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I Put these sentences into passive

1. We store data in the computer`s memory.

2. Leonardo da Vinci made a plan for a helicopter.
3. Someone has cleaned the windows.
4. Do they make silicon from sand?
5. They will bring it to you next week.
6. Where does she make these cakes?
7. The British serve roast lamb on Easter Sunday.
8. The Japanese make these TV sets.
9. How often do they clean their room?
10. They are building their house there.
II Question tags- complete sentences
1. Ben`s known her for years, ______?
2. They got you this job,______?
3. You`ve been trying to get another job,____?
4. She wasn`t at home, _____?
5. Andy always wears a helmet, ______?
III Translate
1. Moja sestra je imala običaj da izmišlja priče o duhovima, ali joj ja nikada nisam
2. On nije bio dovoljno star da gleda film.
3. Nisam uradio svoj domaći, jer je bio previše težak.
4. Ne mogu da pronadjem svoje ključeve. Mora da sam ih ostavio kod kuće.
5. To ne može da bude Tom tamo.On je u Austriji.
6. Ne zaboravi da daš pasos da ti se produži pre našeg odmora.
7. “Mrzim ispite. “ “ I ja isto.”

I Put these sentences into passive

1. We store data in the computer`s memory.
2. Leonardo da Vinci made a plan for a helicopter.
3. Someone has cleaned the windows.
4. Do they make silicon from sand?
5. They will bring it to you next week.
6. Where does she make these cakes?
7. The British serve roast lamb on Easter Sunday.
8. The Japanese make these TV sets.
9. How often do they clean their room?
10. They are building their house there.
II Question tags- complete sentences
1.Ben`s known her for years, ______?
2.They got you this job,______?
3.You`ve been trying to get another job,____?
4.She wasn`t at home, _____?
5.Andy always wears a helmet, ______?
III Translate
1.Moja sestra je imala običaj da izmišlja priče o duhovima, ali joj ja nikada nisam
2.On nije bio dovoljno star da gleda film.
3.Nisam uradio svoj domaći, jer je bio previše težak.
4.Ne mogu da pronadjem svoje ključeve. Mora da sam ih ostavio kod kuće.
5.To ne može da bude Tom tamo.On je u Austriji.
6.Ne zaboravi da daš pasos da ti se produži pre našeg odmora.
7.“Mrzim ispite. “ “ I ja isto.”

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