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Aung Thu

Inter-B Final Test Total marks: 72+8+4= 84 marks

Speaking: 8 marks
Writing: 4 marks

The person is Albert Einstein, a brilliant physicist born in Germany in 1879. He is famous for
his equation E=mc², which describes the relationship between mass and energy, transforming
our understanding of space, time, and gravity. Einstein's fame transcends the world of science,
making him a globally recognized figure. I would choose Einstein for his advocacy of peace
and social justice. He used his fame and influence to speak out against war and promote civil
rights. However, I would seek to approach my work with a stronger focus on environmental
sustainability. In today's world, where the environment is a pressing concern, I would
prioritize scientific innovations that are both groundbreaking and eco-friendly.

I have seen your improvement over time and appreciate with it. Keep up the good work
Aung Thu !

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