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________________ NĂM HỌC ………………………….

ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 42 Môn: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
(không kể thời gian giao đề)

SECTION I: LISTENING (3.0 points) (You will hear twice for each part)
Part 1: Questions from 1 to 5. (1 point -0.2/ each)
You will hear part of a radio interview, with a man called Paul, who is talking about some of
the jobs he did, when he left school.
1. What was Paul's first job when he left school?
A. shop assistant B. waiter C. vet
2. Paul thought his first job ________.
A. didn't offer enough work. B. wasn't very interesting. C. didn’t pay enough money.
3. Paul's relative ________.
A. gave him a job. B. knew he was unemployed. C. offered to help him.
4. Paul thought ________.
A. he didn't have enough experience to work at the animal rescue centre.
B. the job at the animal rescue centre was perfect for him.
C. the animal rescue centre didn't pay him enough.
5. The job meant Paul had to ________.
A. get up early. B. take som e exams. C. go and live in a different place.
Part 2: Questions from 6 to 15. (2 points - 0.2/ each)
Listen to the conversation twice. Fill in each blank space with no more than one word or
Personal In formation

Name: Julie Anne Garcia

* Contact phone: (6) ……………………………..
* Date of birth: (7) …………………………….. October 1992
* Occupation works as a: (8) ……………………………..
* Insurance company: (9) …………………………… insurance
Details of the problem
* Type of problem: pain in her left (10) ……………………………..
* When it began: (11) 3 ……………………………..ago
* Action already taken: has taken pain killers and applied ice
Other information
* Sports played: belongs to a (12) …………………………
goes (13) ……………………………..regularly
* Medical history: injured her (14) …………………………..last year
no allergies
no regular medication apart from (15) ……………………………
Part 1: Questions from 16 to 35. (3.0 points - 0.15/ each)
Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to best complete the following sentences.
16. Her ________to medicine was so great that she had little time for anything else.
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A. importance B. dedication C. emphasis D. reputation
17. If necessary, part of the responsibility is ________ by the internal security troops.
A. taken on B. taken over C. taken in D. taken up
18. I couldn't quite _______what they were doing because they were so far away.
A. bear out B. make out C. think out D. try out
19. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _______ in broad daylight yesterday.
A. to be robbed B. robbed
C. to have been robbed D. having been robbed
20. ________ pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.
A. Although B. However C. Because D. On account of
21. Mr. Henry was given a medal in _______ of his service to his country.
A. gratitude B. knowledge C. recognition D. response
22. We are going to have a trip to Hanoi Capital. We need to________ arrangements for the trip
A. do B. make C. get D. pay
23. ________ that we had to ask a police officer for directions.
A. So confusing was the map B. was so confusing the map
C. The map was such confusing D. Such confusing was the map
24. By the end of this year, Chen __________ English for three years, but he will still need more
training and experience before he masters the language.
A. will have been studying B. has been studying
C. has studied D. will be studying
25. It is necessary that a life-guard ________ the swimming pool while the children are taking their
swimming lessons.
A. monitored B. monitors C. monitor D. monitoring
26. George wouldn't have met Mary________ to his brother’s graduation party.
A. hadn't he gone B. had he not gone
C. if he has not gone D. if he should not have gone
27. In spite of our big effort, we have not managed to _______ enough money for the renovation of
the school buildings.
A. raise B. take C. rear D. score
28. She’s just bought three new dresses, _______ her if she gains weight.
A. none of them will fit B. that won’t fit
C. which none of them fit D. none of which will fit
29. Thomas received a warning for speeding. He _________ so fast.
A. shouldn’t have driven C. should have driven
B. would have driven D. might have driven
30. _______ learning a foreign language, John is smarter than Tim although they are twins.
A. On account of B. Instead of C. In terms of D. In place of
31. When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty _______ paintings were destroyed, including
two by Picasso.
A. worthless B. priceless C. valueless D. worthy
32. I don’t remember ________ of your decision to change our vacation plan.
A. to tell B. being told C. telling D. to be told
33. Not having written about the required topic, ________ a low mark.
A. my presentation was given B. the teacher gives me
C. the teacher gave me D. I was given
34. I’d rather you _______at my party last night.

