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Formal Writing Number 1

MELC: Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures:
aspects of verbs, modals, and conjunction EN5G-Ia-3.3

A Day in a Farm

Farms are the backbone of agricultural production, providing the food and resources
that sustain communities. A day on a farm is a harmonious blend of hard work, dedication,
and the beauty of nature. From the early morning mist rolling over the fields to the last rays
of the setting sun, every moment on a farm is filled with purpose and fulfillment. This essay
will take you on a journey through a typical day on a farm, offering a glimpse into the
rewarding and fulfilling life of a farmer. The day begins on the farm with the first rays of
sunlight peering over the horizon. Farmers wake up early, even before the rooster crows,
driven by their deep sense of responsibility towards their land and livestock. The first task of
the day is to tend to the animals. Farmers carefully feed and care for their cows, chickens,
and pigs, ensuring their health and well-being. As the animals’ graze or peck on fresh grass
and grains, the farm comes alive with the peaceful sounds of nature. The bond between the
farmers and their animals is evident in the care and attention given to each creature.

Next comes the work in the fields. Farmers plow the soil, plant seeds, and nurture the
crops. With sweat on their brows and their hands in the dirt, farmers connect with the land in
a profound and meaningful way. They work in harmony with nature, relying on the changing
seasons and weather patterns to guide their decisions. Throughout the day, they tend to the
crops, checking for signs of disease or pests and taking corrective actions when needed.
The satisfaction of watching the plants grow and flourish, eventually transforming into a
bountiful harvest, is immeasurable. As the sun begins to set, signaling the end of the day,
farmers reflect on their accomplishments. They appreciate the fruits of their labor and the
beauty that surrounds them. The vibrant colors of the sunset cast a golden glow across the
fields, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere. The farm becomes a sanctuary, a place
where hard work, dedication, and a deep connection to the land converge. It is a place
where farmers find solace and fulfillment, knowing their efforts contribute to the well-being of
their community and the sustainability of the earth.

In conclusion, a day on a farm is a poetic symphony of nature, hard work, and

purpose. From the early morning routines of caring for animals to toiling in the fields, farmers
demonstrate a deep respect for the land and a commitment to their craft. The rewards of
farm life are more than just the harvest; they encompass an intimate connection to nature, a
sense of fulfillment, and the nourishment of one's community. A day on a farm is not just a
day of labor; it is a day of purpose and joy.
Informal Writing Number 1

MELC: Identify point-of-view.

Me as a Fifth Grader

Hey there! I'm a fifth grader living life in the fast lane—or, you know, the not-so-fast
lane of elementary school. Strap in because you're about to embark on a rollercoaster ride
through the thrilling world of me! First things first, I'm the coolest kid on the block. Well,
maybe not the entire block, but at least in my classroom. I've got a collection of the trendiest
pencils, the most colorful erasers, and a backpack that's practically a fashion statement.
Who said you can't be stylish and studious at the same time? School, oh boy! It's like my
second home, but with more rules and less pizza. Math is like a mysterious puzzle I'm
determined to solve, and science? Let's just say I've mastered the art of making a volcano
explode with baking soda and vinegar. Science wizard, right?

Now, let's talk friends. I've got a squad that rivals the Avengers. We conquer the
recess playground, share our top-secret lunch snacks, and team up for those tricky group
projects. Together, we're an unstoppable force. Speaking of lunch, my mom packs the best
sandwiches. Peanut butter and jelly? Oh yeah, classic. But sometimes, she throws in a
surprise like a homemade cookie that instantly makes me envy the lunch table. Thanks,
Mom, you're the real MVP. When the school bell rings and it's time to head home, the
adventure doesn't stop. Homework, chores, and the occasional epic battle with my little
brother over the TV remote await. It's a tough life, but someone's gotta live it. Weekends are
like a mini-vacation. Whether it's biking with friends, playing video games until my thumbs
ache, or convincing my parents to let me have a sleepover, I'm all about that weekend vibe.

