE-265-01: Exploring Teaching and Learning in Diverse K-12 Settings

Dr. David Teja

September 17, 2023

For this research, I observed a young girl in a classroom during a discussion about a

passage that was read in class. I noticed that this student switched from being engaged to not so

engaged in my time observing her. She would have her pencil in hand ready to write, then she

would play with the drawstrings on her clothes or start kicking her foot. She did not join in on

the conversation during my time of observation. She reminded me a lot of myself in the

classroom. I take away from this observation that every student learns differently. Some do

really well in student-led class discussions, while others may be more successful with teacher

instruction. This observation definitely had an impact on me as a future teacher. It is important

to include multiple different styles of teaching in order to accommodate all my student’s

strengths in learning. As a student, I had a really hard time just listening to discussion. Much

like the young girl I observed, I would get a little distracted and start to get a little finicky. My

solution to helping me focus on what was being said was actually to draw on my paper. It

stopped my brain from drifting off to other places but still allowed me to listen and understand

what was going on. As a future teacher I will find what trick helps those students focus and

understand what is going on, whether it’s having scratch paper nearby to doodle on, or buying a

quiet fidget toy to keep that child’s hands busy if that is what works best for them.

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