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A. be B. were C. had been D. have been
35. I know it’s not a huge corporation to work for - but it’s better to be __________.
A. other fish to try B. a big fish in a small pond
C. a fish out of water D. plenty more fish in the sea
Part 2: Questions from 36 to 45. (2 points - 0.2/ each)
Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence.
36. Most people who work feel that they are ………………………………... (pay)
37. I ……………………………… wide the stream was and fell in. (judge)
38. It was ………………………………..of you not to offer her a drink. (hospitable)
39. He was ………………………………..of the consequences in advance. (information)
40. He didn’t feel happy because he worked ………………………………... (success).
41. Many people expressed ………………………………..with the whole idea. (disagree)
42. English is a ………………………………..easy language for Swedes to learn. (compare)
43. People can become infected after eating raw or ………………………………..meat. (cook)
44. The factory’s ……………………………..has increased considerably in the past few years. (put)
45. I think it is very …………………………of him to expect us to work overtime every night this week.(reason)
Part 3: Questions from 46 to 50. (1 point - 0.2/ each)
Each of the following sentences has an error. Find the errors and correct them.
46. Mary bought her mother a twenty-inches television last week.
47. He knows to repair the carburetor without taking the whole car apart.
48. Please remain in your assign seats until the instructor dismisses the class.
49. If one does not have respect for himself, you cannot expect others to respect him.
50. Japanese initially used jeweled objects to decorate swords and ceremonial items.
Part 4: Questions from 51 to 55. (1 point - 0.2/ each)
Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
51. John and Mary used to fall …………………………..a lot and they eventually split up.
52. He presented the award to me on behalf …………………………..the community club.
53. Can you give us some information …………………………..bus tours, please?
54. For security reasons, you have to check …………………………..two hours before your flight.
55. She nearly freaked …………………………..when she saw the colour of her hair. It was a disaster!
Part 1. Questions 56 to 65 (2 points - 0.2/ each)
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question.
Mystery of Moriarty
We are inviting you to join us for a walk through the streets of London in order to solve a trail
of clues left by Professor Moriarty. You will be acting as Sherlock Holmes, the (56) ________
private detective created by Arthur Canon Doyle. Accompanied by Dr Watson you will (57)
________ Victorian London in our especially designed venue for this bespoke game. You will be
(58) ________ the design and all the detail that has (59) ________ the construction of the place.
Holme’s (60) ________with Moriarty is legendary, so we have attempted to give you a taste of that.
Don’t expect a (61) ________ progression to the game that you can (62) ________easily. The same
as the great character, Holmes, it will be (63) ________, but fascinating. This experience will require
a (64) ________ of imagination, a group of friends and a fully charged mobile phone. You will be
(65) ________ a uniquely designed experience, that’s a promise!
56. A. delusional B. artificial C. fictional D. imagined
57. A. get into B. step into C. forge into D. turn into
58. A. intrigued by B. encouraged with C. informed by D. creative with
59. A. taken up B. made out C. gone into D. flooded in
60. A. interaction B. association C. mannerism D. semblance
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61. A. reasoning B. comprehensive C. persistent D. logical
62. A. get away B. buy into C. bring in D. follow along
63. A. defining B. unpredictable C. identical D. unforeseeable
64. A. leap B. fringe C. faint D. strain
65. A. immersed in B. down to C. flooded with D. fitted in
Part 2. Questions 66 – 75 (2.0 points - 0.2/ each)
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question.
Ranked as the number one beverage consumed worldwide, tea takes the lead over coffee
in both popularity and production with more than 5 million metric tons of tea produced annually.
Although much of this tea is consumed in Asian, European, and African countries, the United
States drinks its fair share. According to estimates by the Tea Council of the United States, tea is
enjoyed by no less than half of the U.S. population on any given day. Black tea or green tea – iced,
spiced, or instant – tea drinking has spurred a billion-dollar business with major tea producers in
Africa and South America and throughout Asia.
Tea is made from the leaves of an evergreen plant, Camellia sinensis, which grows tall and
lush in tropical regions. On tea plantation, the plant is kept trimmed to approximately four feet high
and as new buds called flush appear, they are plucked off by hand. Even in today’s world of
modern agricultural machinery, hand harvesting continues to be the preferred method. Ideally,
only the top two leaves and a bud should be picked. This new growth produces the highest quality
After being harvested, tea leaves are laid out on long drying racks, called withering racks,
for 18 to 20 hours. During this process, the tea softens and becomes limp. Next, depending on the
type of tea being produced, the leaves may be crushed or chopped to release flavor, and then
fermented under controlled conditions of heat and humidity. For green tea, the whole leaves are
often steamed to retain their green color, and the fermentation process is skipped. Producing black
teas requires fermentation during which the tea leaves begin to darken. After fermentation, black tea
is dried in vats to produce its rich brown or black color.
No one knows when or how tea became popular, but legend has it that tea as a beverage was
discovered in 2737 B.C. by Emperor Shen Nung of China when leaves from a Camellia dropped into
his drinking water as it was boiling over a fire. As the story goes, Emperor Shen Nung drank the
resulting liquid and proclaimed the drink to be most nourishing and refreshing. Though this
account cannot be documented, it is thought that tea drinking probably originated in China and
spread to other parts of Asia, then to Europe, and ultimately to America colonies around 1650.
With about half the caffeine content as coffee, tea is often chosen by those who want to
reduce, but not necessarily eliminate their caffeine intake. Some people find that tea is less acidic
than coffee and therefore easier on the stomach. Others have become interested in tea drinking
since the National Cancer Institute published its findings on the antioxidant properties of tea. But
whether tea is enjoyed for its perceived health benefits, its flavor, or as a social drink, teacups
continue to be filled daily with the world’s most popular beverage.
66. Why does the author include statistics on the amount of tea produced, sold, and consumed?
A. To demonstrate tea’s popularity
B. To show the expense of processing such a large quantity of tea
C. To explain why coffee is not the most popular beverage worldwide
D. To impress the reader with factual sounding information
67. Based on the passage, what is implied about tea harvesting?
A. The method has remained nearly the same for a long time.
B. It is totally done with the assistance of modern agricultural machinery.
C. It is no longer done in China