Oh, and did I mention my love for animals? I'm basically a junior zoologist. From the
neighbor's friendly dog to the mysterious creatures in the backyard, I'm on a mission to
understand every species. National Geographic, watch out—I'm coming for your job! So,
there you have it, a sneak peek into the life of the coolest fifth grader on the planet. Life is a
wild ride, and I'm just here to enjoy every twist and turn. Who knows what sixth grade has in
store for me? Bring it on!
Informal Writing Number 2

MELC: Identify point-of-view.

My Brother’s Talk of the Town Toy

I've got some serious thoughts about my brother's new toy. It's not just any toy—it's a
game-changer, a source of endless entertainment, and, well, a tiny bit of a headache. First
off, let's talk about the pros. This thing is like a mini marvel. It's got more buttons than a
spaceship, lights that could rival a disco ball, and sounds that make you feel like you're in
the middle of a video game. My brother's face when he unwrapped it was priceless. You'd
think he hit the jackpot or discovered a secret treasure chest. The joy radiating from him is
enough to make even a grumpy cat crack a smile.

Now, here comes the tricky part—the noise. I never knew a toy could produce such a
symphony of beeps and boops. At first, it was all fun and games, but after a while, it's like
living in a techno concert that never ends. I find myself craving the sweet sound of silence,
but nope, the toy has other plans. It's like it has a mind of its own, and that mind is set on
maximum volume. But you know what? Despite the occasional annoyance, there's
something heartwarming about seeing my brother so invested in his new gadget. It's like
he's unlocked a portal to a world of pure happiness. Sure, I might tease him about it, and
we've had a few sibling squabbles over who gets control of the TV remote, but deep down, I
get it. We all have our obsessions, and if his happens to be a noisy, flashy toy, who am I to

In the grand scheme of things, it's just a phase. The toy will probably lose its charm
sooner or later, and our living room will return to a semblance of quiet normalcy. Until then,
I'll endure the sound effects, maybe even join in on the fun when he's not looking, and
appreciate the fact that, at the end of the day, it's all in the name of good, albeit noisy, fun.
Informal Writing Number 3

MELC: Identify point-of-view.

Why My Mom is a Budgeting Pro?

When it comes to budgeting, my mom is nothing short of a financial wizard. It's like
she has a magical ability to stretch a hundred-peso bill farther than anyone I know. The
secret to her budgeting success? Well, it's a mix of savvy planning, practicality, and a touch
of mom magic. First and foremost, my mom is the queen of meal planning. Seriously, she
could write a book on how to turn a handful of ingredients into a week's worth of delicious
meals. From clever leftovers remixes to strategically timed grocery shopping, she knows
how to make the most of every peso coin in the kitchen. Our family dinners are not just about
satisfying our taste buds but also about getting the best bang for our money.

But it's not just about the groceries—my mom is the master of finding deals. Whether
it's scouting for discounts, clipping coupons like it's an Olympic sport, or taking advantage of
sales, she knows all the tricks of the frugal trade. Our house is practically a treasure trove of
bargains, and I'm convinced she has a sixth sense for spotting a good deal from a mile
away. One of the things I admire most is her ability to prioritize. My mom knows what's a
necessity and what's a luxury. She's not afraid to make tough choices and always has a
clear understanding of where our money should go first. It's like having a financial GPS
guiding us through the twists and turns of budgeting life.

Moreover, my mom has instilled in us the value of saving. Whether it's for a rainy day,
an unexpected expense, or a dream family vacation, she's got us squirreling away those
extra dollars. It's a lesson that goes beyond just managing day-to-day expenses—it's about
preparing for the future and having a safety net for whatever life throws our way. In the end,
it's not just about the numbers on a spreadsheet for my mom; it's about creating a secure
and comfortable life for our family. Her budgeting skills go beyond hundreds and cents;
they're a reflection of her love and dedication to ensuring that we have everything we need.
So, here's to my mom, the unsung hero of our household budget, turning every financial
challenge into a triumph of thriftiness.
Informal Writing Number 4

MELC: Examine images which present particular viewpoints, e.g., stereotypes (gender, age,
cultural), opinions on an issue.

