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Bato Institute of Science And Technology, Inc.

Dolho, Bato, Letyte


Name: ______________________________________________ Week 4 Sept. 4-9, 2023

UNIT 4: The World Wide Web 3. Web Pages: Web pages are
documents written in HTML
At the end of this unit, you are expected to: (Hypertext Markup Language) that
✓ Identified the ways to access and contain a mix of text, images,
connect to the internet; videos, and other multimedia
✓ Performed search functions on the web elements. These pages are
designed to be viewed in web
✓ Created a personal web page
browsers, which interpret the HTML
code and render the content
4. Universal Access: The World Wide
What is World Wide Web?
Web is accessible to anyone with
The World Wide Web (WWW), often
an internet connection and a web
simply referred to as the "web," is a vast
browser. This accessibility has
and interconnected system of digital
democratized information
information that is accessible over the
dissemination, allowing people
internet. It's a collection of web pages,
from around the world to share,
documents, multimedia content, and
access, and contribute to a wide
resources linked together through
variety of information and
hyperlinks. The World Wide Web is a
fundamental component of the
5. Search Engines: Search engines
internet, but it's important to note that
like Google, Bing, and Yahoo
the terms "internet" and "World Wide
provide tools that enable users to
Web" are not synonymous.
search for specific information on
Here's a breakdown of what the World
the web. These search engines
Wide Web is:
index vast amounts of web
1. Interconnected Content: The web
content and allow users to find
consists of a massive network of
relevant information by entering
interconnected content. Each
keywords or phrases.
piece of content, usually in the
6. Multimedia Integration: In addition
form of web pages, is linked to
to text-based content, the web
other content through hyperlinks.
supports various multimedia
These links allow users to navigate
elements such as images, videos,
between different web pages,
audio files, animations, and
websites, and online resources.
interactive applications. This rich
2. Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks (or simply
multimedia integration enhances
"links") are clickable elements on a
the user experience and allows for
web page that, when clicked,
more dynamic and engaging
take the user to another web page
or resource. Hyperlinks enable
7. Evolving Technologies: The World
users to explore a diverse range of
Wide Web is constantly evolving,
topics and information by
with new technologies, standards,
seamlessly moving from one piece
and protocols emerging to
of content to another.
enhance the browsing
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experience. Technologies like browsers and web servers. It
HTML, CSS (Cascading Style defines how data is requested and
Sheets), JavaScript, and transferred over the internet.
responsive design have played 5. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol
crucial roles in shaping how web Secure): An extension of HTTP that
content is created and displayed. adds a layer of security using
SSL/TLS protocols, encrypting data
The World Wide Web has revolutionized exchanged between the user's
the way we access and share browser and the web server.
information, conduct business, 6. Web Servers: Software that stores
communicate, and even socialize. It has and delivers web content to users'
become an integral part of modern life browsers upon request. Common
and continues to evolve as technology web servers include Apache,
advances, shaping the way we interact Nginx, and Microsoft IIS.
with digital content and each other. 7. Web Browsers: Software
applications that render HTML,
Web Technologies CSS, and JavaScript to display web
"Web Technologies" encompass a wide content to users. Examples include
range of tools, languages, protocols, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
and frameworks that are used to create, 8. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript
host, and access content on the World and XML): A technique that allows
Wide Web. web pages to request and load
Here are some key web technologies: data from a server without
1. HTML (Hypertext Markup requiring a full page reload. It
Language): The foundation of web enhances user experience by
content, HTML is used to structure providing real-time updates.
and present information on the 9. APIs (Application Programming
web. It uses tags to define Interfaces): APIs allow different
elements like headings, software applications to
paragraphs, lists, links, images, and communicate and share data with
more. each other. Web APIs enable
2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS developers to access services and
is used to control the presentation data over the internet.
and layout of HTML elements. It 10. Responsive Web Design:
allows designers and developers to Design principles that ensure web
apply styles, colors, fonts, spacing, content adapts to different screen
and other visual aspects to web sizes and devices, providing an
pages. optimal user experience on
3. JavaScript: A programming desktops, tablets, and
language that adds interactivity, smartphones.
dynamic behavior, and enhanced 11. CMS (Content Management
user experiences to web pages. It's System): Software platforms like
commonly used for client-side WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal
scripting, enabling actions like form that simplify the creation and
validation, animations, and real- management of websites, often
time updates. without requiring in-depth coding
4. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): knowledge.
The protocol used for 12. Frameworks and Libraries:
communication between web Tools like React, Angular, and
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Vue.js (JavaScript frameworks) be accessed through web
and jQuery (JavaScript library) browsers but offer features
simplify web development by traditionally associated with native
providing pre-built components apps, such as offline access, push
and structures. notifications, and fast loading
13. Web Hosting: Services that times.
allow individuals and organizations 3. Web Accessibility: There has been
to publish their websites on the a growing emphasis on making the
internet. Hosting providers allocate web more accessible to people
server space, storage, and with disabilities. Web accessibility
bandwidth for websites. standards and practices aim to
14. Cookies and Sessions: ensure that websites are usable by
Mechanisms for storing user data individuals with various
on the client-side (cookies) or impairments.
server-side (sessions) to maintain 4. Web Performance Optimization:
state and personalize user Faster loading times and improved
experiences. performance have become
15. Web Security: Technologies essential for user satisfaction and
like SSL/TLS, HTTPS, firewalls, and search engine rankings.
authentication mechanisms that Technologies like browser caching,
protect websites and users from content delivery networks (CDNs),
cyber threats. and optimized code have been
used to enhance web
These are just a few examples of the performance.
many technologies that contribute to 5. Web Security: The importance of
the creation, functionality, and security web security has escalated, with
of websites on the World Wide Web. As an increased focus on adopting
the web continues to evolve, new HTTPS through SSL/TLS encryption.
technologies and trends emerge, As cyber threats evolve, web
shaping the way we interact with online developers and businesses have
content and services. been implementing stronger
security measures to protect user
The World Wide Web Today data.
Some trends and developments that 6. Web Content and Formats: The
were prominent in the World Wide Web web has seen a surge in
up until September 2021. multimedia content, including
1. Mobile-First Design: With the video streaming, interactive
increasing use of smartphones and animations, and immersive
tablets, web designers and experiences through technologies
developers have been focusing on like WebVR and WebAR.
creating responsive and mobile- 7. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
friendly designs. This ensures that Integration: AI technologies, such
websites provide a seamless as chatbots, recommendation
experience across a wide range of systems, and personalization
devices and screen sizes. algorithms, have been integrated
2. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): into websites to enhance user
PWAs are web applications that interactions and experiences.
combine the best of both web and 8. E-Commerce and Online Services:
mobile app experiences. They can The web has become a central
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platform for e-commerce, offering Searching for information on the web is
online shopping, digital payment a fundamental activity that involves
systems, and various services that using search engines to find relevant
cater to a global audience. content. Here's how you can effectively
9. Social Media and User-Generated search for information on the web:
Content: Social media platforms 1. Choose a Search Engine:
and user-generated content have • Start by using a reliable
transformed the way people search engine like Google,
interact and share information Bing, or DuckDuckGo. These
online, shaping trends, discussions, search engines index a vast
and public opinions. amount of web content and
10. Semantic Web and Linked offer user-friendly interfaces.
Data: Efforts to make web content 2. Use Specific Keywords:
more understandable by both • Enter specific keywords or
humans and machines have led to phrases related to the topic
the development of the semantic you're searching for. Use
web. This involves adding clear and concise terms that
metadata and linking data to accurately represent what
enable more sophisticated data you're looking for.
analysis and knowledge discovery. 3. Use Quotation Marks:
11. Privacy Concerns and Data • If you're searching for an
Protection: Increasing awareness exact phrase, enclose it in
of privacy issues has led to stricter quotation marks. For
regulations such as the General example, searching for
Data Protection Regulation "climate change" will yield
(GDPR) in the European Union. results with that exact phrase.
These regulations impact how 4. Avoid Common Words:
websites collect, store, and • Search engines often ignore
process user data. common words (known as
12. Web Monetization and "stop words") like "the," "and,"
Subscription Models: Alongside "is," etc. Focus on keywords
traditional advertising models, that are specific to your
some websites have explored new query.
monetization strategies like 5. Refine with Advanced Operators:
subscription-based content, • Many search engines support
microtransactions, and advanced operators that
cryptocurrency-based revenue. help refine your search. For
example, using "site:"
Note: followed by a domain limits
Technological trends and your search to a specific
developments are constantly evolving. website (e.g.,
To get the most up-to-date information "").
about the current state of the World 6. Use Synonyms and Alternatives:
Wide Web, I recommend checking • If your initial search doesn't
reputable news sources, technology yield desired results, try using
blogs, and industry reports. synonyms or alternative terms
related to your topic.
Searching Information on the Web 7. Filter by Time or Date:

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• Some search engines allow
you to filter results based on Remember that search engines
the time frame in which the are powerful tools, but their results are
content was published or generated based on algorithms and
updated. This is useful for may not always perfectly match your
finding recent information. intent. Experiment with different search
8. Explore Related Searches: strategies and tools to optimize your
• Search engines often provide web search experience.
suggestions for related
searches or variations of your REFRENCE:
query. These can lead you to Online Resources:
different angles of the topic. •
9. Check Multiple Sources: proposal.html
• Don't rely solely on the first •
few search results. Explore •
multiple sources to get a well- •
rounded view of the topic.
10. Consider Credibility and Books on the World Wide Web:
Relevance: • "Weaving the Web: The Original
• Assess the credibility of the Design and Ultimate Destiny of the
sources you find. Choose World Wide Web" by Tim Berners-
reputable websites, Lee and Mark Fischetti.
academic sources, and • "The Innovators: How a Group of
experts' articles. Be wary of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks
information that seems Created the Digital Revolution" by
biased, outdated, or Walter Isaacson.
11. Use Specialized Searches: Prepared by:
• If you're looking for specific Mary Jane Pagay – Cierva, LPT
types of content (images, Instructor
videos, news, scholarly
articles), many search
engines have dedicated
search options for those
12. Advanced Search Tools:
• Some search engines offer
advanced search tools that
allow you to refine your
search by language,
location, file type, and more.
13. Bookmark or Save Links:
• If you find valuable
information, bookmark or
save the links for future
reference. You can use
browser bookmarks or
specialized bookmarking
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