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D. The method involves trimming the uppermost branches of the plant.
68. What does the word “they” in paragraph 2 of the passage refer to ?
A. new buds B. tropical regions C. tea pickers D. evergreen plants
69. Which of the following is NOT true about the tea production process?
A. Black tea goes through two drying phases during production.
B. Black tea develops its dark color during fermentation and final drying.
C. Green tea requires a long fermentation process.
D. Green tea is often steamed to keep its color
70. The word “documented” in paragraph 4 could be best replaced by which of the following
A. kept B. proved C. stored D. ignored
71. According to the passage, what is true about the origin of tea drinking?
A. It began during the Shen Nung dynasty
B. It may have begun some time around 1650
C. It is unknown when tea first became popular.
D. It was originally produced from Camillia plants in Europe.
72. The word “eliminate” in paragraph 5 could be best replaced by which of the following word?
A. increase B. reduce C. decrease D. remove
73. According to the passage, which may be the reason why someone would choose to drink tea
instead of coffee?
A. Because it’s easier to digest than coffee
B. Because it has a higher nutritional content than coffee
C. Because it helps prevent cancer
D. Because it has more caffeine than coffee
74. Where in the passage does the author mention research conducted on the beneficial effects of tea
A. In paragraph 4 B. In paragraph 2 C. In paragraph 1 D. In paragraph 5
75. What best describes the topic of this passage?
A. The two most popular types of tea
B. How tea is produced and brewed
C. The benefits of tea consumption worldwide
D. Tea consumption and production
Part 3: Questions 76 – 85. (2.0 points- 0.2/ each).
Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap.
When did it all start?
Back in my grandparents’ days, it was assumed that the key factor in marketing a product was
(76) …………………………..quality; everything was made to be durable. And just (77) …………………………..all other
consumers at that time, my grandparents valued this and, believe it or (78) ………………………….., they still
own the same kitchen appliances they bought nearly forty years ago. But fast forward forty years,
(79) …………………………..have changed and marketing has almost (80) ………………………… do with the
product. It is the customer (81) …………………………..has become the driving force (82) …………………………..all
business strategies. Technological developments and economic growth have played a vital role in
transforming all aspects of (83) …………………………..lives including industries. The irony of it (84)
………………………… that the goal of manufacturers is not to make something that lasts for years to come
and this is (85) ………………………….. business is today.
Part 1: Questions 86 – 95. (1 point- 0.2/ each)

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Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it.
86. Their teacher is making them study hard.
@ They ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
87. He forgot about the dictionary until he got home.
@ Not until .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
88. Her ability to run a company really impresses me.
@ What ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
89. This is the best essay I have ever written.
@ Never .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
90. That car's so expensive, I don’t think I can buy it.
@ It's such .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
91. “If I were you, I would try my best to learn English well”. John said to Jane.
@ John advised ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
92. He said to me, “Did you send her my book yesterday?”
@ He asked ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
93. Be sure to say goodbye to your grandparents before you leave.
@ Be sure not ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
94. I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn’t get the money.
@ No matter ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
95. Even though his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the burn.
@ In spite of ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Part 2: Questions 96 – 105. (1 point - 0.2/ each)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given.
96. Paul wasn't able to leave the house all day because of the terrible weather. (impossible)
 The terrible weather ……………………………………………………………..Paul to leave the house all day.
97. I managed to finish the preparations in time. (succeeded)
 I ……………………………………………………………..…………the preparations in time.
98. Javier and I are completely different. (common)
 I ……………………………………………………………..……………..Javier.
99. Anne told me that she doesn't intend to stop working. (intention)
 Anne told me that she ……………………………………………………………..……………..up her job.
100. The school's management are investigating allegations of teacher brutality. (into)
 Allegations of teacher brutality ……………………………………………………………..the school's management.
101. I couldn’t think of a way of solving the problem. (how)
 I couldn’t work ……………………………………………………………..……………..the problem.
102. The authorities have improved the public transport system recently. (improvements)
 The authorities ……………………………………………………………..………the public transport system recently.
103. We need to decide how we’re going to go to the theatre. (decision)
 We need to ……………………………………………………………..…………… get to the theatre.
104. People think that bilingual children were disadvantaged in the past. (thought)
 Bilingual children ……………………………………………………………..…………… the past.
105. I thought you wanted me to invite him. (impression)
 I was ……………………………………………………………..…………… wanted me to invite him.

Page 6 chuyên
1. Cung cấp tài liệu tiếng anh file word các cấp phong phú, chất lượng.
2. Tải tài liệu không giới hạn số lần tải, không giới hạn tài liệu tải.
3. Tài liệu tiếng anh rất đa dạng, file word chỉnh sửa được.
4. Phí đăng ký chỉ 100k/năm. Vĩnh viễn chỉ 300k/ thành viên cũ; 350k/thành viên mới.
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