A Safe Space for Everyone

In our school, there's a unspoken rule: no gender bullying allowed. It's not just about
avoiding the typical schoolyard drama; it's a conscious effort to create a space where
everyone feels respected, regardless of gender. It's like a breath of fresh air in a world where
stereotypes and biases often rear their ugly heads. First off, our teachers are on a mission to
foster an inclusive environment. They encourage us to appreciate and celebrate our
differences rather than using them as ammunition for teasing or exclusion. It's not about
conforming to traditional gender norms; it's about embracing the fact that we're all unique
individuals with our own interests and talents. Whether you're into sports, art, science, or
something else entirely, there's no judgment based on gender here.

The students are like the guardians of this unspoken pact. We've all got each other's
backs. It's a community where boys and girls collaborate on projects without anyone batting
an eye, where the football team cheers on the girls' soccer team just as passionately as their
own. It's a place where kindness trumps stereotypes, and we're all free to be ourselves
without fear of judgment. The absence of gender bullying has had a profound impact on our
school culture. It's not just about preventing hurtful comments; it's about creating an
environment where everyone can thrive academically and socially. When there's no fear of
being ridiculed for pursuing certain interests or hobbies, it opens the door for students to
explore their passions without constraints. Our school has become a melting pot of diverse
talents and interests, and it's all thanks to the understanding that gender should never be a
barrier to pursuing our dreams.

In this no-gender-bullying zone, friendships flourish without the toxic influence of

gender biases. We learn from each other, support one another, and grow together. It's a
microcosm of what the world could be if we let go of outdated stereotypes and treated each
other with the respect we all deserve. In our school, we're proving that a little understanding,
empathy, and acceptance can go a long way in creating a safe and supportive space for
everyone. Here's to a school where no one is defined by gender, but rather celebrated for
who they are.
Informal Writing Number 5

MELC: Examine images which present particular viewpoints, e.g., stereotypes (gender, age,
cultural), opinions on an issue.

My Awesome Friend

I'm lucky to have the coolest friend ever, and you know what? His skin color is
different from mine. But guess what? That doesn't matter one bit because he's just as
awesome as they come. So, let me tell you about my fantastic friend, who happens to be
black. We click like peanut butter and jelly. We share the same love for video games,
cartoons, and building epic Lego creations. It's like we've got our own secret language of
high-fives and inside jokes that make every day at school a blast. Friendship knows no color,
and with him, it's all about the fun we have together.

Our skin tones might be different, but that's the beauty of it. We learn from each
other's cultures, share stories about our families, and celebrate our uniqueness. It's like
having a front-row seat to a cultural exchange, and I'm here for it. We don't focus on our
differences; instead, we embrace them and use them to make our friendship even stronger.
Sometimes people might give us curious looks or ask silly questions, but we just laugh it off.
We know that true friendship goes beyond appearances. It's about loyalty, trust, and having
each other's backs no matter what. My friend and I are like a dynamic duo, and together, we
tackle whatever fifth grade throws our way.

In our friendship, there's no room for stereotypes or judgments. We see each other
for who we are, not the color of our skin. It's a lesson that's pretty easy for a fifth-grader like
me to understand. We're all just kids trying to have a good time and make awesome
memories together. So, here's to my amazing friend, who happens to be black. I wouldn't
trade our friendship for anything in the world. We're proof that true friends come in all colors,
and the only shade that matters is the one we throw when we're cracking up at each other's
jokes. Cheers to friendship, diversity, and the awesomeness that happens when you don't
judge a book by its cover!
Informal Writing Number 6

MELC: Distinguish among various types of viewing materials EN5VC-Id-6

The Coolest Celebrity Ever!

