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Robilyn Villegas

B.A Psychology 2.1 A

Entrepreneurial Mind

1. How did curiosity help revolutionized the things we use?

Provide examples.
*According to the video I’ve viewed, curiosity increases subject
knowledge, makes studying more enjoyable, and develops creativity. It also
states that acting on our curiosity can have significant benefits. Due to their
curiosity, they produced items that are still useful to us now. For instance,
Albert Einstein, whose theory of relativity influenced our understanding of
space, time, gravity, and the universe, once stated "I have no special talent,
I am only passionately curious." One of the everyday innovations that
demonstrates Einstein's impact to science outside of relativity is solar power.

2. According to the speaker, what are some ways in maximizing

curiosity that were not mentioned during the class discussion?
*By recognizing interests in things like math and physics or music, the
speaker advises maximizing curiosity. As a result, curiosity develops and the
mind is kept engaged. As this leads to understanding and solutions, he also
promotes continuing to investigate ideas and thoughts with energy and
dedication. As a result, mental activity and satisfaction are encouraged.

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