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Documento describir gustos. AA2-EV02.

I like apples for several reasons. Firstly, I

appreciate the crisp and juicy texture of the
apples, which provides a refreshing and
satisfying eating experience. The natural
sweetness of apples, combined with a hint of
tartness, makes them a delightful snack or
ingredient in various dishes. Additionally, the
versatility of apples in culinary applications,
from pies to salads, is something I find quite
On the other hand, there are aspects of apples that I might not necessarily enjoy. For
instance, I don't particularly like the fact that some apple varieties can be overly
mealy or soft, lacking that desirable crunch. Additionally, I'm not a fan of the
occasional presence of apple cores and seeds, which can be inconvenient when
eating. Lastly, while I generally enjoy the flavor of apples, I'm not fond of apples that
are overly sour or lacking in sweetness, as they can be less enjoyable to consume.

I like how wise old people are, the

kindness of grandparents and I like
everything they teach about life.
I don't like the boredom of some old
men, I would not like my grandparents
to get sick, I like how cute the old men
are, I don't like sleepy old men.

Jose David Jaramillo Niño

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