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Holy Trinity College of General Santos City Date: November 20, 2023

College of Business Management and Accountancy 2nd Term, 1st Semester 2023-2024


Objective: Engage students in a reflective exercise to deepen their understanding of the school's strategic goals outlined in HTC2026 and encourage critical thinking about the
implications for academic excellence and innovation.

Desired Outcome: By the end of the activity, students should be able to articulate thoughtful responses to questions related to each strategic goal, demonstrating
comprehension of the objectives, and considering potential challenges and benefits associated with their implementation.

1. Like and follow HTC’s Official Facebook Page:
2. Like, read, and reflect on HTC FB Page’s post regarding the HTC PRESIDENT’S STATE OF THE SCHOOL ADDRESS 2023:
3. Answer the given questions below.


Activity Description:
In a significant speech to everyone involved with Holy Trinity College, President Dr. Rey Trinidad Albano shared the annual State of the School Address (SOSA). During this
address, the President celebrated important accomplishments and shared an ambitious vision for the school's future.

The President emphasized a strong dedication to academic excellence and introduced plans to raise educational standards and promote innovation across different subjects.
These plans, outlined in the HTC2026, include 10 strategic goals for the upcoming year, reflecting the theme for the school year 2023-2024: "Navigating Headwinds,
Strengthening Tailwinds! Stride Forward, HTC!"

In market jargon, "headwinds" and "tailwinds" are metaphors used to describe external factors that can impact a business or market.

 Headwinds: These are obstacles or challenges that act against the progress of a business or market. Headwinds can include economic downturns, regulatory changes,
increased competition, or other factors that create resistance and make it more difficult for a business to succeed.

 Tailwinds: Conversely, tailwinds refer to favorable external conditions that support and propel a business or market forward. Tailwinds can include positive economic
trends, supportive regulatory changes, increased consumer demand, or other factors that contribute to the success and growth of a business.

Holy Trinity College of General Santos City Date: November 20, 2023
College of Business Management and Accountancy 2nd Term, 1st Semester 2023-2024



1. Develop and Institutionalize a Faculty and Staff Development Program 6. Increase Organizational Risk Resiliency
2. Improve Academic Support and Non-Teaching Services 7. Generate Financial and Other Resources for Development Initiatives
3. Upscale Technology and IT Infrastructure 8. Strengthen Curriculum and Instructional Delivery
4. Sustain Quality Management System and Continuous Improvement 9. Move Up and Sustain Quality Assurance Through Accreditation and
Practices Certification
5. Improve and Strengthen Research Utilization 10. Expand Linkages, Build Networks, and Sustain Partnerships


1. What challenges or obstacles (Headwinds) do you see for HTC? How are we going to navigate them?
Answer: The challenges or obstacles that I see that HTC is facing today is it’s communicating skills and treatment towards students/s. I believe that we or HTC should
address this in way that by having a “comment box” were in a student could drop their thoughts/messages.
2. What positive factors or advantages (Tailwinds) do you see for HTC? What are the ways to strengthen them?
Answer: HTC has its environment were in a student could feel at is and comfortable. We should embrace the new changes in our environment (life of everyone e.g. LBTQ+
and religious beliefs)
3. How can improving the skills of our teaching and administrative staff positively impact the overall quality of education at our institution?
Answer: The significance of teacher education and professional development. Teachers play an important role in shaping the minds of future generations. They are
accountable not only for imparting knowledge but also for guiding and inspiring students to be lifelong learners. As a result, it is critical that teachers receive the
necessary training and professional development in order to improve their teaching abilities and knowledge.
4. In what specific ways can making our support services more effective in enhancing the experience for both students and teachers?
Answer: Provide the necessary facilities and equipment.
5. How can using advanced technology help us meet the new challenges in education and improve the learning experience for everyone?

Holy Trinity College of General Santos City Date: November 20, 2023
College of Business Management and Accountancy 2nd Term, 1st Semester 2023-2024


Answer: I do believe that by having advanced technology could strengthen the skills and learning capacity of the students.
6. Why is it important for our school to maintain high-quality standards and always look for ways to get better? How can this benefit both teachers and students?
Answer: By maintaining the high-quality of education standards student could land into a better job and could learn the things that might help them to strengthen their
vices. It is very helpful to teachers and students because it could enhanced their skills and capacity to learn.
7. Why is it important for our school to use research findings to improve how we teach and run the institution? How can this make our education better across different
Answer: it could help the institution to improve its services and gives the necessary actions.
8. What does it mean to be ready for unexpected challenges, and how can being prepared protect our school from potential problems?
Answer: Being ready could help to overcome all the challenges that might happen. Forecast and plan for the betterment.
9. How can finding and using money and other resources help us achieve the goals we've set for our school's development? Why is having enough funding important for
our academic success?
Answer: having enough fund could run the institution smoothly and could have the access into new learning and new trends nowadays.
10. How can improving what and how we teach in all our courses contribute to making our education better overall?
Answer: by giving all the necessary and potentials knowledge to the student could give them the chance to try new things and overcome their fair.
11. Why is it important for our school to meet high-quality standards set by external bodies? How does this benefit everyone in our school community?
Answer: to meet the high-quality standard is very important because it could help the school to continue its operations and give the quality education for its students.
12. How can making more connections and working with other organizations help our school grow and succeed? Why are partnerships and networks important for our
academic institution's development?
Answer: being partnered into other organization could strengthen and widen the learning capacity of the students and could give them the experience that might help
them to face the real world when they are in the real world.

Holy Trinity College of General Santos City Date: November 20, 2023
College of Business Management and Accountancy 2nd Term, 1st Semester 2023-2024


On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate your awareness of the current work-in-progress status of the school's strategic goals (HTC2026):
1 - Not Aware at All: I have no knowledge of the ongoing progress of the school's strategic goals.
2 - Slightly Aware: I have heard about the goals but don't have detailed information on their current status.
3 - Moderately Aware: I have some awareness of the progress but would like more information.
4 - Very Aware: I am well-informed about the current work-in-progress status of the school's strategic goals.
5 - Extremely Aware: I have a comprehensive understanding of the ongoing progress, including specific details and achievements related to the strategic goals.

Answer: 5

On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate how well you perceive the school's strategic goals (HTC2026) to align with the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-
Bound) criteria:
1 - Not SMART at All: The goals lack clear specificity, measurability, achievability, relevance, and time-bound elements.
2 - Slightly SMART: The goals have some elements of SMART criteria, but improvements are needed for better clarity and effectiveness.
3 - Moderately SMART: The goals are reasonably specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, but there is room for enhancement.
4 - Very SMART: The goals demonstrate a high degree of specificity, measurability, achievability, relevance, and are well-defined in terms of timelines.
5 - Extremely SMART: The goals are exceptionally well-crafted, aligning perfectly with the SMART criteria, providing clear guidance for successful implementation.

Answer: 5

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