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Name : Anggun Nurafni Oktavia

NIM : 20108810015

Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

1. Summary

A. Educational Psychology : Applying Psychology in the Classroom.

The most of people think about the psychology just about the mental illness, counselors
and therapy but actually the field of psychology is quite large with a lots of different areas and
cases. The most popular areas of psychology is educational psychology.Educational psychology
is a field that studies and applies theories and concepts from all of psychology in educational
settings.The types of psychology are school ,university/collage, and anywhere people can learn
about the psychology such as after-school programs community groups ,companies or even
within families.The goal of educational psychology is to make any teacher-student relationship
as positive that can make it easier for the students to learn their best potential.The theoretical
perspectives within educational psychology are the cognitive perspective and the behavioral
perspective.The cognitive perspective is an area of the field that studies how people acquire ,
perceive ,remember and communicate information.The cognitive perspective is will discuss
about how the memory can works.While the the behavioral perspective in contrast studies the
tendency to modify our behavior due to consequences so here it will discuss about how rewards
and punishments in a classroom rules that it can help to motivate students in both good and bad
ways.Educational psychology also borrows the developmental psychology which course of their
life from infancy toour adulthood for example educational.

B. Foundations of Educational Psychology : Conditioned Reflex, Behaviorism and Human


The course of“Foundations of Educational Psychology” discuss about learning, knowledge

and human development that brings the educational psychology.The material will be relate to the
history and paradigms.There are 3 things that will be focused on the history and paradigms that
are behaviorism and conditioned response, brain developmentalism and social cognitivism.

 Behaviorism and Conditioned Response

1. Ivan Pavlov (1849 – 1936 )

Ivan Pavlov is the one of founders the modern psychology and also the winner of Nobel
prize.Pavlov worked to establish how to condition or stimulate human behavior.He used his
dog to figured out how condition of reflex can be occur.He explained that his dog gonna be
reflexed when hear the sound of bell which the mean is for food so his dog will salivated
when hear the sound and became a reflexed.So according to pavlov that is the idea of
condition of reflex and it can be reflection of how the human have the condition of reflex.
2. John B. Watson (1878 – 1958 )

John Watson is an American who is interested in how to predict and control

behavior.He established the scholarly field of “Behaviorsm” .The basic of Watson’s thinking
is the people can’t know much about consciousness in a self-reflective kind of way.Scientific
observation is the one way to makes us really understand about it. The idea of Watson's
behaviorism is to move of the thought about mind and learning away from introspection,
philosophical and observation of actual behavior. According to Watson, psychology as the
behaviorist views it, is a purely objective, experimental branch of natural science which
needs introspection as little as do the sciences of chemistry and physics. It is granted that the
behavior of animals can be investigated without appeal to consciousness.

3. B.F. Skinner (1904 – 1990 )

B.F Skinner is the most famous behaviorist of all.Skinner believed that people's
behaviors were dependent on the consequences of previous actions thus they can be
conditioned to respond in specific ways.Skinner used some animals like rats and pigeons in
the experiment.He invented the thing that called the Skinner box that it contains
animals.Skinner used the Skinner box to gave reward and reinforcements to the animals with
food based on certain behaviors that they did.So he showed it like it was possible to train rats
and-and pigeons in these kinds of ways.He became a kind of a notorious kind of
person.People always thought that Skinner in quite negative kinds of terms and behaviorisms
in quite negative kinds of terms. Skinner even used his own baby to conduct an experiment
called a baby in a box.Skinner do the experiment because to transfer the results of the
experimented that he achieved in his laboratory with rats and pigeons literally to human
beings in the case of his own child. But then became an advocate of teaching machines.In
1950 Skinner was patented a teaching machine that Skinner used it to illustrated learning
activities.The Skinner’s experiments is very mechanical. it's the individual stimulus and

4. Alfred Binet (1857 – 1911)

Alfred Binet is  a Frenchmen who incited the IQ test originally as a method for
providing remedial help to those who wanted it.He have the emergence of the notion of
intelligence testing and in a way, this is kind of the opposite of behaviorism.So in a way, it's
not about the conditions of learning from the environment but it's about innate capacities
which are variable across human beings and which essentially are not changeable.
Intelligence test is used to learn certain things , what our intelligence and variable of

5. Henry Goddard ( 1866 – 1957 )

Henry Goddard is the expanded the uses of IQ tests, including to detect feeble
minded immigrants and influenced in the formation of special education.
Behaviorsm still has many issues like a classical behaviorists that don’t allow for
free will for human behavior, everything depended on the environment and the patent
responses that can be conditioned by positing a negative i-stimuli, athough the insight
into the role of environment is really valuable, it has lead in education to very narrow and
repetitive drills and rewards and punishments, uh, in educational settings, and nor does it
with knowing how language develops.

C. Introduction to Educational Psychology | what is educational psychology |

application and application.

Psychology is a science of soul according to earlier psychologist like a Sultan

Muhammad.The function of psychology was to study the nature, origin and destiny of
human sou.But soul is something metaphysical it cannot be seen, observed and touched
and we cannot make scientific experiment on soul. William James in 1892 defined
psychology as a science of mental processes. So in18th century psychology was
understood as the ‘science of mind’ but the very mind is it also quite ambiguous as there
was confusion regarding the nature and function of mind.Behavior generally means over
activities which can observed and measured scientifically.But one’s behavior we must
also study his experiences.
Educational psychology is that branch of psychology in which the findings of
psychology are applied in the field of education n it is the scientific study of human
behavior in educational setting.The function educational psychology helps the teacher
to understand the development of his peoples the range and limits of their capacities
the processes by which they learn and their social relationships.
The nature of educational psychology W.A Kelly listed the nature of educational
psychology as follows to give a knowledge of the nature of child, to give understanding
of the nature aims and purposes of education, to give understanding about psychology
methods and procedures, to present the principle and techniques of learning and teaching,
to give training in methods of measuring abilities and achievements
in school subjects etc.Educational psychology is a science that is has also develop
objective methods of collection of data.It also aims at understanding, predicting and
controlling human behavior.
The scope of educational psychology are the first there is the learner that the topic
include the innate abilities and capacities of the individuals ,individual differences and
their measurements, the overt,covert, coverage number five conscious as well as
unconscious behavior of the learner, and each stage beginning from childhood to
adulthood.The second is the learning experiences that helps in deciding what learning
experiences are desirable at stage of growth and development of the learner.The third is
the learning process consist of remembering and forgetting, ways and means of effective
learning ,thinking and reasoning , concept formation , problem solving, transfer of
learning and perceiving.The fourth is th learning situation or environment include of
classroom climate and group dynamics, techniques and aids that facilitate learning and
Evaluation, techniques and practices and guidance and counseling.The fifth is the teacher
that disscuss about the role of teacher.

2. Make A Refletion to Yourself When You Are A Teacher.

When one day I become a teacher I will try to make learning activities that make the
students comfortable without any a tension between the teacher and students.I will make
the learning fun so that they are interested and excited to always learn. I will also try to
be close to them so I can understand the character and psychological conditions of the
students. And then I will try to always give the motivation,support and advice to the

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