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It’s a prime Friday evening and Jimmy is leaving Lamar to go to the gym.

On his
way down Eastside, he decides he’s going to chug a Pro360 oreo protein milkshake.
His best friend, Josh the gym rat, told him it has 150 grams of protein to help build his
muscles. Jimmy gets to the gym and immediately heads to the stairmaster to start his
cardio. He thought the protein would give him energy, but he didn’t feel a boost of
energy from the protein at all. Afterwards, Jimmy decides to leave the gym and consult
the viral science crew, Lamar BioTech Company. You, as the newly hired scientist of the
firm, use your super powers to zoom in on Jimmy from afar at the Lamar BioTech
Company with your newest creation, the Scope3000. What we notice at a microscopic
level is that Jimmy’s cellular processes are occurring at a new record level rate.

1. What is the real function of proteins?

To Make Muscle in the body

While Jimmy is visiting the Lamar BioTech Company, he verbalizes that he

wishes he paid attention to the Biomolecules unit Biology class last year in 9th grade.
You, a proud student of Biology, are highly offended and feel as though this visit could
have been avoided. Jimmy then goes home and has a well-balanced meal of pasta and
he feels quite energized for a short time before bed. He also eats a candy bar and gets
a sugar rush before crashing.

2. What is the function of carbohydrates?

To provide short bursts of energy

Jimmy feels he is onto something, but is searching for a burst of energy that lasts
longer. At lunch the next week, Jimmy tries to eat an unbalanced meal consisting of a
jar of peanut butter and a stick of butter. After lunch, Jimmy felt super heavy. After the
meal settled in his body, he found that he had a consistent amount of energy throughout
his whole workout. He finally found his remedy! On his way back from the gym, he
made a finsta called @jimmylifts so he could go live and show the world how strong he
really is.

3. Based on what you have read, what is the function of lipids (or fats)?
To provide a long source of energy.
But the story doesn’t end here… Jimmy ended up going viral off of his live and
people are questioning if his strength is in his DNA. Jimmy, unsure of what they are
talking about, decides to go back to Lamar BioTech Company and ask them what they
think of this. You tell Jimmy that all living things contain nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are
the building blocks of our genetic information, so if strength is in his genes it is due to
the nucleic acids that make up his DNA!

4. Write in your own words the function of nucleic acids.

Nucleic Acids are filled with genetic information.

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