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It is thought that human health can be badly affected by consuming meat, so people should
choose to become vegetarian. Although eating meat still has benefits to human health, in my
opinion, it does more harm than good.
First, meats are rich in cholesterol, fatty acid and protein. Although they are still necessary for
human health, consuming them too much can increase a person’s risk of obesity, cancer and
heart disease. In contrast, a vegetarian is less likely to face those health problems, while those
nourishments can be easily found in several other natural sources or supplements. For example,
people can get protein through using nuts, cereals, or seeds. Hence, people can still achieve the
required nutrition for their bodies without eating meat.
In some cases, people may consume animals that have diseases, which can infect the consumer
and give rise to serious problems. In reality, meats such as chicken or duck sometimes be
injected with growth hormones to increase sales and profit, these poisonous meats are not only
harmful to people's health but it is also very difficult for people to identify them. Moreover,
according to some scientific research, people who eat meat tend to be a lot more aggressive than
vegetarian while those who don’t eat meat seems to be more peaceful and calmer, just like the
monks. Besides, avoiding eating meat means reducing the number of animals being killed and
more plants will be grown, which all benefit the environment considerably.
In conclusion, if people are careful with the amount of meat that they consumed as well as the
origin of it, eating meat is not much. However, being a vegetarian is still a good idea that people
should take into consideration.
The given map illustrates how a road system is going to be improved to increase the safety of
using traffic. Overall, the number of curves on all roads will be cut down to make the road
system less complicated.
The Northwestern side is occupied by a school, which is on Low Lane, near an accident-prone
area ____ that is dangerous for the students. To the South of the school through the 4-way
intersection is a residential area. Moreover, on the Northeastern side, there is a Supermarket on a
small path line on in/to the left of the City road.
In the future, a roundabout will be constructed at the cut of City Road and Forest Road. On the
western side, at the cut of City Road and Low Lane, four traffic lights will be installed at the
different corners. The small line that connects City Road and the supermarket will be
demolished and replaced by a direct line to the new roundabout
Task 2:
Some people think that people should adopt a vegetarian diet because eating meat can cause
health problems. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?
The approach of becoming a vegetarian is being increasingly advisable, because of the idea that
people’s well-being can be negatively influenced by meat consumption. In my viewpoint, a
vegetarian diet reduces/minimizes the risk of health diseases, and there are some reasons in
doing so.
A first major contribution to the pursuit of becoming a vegetarian is nutrition. Organic foods,
which is grown naturally without any use of toxic chemicals such as pesticides or herbicides,
play a key role in a healthy lifestyle by adopting a low-fat and high-fiber diet. In spite of the fact
that a rational diet can be deficient in some vital nutrients nutrition, they can be easily absorbed
accounted for by high-quality supplements. As a result, there is a slim chance of people’s having
perilous dangerous/serious/severe health problems, therefore, has a longer life span, stays in the
state of physical fitness, and prevents common health problems like obesity.
Another factor of paramount importance is the hesitance to take in animal products. Red meat,
poultry, seafood are rich in protein and more importantly, cholesterol which is beneficial if given
the fair amount. But there is grave concern about the excessive use of antibiotics and growth
hormones in the animal’s development, and the fact that excessive cholesterol intake is the main
cause of some problematic health issues relating to the blockages of blood vessels. The above-
mentioned reasons are partly why people are reluctant when eating all types of meat, hence,
greatly consolidate the idea to opt for vegetarian eating habits.
In summary, the past decades saw the increase in the number of vegetarians, as a consequence of
its usefulness and to stay healthy. Therefore, people must adopt a better lifestyle as a vegetarian
to greatly diminish rule out/exclude the possibility of getting fatal diseases.
Task 1:
The current road system is being demanded to make major changes in its layout due to the
increasing frequency of traffic accidents. The school, which is located in the Northwest, is
directly connected to the intersection of the city road and the low lane, and thus threatens
student’s and dwellers alongside the low lane. The old City Road is also crooked, with some
sharp turns and is the cause of three accident-prone points, the one at a crossway at low lane, the
one at the four-way intersection of City Road and Forest Road, and the one linked to the
Supermarket. The proposed solution is to straighten the problematic City Road, with traffic
control, roundabout respectively to the first two locations, which controls the speed of traffic and
eases traffic flow. The Supermarket is later fixed to a smaller Road connected to the roundabout
and therefore remove the third precarious point.
1. In this day and age, it is believed that a vegetarian diet should be adopted because health-
related issues can occur from eating meat. In this essay, I will discuss why this is the case and
show my own opinion on this way of thinking.
A lot of meat producing companies seek to cut down on the price of production and increase
