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Module 2.

Unit 4
Talking about jobs and work

1a. Vocabulary – adjectives associated with work.



1b. Reading – a day in the life.

Marc: 7, 4
Claire: 1, 6
Ashok: 5, 2
Ingrid: 8, 3

1d. Writing & speaking – your job.

At first, I didn't even dream of becoming a military officer. It all started with my
military service in the National Guard. Now I am proud of my profession. In the first
days of the war, we were defending Kharkiv. We bravely defended our homeland.
Then I realized that my profession is very necessary and responsible. Today I am
proud to be a military man. I gained a lot of new knowledge while participating in the
war. Now I can pass this knowledge on to the cadets. Together with them, I learn and
improve my skills every day. It is very interesting for me to learn something new, to
test my endurance, determination and courage. To find new approaches to solve the
task at hand.
I am proud to be a military man.

2a. Listening – job titles.

1. Chief Executive Officer

2. Finance director
3. Payroll clerk
4. Research and Development manager
5. Head of IT
2b. Phrases – job functions.

1. h
2. f
3. a
4. d
5. c
6. b
7. g
8. e

3a. Vocabulary – jobs.

1 – personal assistant
2 – careers adviser
3 – web designer
4 – call centre assistant

3b. Writing – job adverts.

1. Stock broker.

A person who makes transactions with securities, including on behalf of an investor

and on his/her behalf. Higher education is required.

2. Air traffic controller.

A person who performs all types of air traffic services, except for direct air traffic
control. Controls the preparation of aircraft crews for flights, timely provision of
flights by the relevant airport services. He/she is aware of the actual and forecasted
weather in the area of his/her airfield and first landing airfields. Collects, processes
and distributes flight information to all interested users in accordance with the
established procedure. Higher education.

3. Truck driver.

We need a person who safely and timely transports goods, helps with loading and
unloading. Interacts professionally with customers. Secondary education is required.
4. Writing & speaking – your dream job.

Today, my dream job is in the military. Wearing a uniform is easy, but being a
military man by vocation is not an easy task. Such a person must be kind and honest,
fair and strong in spirit. The life of a military man is full of stress and emotional
turmoil. After all, the situations they find themselves in are different, and it is not easy
for them, like all people in the world, to see the grief and suffering of others. Can you
imagine what goes on in the soul of someone who has seen death? Whoever it was: a
friend, a colleague or an ordinary person. Even an invulnerable person with a stable
psyche will have a hard time, and a military man, among other things, will feel guilty
for not preventing the loss.
Being a military man means courageously enduring various problems and
hardships. Some leave their parents at home, others leave their beloved girlfriend or
wife with children. They cannot disobey an order or disobey a commander, because
serving their country is their highest duty.
A true military man must be a patriot of his country. In some situations, this
may not be easy, because sometimes it is a matter of choice: to fulfill your duty to
your homeland or to stand back and save yourself and your family. In my opinion, if a
person has chosen such a profession, then their duty to the state should come first.
It can be considered a vocation, because you need to have the virtues for this
job in your blood. I am confident in my choice of future profession.

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