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Introduction to

Thinking about your behavior with others,
listen to each statement and indicate which
best typifies your behavior where you:
1 = disagree strongly;
2 = disagree somewhat;
3 = agree somewhat;
4 = agree strongly.
1. I express my opinions honestly, openly, and
appropriately all the time.
2. I can get angry and am comfortable letting this
3. I find it difficult to say ‘no’.
4. If I do not agree with a task I’ve been given, I
find a way of dragging my feet on it.
5. If someone knows more than me, I feel
comfortable in asking for help from them.
6. I feel guilty if I leave on time for a valid reason
and other people are still working.
7. I can be sarcastic.
8. I think my way of doing things is better than
other people’s.
9. If someone takes advantage of me, I find a way of
getting my own back.
10. I feel I have a right to say ‘no’ to other people’s
requests and to negotiate a compromise.
11. If I am in a large meeting, I do not speak up.
12. I like to be in control of a situation.
13. If the situation dictates, I can stare people
14. I make good eye contact with other people.
15. If I am unsure about a given task, I find it
uncomfortable to ask for help.
16. I have been known to talk about other people behind
their backs.
17. When I have to deal with someone in authority, I find it
difficult to look them directly in the eye.
18. I am a good listener and equally other people listen to
what I have to say.
19. Rather than confronting someone about an issue, I would
rather give them the cold shoulder or drop hints to other
people that I am not happy.
20. I am not afraid to be direct with someone, even if they
think I am being rude.
Students will be shown
some pictures revealing the
5 different communicative
- A style that uses informal language
- Uses slang, vulgarities, profanity are normal
- Is uses language that are used between friends
- It focuses on just getting the information
- Phone texts, buddies, chats, emails, vlogs, letters
to friends
- A one- way nature of communication
- Intended to share information in a formal way
- Used in speaking to medium or large groups
- The language used follow a commonly accepted format
- Usually uses complete sentences before being delivered
- Does not use slang words but well- defined and standard ones
- Examples: sermons, rhetorical statements and questions,
speeches, pronouncements by judges, announcements, job
interview, dinner party, meetings
- Most formal communicative styles
- A style of communication that rarely or never changes
- Frozen in time and content
- Used in respectful situation or formal ceremonies
- Usually uses long sentences with good grammar and vocabulary
- It does not require feedback from the audience
- Examples: the Lord’s Prayer, the Preamble, laws, National
Anthem, Shakespeare’s Play, Weddings
- Most operational / professional discourse
- Used in semi- formal communication
- Happens in a 2- way communication
- Sentences tend to be shorter
- Thoughts and ideas are less well- planned
- Spontaneous, people tend to repeat some unnecessary words,
choose the wrong words, uses slang words
- Examples: superior and subordinate, doctor and patient, lawyer
and judge, teacher and students, counselor and client, recitation,
- A style that is private
- It is reserved for close family members, married couples or
intimate people
- Does not complete the language with clear articulation
- It uses language that are only used within very close friends and
relatives – often with call signs/ terms of endearment
- Grammar is not necessary
- Examples: husband and wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, siblings,
parent- children
1. Why is determining the
communicative style important?
2. How is this lesson applied in
you daily conversation?
Directions: Classify the spoken texts
below according to their communicative
style. Write Intimate, Casual,
Consultative, Formal, or Frozen.
1. “Why should we hire you?”
2. “Have you seen Jamie? I was looking for her
since this morning.”
3. “To our beloved parents and teachers,
hardworking school administrators and staff, Ladies
and Gentlemen…”
4. “You may now kiss the bride”
5. “One of the rules in grammar is; when the subject
is singular the verb must be singular.”
6. “Father of all mankind, look kindly on your people as we beg
you to give us your blessing on this event we are to begin.”
7. “Hi there! What’s up?” “Nothing much. You?”
8. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
9. “So, let’s remind ourselves that we need to do our
assignments by next meeting. IS there anything else we might
have overlooked?”
10. “To be or not to be – that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler
in the mind to suffer.”

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