I was flipping through this magazine the other day, and guess who I saw grinning
back at me? None other than my absolute favorite celebrity! Now, let me tell you why this
person is the coolest. They're a superstar on the big screen. I'm talking about blockbuster
movies that have me glued to the edge of my seat. It's like they have this magical ability to
transport me to different worlds, filled with adventure and excitement. And don't even get me
started on their killer acting skills—it's like they can become any character, from a superhero
to a quirky detective. I'm convinced they have a secret talent potion hidden somewhere.

But here's the thing that makes this celebrity my ultimate fave—they're not just about
fame and fortune. Nope, they're also a champion for all things good. Whether it's supporting
important causes, spreading positivity, or just being an all-around good person, my favorite
celebrity knows how to use their star power for something greater than themselves. It's like
having a superhero in real life, and I'm here for it. The magazine had this awesome interview
where they shared personal stories, funny anecdotes, and even some behind-the-scenes
secrets. It was like getting a backstage pass to the coolest show in town. Reading about
their journey to stardom and the challenges they faced made them feel like a real person,
not just a face on a screen. It's like they're someone you could have a pizza party with, and
that's pretty darn cool.

I couldn't help but cut out their picture from the magazine and stick it on my bedroom
wall. Now, every day, I get a dose of inspiration from my favorite celebrity. It's a reminder that
dreams are worth chasing, kindness is always in style, and that being yourself is the greatest
role you can play. So, here's to my favorite celebrity, the one who graced the pages of that
magazine and made me believe that anything is possible. Keep shining bright!
Informal Writing Number 7

MELC: Distinguish among various types of viewing materials EN5VC-Id-6

Matanglawin: The Coolest Adventure on TV!

My absolute favorite TV show is Matanglawin! If you haven't seen it, you're seriously
missing out on the most epic adventure ever. Here's why I'm hooked. The host is like the
Indiana Jones of the small screen. He's got this fearless attitude and a twinkle in his eye that
says, "I'm ready for anything." I mean, the dude tackles the wildest challenges, explores the
coolest places, and even gets up close and personal with animals that I've only seen in my
wildest dreams. It's like watching a superhero without the cape, and it's beyond awesome.

The adventures on Matanglawin are like a rollercoaster ride for the mind. One
minute, they're diving into the heart of the jungle, and the next, they're uncovering ancient
mysteries. It's like a crash course in everything cool, from science and history to wildlife and
beyond. I feel like I'm getting a front-row seat to the most exciting classroom ever, and I'm
learning without even realizing it. Who knew TV could be this educational? But it's not just
about the knowledge; it's the adrenaline rush too. When the host faces off with snakes, goes
on a quest for hidden treasures, or embarks on a daring mission, my heart races like crazy.
It's like I'm right there with him, overcoming fears and discovering the unknown. Matanglawin
turns every episode into a mini-action movie, and I'm the captivated audience. The best
part? The show has this infectious energy that makes me want to go out and explore the
world. After watching Matanglawin, I've found myself digging in the backyard for hidden
artifacts, pretending to be an animal expert, or even attempting crazy experiments (with
parental supervision, of course). It's like the show has become my passport to a world of
adventure, right from the comfort of my living room.

Matanglawin throws in a good dose of humor and camaraderie too. The host and his
crew are like a bunch of friends having the time of their lives. Their banter, jokes, and shared
excitement make it feel like I'm part of the gang. It's a reminder that learning can be fun, and
exploring the world is an adventure best shared with friends.In a world filled with TV shows,
Matanglawin stands out as a beacon of excitement and knowledge. It's more than just a
show; it's an invitation to embark on thrilling journeys, uncover hidden secrets, and unleash
the explorer within. So, if you're looking for the coolest adventure on TV, look no further than
Matanglawin. It's the show that makes learning an unforgettable quest, and I'm all in for the
wild ride!

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