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Natalie Russell

California State University, Chico

EDTE 265

Dr. David Teja

Nov 12, 2023


I’m reviewing Atlas Case 203: Determining the Influence of Media on American

Culture and Stereotypes. Luckily this is a smaller classroom. There are mostly women

in this classroom but they all seem to be of different ethnicities. They all seem to be at

a similar level of literacy. A good majority of the classroom are agreeing on topics so

they seem to have similar personalities. In this class, this teacher does a good job of

making sure to engage all the students in the lesson. By making a tight-knit circle it

makes students more comfortable and willing to engage. In this current video, she does

not use multiple teaching styles but that doesn’t mean that she didn’t use other teaching

styles for this topic not shown in this video. I really love socratic seminars so if I were in

this classroom my learning style definitely would have been addressed. The students

seemed to be very involved in this learning activity. The teacher even mentioned when

moving onto another topic that she had a student that was very eager to discuss the

next topic. She did a good job of engaging all students. It was nice she made it very

personable by sitting on the floor and not having their shoes on. She would ask guiding

questions to some of the shyer students to help get them talking and engaged. It did

appear that she was accommodating to culturally diverse students because they

included all the different cultures in their topic about Disney princesses and movies and

didn’t disclude any. I did not observe any student being or seeming to feel disincluded

in this classroom conversation.

Time to reflect on my own personal future classroom. Personally, one of the

challenges I might face is making sure I am knowledgeable on the cultures of my

students to make sure they are comfortable with me and I am as respectful as I possibly

can to my students and their families. To be perfectly honest, I don’t remember actually

learning about diversity in my classrooms growing up. I took a world cultures class and

a women, gender, and religion class in college. Learning about different lifestyles,

cultures, etc is very important to me because I want to be respectful to all walks of life.

My strategy to engage diverse learners is to include multiple different teaching styles for

my lessons. The teacher in this video only used one teaching style but she would make

sure to ask specific questions to those quieter students. I really like how this teacher

made her socratic seminar very relaxed and not high-stress because I know discussions

like this can be stressful for some students. In my own classroom I would try and

include more teaching styles, and maybe not take my shoes off in classroom because

that’s a little gross.

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