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Name Muhammad Zohaib

Sap ID 70116396

Drug Profile
Drug Name (Generic):
Claritine (Loratadine)
Class of Drug:
Antihistamine (2nd generation)
Mechanism of Action:
Loratadine binds to H1 histamine receptors found on the surface of epithelial cells, eosinophils.
H1 histamine receptors get attached to the loratadine and blocks the effects of histamine thus
preventing histamine from binding to them, this reaction alleviates allergic reactions.
Route of Administration and Dosage Forms

Route of Administration Dosage Forms

Oral Tablets, Capsule, Syrup

Indications and Dose

Duration Max
Recommended of Dose Dose adjustment in Renal
Indications Child
dose in Adult therapy per Impairment
(if any) daily
2-6 years: 5 mg PO Loratadine, an
10 mg PO qDay As
Allergic qDay 10 mg antihistamine, is primarily
or 5 mg twice prescribed
Rhinitis >6 years: 10 mg PO qDay eliminated through the
daily by Dr
qDay liver, and its elimination is
not significantly affected
<6 years: Safety and by renal impairment.
efficacy not As Therefore, dose
10 mg
Urticaria 10 mg PO qDay established prescribed adjustments are generally
> 6 years: 10 mg PO by Dr not required for loratadine
qDay in patients with renal
Overdose Symptoms: Drowsiness or Sedation, Increased Heart Rate
Reference Medscape


Absorption and Distribution

Absorption Rapidly absorbed in GIT

Volume of Distribution 1.20L/kg
Onset of Action 1-3hr
Duration of Action 24hr
% Plasma Protein Binding 97-99%
Cross Placental Barrier Yes
Cross Blood Brain Barrier Yes
References: Drug bank. online

Metabolism and Elimination

Organs of Active Metabolite Routes of

Half Life
Metabolism (if any) Excretion
Renal route
Hepatic route
12-15hr Decarbaethoxyloratadine Urine (40%), feaces
References: Medscape


FDA pregnancy Category: A B C D X

Advice: Don’t use this medicine without doctor’s advice.

Use of drug in Breastfeeding:
Don’t use during lactation because it may excrete in breast milk.
Other Cautions (e.g., among elders/drug dependence):
May cause CNS dependence as it is a mild sedative.
Contraindications (Relative/Absolute):
Relative (Severe liver impairment, Renal impairment, Acute asthmatic attacks)
Absolute (Hypersensitivity)
Drug-related problems (DRPs)
1. Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs):
Underline the Common ADRs related to the Drug

ADRs Intervention(s)

Significant or Serious ADRs

Seek emergency medical attention immediately.
If you have an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen), use it
as directed.
Allergic Reactions Medications:
Epinephrine is the first-line treatment for severe allergic
reactions (anaphylaxis).
Antihistamines or corticosteroids may be administered as
supportive therapy.
Seek emergency medical attention immediately.
Avoid strenuous activities.
Beta-blockers, antiarrhythmics, or other medications may
be used.
Sit or lie down to avoid injury.
Severe Dizziness or Fainting
Seek emergency medical attention.
Avoid driving or operating machinery until evaluated.
Seek immediate medical attention if jaundice, nausea, or
abdominal pain occurs.
Liver Problems
For liver inflammation or infection, antiviral medications
or antibiotics may be prescribed.
For autoimmune liver diseases, immunosuppressive
medications may be used.
Minor ADRs
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Chewing sugar-
Dry Mouth
free gum or using saliva substitutes may also help
Over-the-counter pain relievers {cetaminophen (Tylenol),
Headache uprofen (Advil, Motrin) or Naproxen (Aleve) should be
oratadine is a non-sedating antihistamine, but if fatigue
Fatigue occurs, taking the medication before bedtime may help
manage this side effect
References: Drug bank. Online, Chat-gpt

2. Drug Interactions:
a) Drug-Drug Interactions

Interacting Drug(s) Effect Intervention

Decrease metabolism of
loratadine Prevent use of Clarithromycin
Decrease metabolism of Prevent use of Cimetidine
Increase Anticholinergic
Aclidinium Prevent use of Aclidinium
Ajmaline Severity in QTc prolongation Prevent use of Ajmaline

References: Medscape, Drug bank. online

b) Drug-Food Interactions:

Interacting Food(s) Effect Intervention

Alcohol Increase drowsiness, dizziness Limit the use of alcohol

References: Drug bank. online

c) Drug-Lab Interactions:

Lab Test Nature of Interaction

Loratadine can affect results of skin allergy test by
suppressing skin Rx
Postpone Skin Testing:
Allergy Skin testing
If discontinuing loratadine is not possible, your
healthcare provider may choose to postpone the
allergy skin testing until the antihistamine is cleared
from your system.
Alternative Antihistamines:
If discontinuing loratadine is not feasible due to
ongoing allergy symptoms, your healthcare
provider may suggest using an alternative
antihistamine that does not interfere with the skin

References: Chat-gpt

Product Specifications (Pharma Guide):

Sr. Dosage
Trade Name Manufacturer Strength Price
No. Form

1. Softin Werrick Pharma Tablets 10mg 68.31

2. Senergy-OD Tablets 10mg 75.00
Deluxe chemical
3. Loratine Tablets 10mg 109.00
4. Senergy-OD Suspensions 1mg/ml 50.00

5. Antial-suspension Sami Suspensions 1mh/ml 30ml 47.05

6. Tirlor Herbion Tablets 10mg 80.00

Medication Counseling for Patient taking Drug:

1. Purpose of Medication:

Loratadine is an antihistamine used to relieve symptoms of allergies, such as sneezing, runny

nose, itching, and watery eyes. It is also used to treat itching and redness caused by hives.

2. Dosage Instructions:
Take loratadine exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider or as directed on the label.

Follow the recommended dosage and frequency.

If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it's almost time for the next
dose, skip the missed dose and resume the regular schedule.

3. Administration:

Loratadine can be taken with or without food.

Swallow the tablet whole with a full glass of water.

4. Avoiding Drug Interactions:

Inform your healthcare provider about all medications you are currently taking, including
prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and herbal supplements.

Be cautious about potential interactions with other medications.

5. Alcohol and Other Substances:

Limit or avoid alcohol consumption while taking loratadine, as it may enhance drowsiness.

Be cautious when engaging in activities that require alertness, such as driving, until you know
how loratadine affects you.

6. Side Effects:

Common side effects may include headache, dry mouth, fatigue, or mild drowsiness.

If you experience severe or persistent side effects, contact your healthcare provider.

7. Allergic Reactions:

Seek medical attention immediately if you experience signs of an allergic reaction, such as
difficulty breathing, swelling, or severe rash.

8. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Inform your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

Discuss the use of loratadine during breastfeeding with your healthcare provider.
9. Follow-Up Appointments:

Attend scheduled follow-up appointments to assess the effectiveness of the medication and
discuss any concerns or changes in symptoms.

10. Storage:

Store loratadine at room temperature, away from moisture and heat.

Keep the medication out of reach of children.

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