profit, leading to animals being fed and injected with chemicals to make them grow faster and
have more meat. Albeit the amount of money reduced is very significant, consumers’ health were
damaged heavily. Thus, a lot of people think that switching from eating meat to eating
vegetables would negate the harmful effects of the chemicals in the meat consumed. Another
possible reason is that meat is very rich in protein, which means excessive consumption of meat
would make one extremely weak to health problems such as diabetes, heart-attacks, diabetes and
so on.
No matter how vegetarians tries to deceive us, the trend of applying harmful substances to
comestibles also affects vegetables, so the food type does not matter as much as they suppose.
There are individuals who cannot follow the vegetarian diet either, most notably physically weak
people, like children, pregnant women, or people with highly physical demanding jobs. Since
meat provide more nutritions to the human body than most vegetables does, following diets
lacking any kinds of meat is not viable.
In conclusion, a diet full of plant-related food would not be possible for everyone. To ensure we
have the best state of health, meat and vegetables should both be included in the meals prepared
and how the food was made must be considered carefully before eating.
2. The given maps show how a road system is currently and alterations proposed to lower the
number of accidents. The dangerousness of the road system in the current day should not be
underestimated. The system consists of two main roads, Forest and City road, along with Low
Lane, creating three junctions. Right before the intersection is the zig-zag turn of City road while
the other two roads are straight. There is also a supermarket connected to City road on the
eastern side and a school on the left. Places where collisions often occur are at the three
intersections and the road linking the school and the supermarket with to the City road. Due to
the frequent crashes and complicated shape, the proposed road system in the future will undergo
a few modifications to it. Most notable is the roundabout at the intersection of City road and
Forest road, which the supermarket will be connected to. This will also lead to the adjustment of
City road, which will be turned into a straight passageway instead of the current curvy road.
There will also be a system of traffic lights in front of the school in Low lane to control the speed
of the vehicles passing by.
In the modern age, many people are choosing and encouraging an all-vegetarian diet, citing that
consumption of _______ red meat or poultry may bring about medical complications. In this
essay, I will present the idea of this sentiment being untrue and ingesting such meat can be in
fact beneficial to one’s body.
First, red meat contributes to much of the world’s Vitamin B12, iron and calcium intakes, which
most plants don’t have. This means that vegetarians have to take supplements for those nutrients.
Furthermore, people who chose this lifestyle have a lower bone density than their meat-eating
counterpart, which can lead to an increased probability of bone fractures in case of accidents.
While red meat have can be damaging to one’s body when consumed in large amount, making
them susceptible to diabetes and obesity, a moderate amount can be helpful, as meat has a higher
protein and fat density than vegetables.
Second, poultry and fish provide a healthier alternative to red meat, with all its benefit and
virtually no downside. Consumption of fish, in particular, can be extremely helpful as it provides
more vitamins, minerals, protein while having less fat and cholesterol.
Third, the choice to be vegetarian is simply impossible for certain kinds of people. Children,
pregnant women and manual workers are just some that cannot live with a diet without meat.
Without them, children cannot grow properly, pregnant women will be prone to malnutrition or
premature birth and workers can’t keep up with their physically demanding tasks.
In conclusion, while red meat may lead to health problems, not all kinds of meat are like red
meat in that they’re more of a help than a harm to people, and some types of people can’t afford
to live such a lifestyle.
The road system in the current day is dangerous, to say the least. Blind-spots where collisions
frequently happen and complicated road structure does not seem to be the safest place to drive in.
Regarding the road itself, it's made of 2 main paths, Forest and City road, forming 3 junctions in
3 different parts, along with Low Lane, which connects the school to with City Road. While Low
Lane and Forest Road are straightforward, the City Road has a zig-zag turn right after the
northeastern intersection. There is also a supermarket, connecteding to the City Road on the
northeastern side. The 3 intersections, along with the road linking the supermarket and City Road
are places where accidents regularly occur.
The proposed system aims to change this complicated and dangerous road structure. City road
will be made to be straight, intersecting Forest road at a roundabout as to minimize crashes, as
will the straightforward line connecting the supermarket with the roundabout. The four-way
intersection of Low lane and City road will have traffic lights to help regulate the traffic,
decreasing the chances of a collision happening.
Writing task 2: Many students find difficult to concentrate in school
What are the reasons for this?
What can be done to solve this problem?
be preoccupied with something
be occupied with something
awaken/arouse/kindle/fuel + interest/curiosity
current curriculums
Writing task 1: biểu đồ
So sánh (so sánh nhất/hơn/bằng)
Trích số liệu
Xu hướng
The charts below give information about the most common sports played in New Zealand in 2002

The percentage/proportion of girls/boys [females/males] who participated in/took part in/joined in/played/engaged
in/got involved in + _______

The figure for ____

______ be [quite/relatively/fairly/virtually] similar to/the same as/equal to _______

there is no [significant/considerable] difference/disparity/gap/margin in the percentage of ___
______ share the same/similar/equal percentage/proportion/figure
Considering the boys, the most unpopular/the least sport played sport was is netball at/with
_____, followed by athletics at/with ____. Cricket, Martial arts, Basketball and Tennis witnessed
roughly the relatively/fairly/virtually same percentage/figure number amount of male
participants/players. The majority of boys joined in soccer and swimming, along with other
sports in general.
The majority of girls had a greater tendency to take part in netball, while/whereas/whilst female
cricket players were relatively modest occupying/holding the last place in the table. Swimming
was also popular among women, with approximately/roughly/about/around 23%. There was no
considerable disparity in the percentage of those participating in Tennis and Baseball, with only
a difference of 1 percent. Athletics, Marital arts were among the least played sports in New
Zealand, with roughly 5 and 3 percent respectively, and other sports took up takes up 10 percent
of all.
The proportion of females engaging in other sports was 10%
Be/register/represent + số liệu [mọi đơn vị]
Occupy/take up/make up/account for/comprise/constitute + số liệu (%)
approximately/roughly/about/around + số liệu
less than/under/nearly + ____
more than/above/over + _____
Overall, the boys enjoyed a variety of sports somewhat equally, with the sole exception of
netball. The percentage of those who practiced martial arts and cricket are relatively the same
with about 10%, and that goes true for basketball and tennis as well with roughly 8%.
As expected, almost 25% of all boys played soccer, about 13% of them engaged in swimming
and approximately 20% were interested in other sports.
Athletics and netball are very uncommon among boys, with only 4% and less than 1%
participatory rate respectively.
According to the graphs, the most popular sport among the girls was netball, which is about 25%
while cricket was the least played sport with the percentage of 1%. The number of girls who
took part in marital arts was a little insignificantly/inconsiderably/minimally/margianlly bigger
than that of cricket and smaller than ____ soccer. Next, the figures for joining in basketball and
tennis among girls were relatively similar. Moreover, the proportion of girls who participated in
swimming was 23% making it the second most common sports for girls. Lastly, other sports

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