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Name: Eloisa Joy M.

Madrileño Date: October 07, 2023

Subject: Physical Science

1. Evaluate the statement: Science cannot solve human-produced problems such as pollution.
The claim that science cannot solve human-produced problems like pollution is not totally correct.
Science alone may not entirely solve complex issues like pollution, but it is crucial to understand their causes,
consequences, and potential strategies to reduce human-produced problems.
Science is essential in understanding the cause and effect of the problems caused by humans and is
crucial in developing successful solutions to those problems. For example, one such problem is pollution, which
can be reduced by identifying pollutants, tracing their origins, and evaluating their impact on the environment
and human health. Scientific research also plays a pivotal role in driving advancements in clean energy, waste
management, and pollution monitoring systems. These advancements, in turn, have a significant impact on
reducing pollution levels, thereby aiding in the preservation of our environment. And lastly, Science can inform
humans on environmental care and pollution reduction, affecting human health. It can educate individuals and
society about the consequences of pollution, leading to changes in behavior such as reduced consumption,
increased recycling, and greater environmental awareness.
Humans have the intellectual capacity to solve the environmental problems they cause by their d

2. What does it mean to say pollution is caused by humans and can only be solved by humans? Provide
evidence that supports your position.
Experts agree that pollution is an unfortunate consequence of human endeavors, be it industrialization,
transportation, agriculture, or energy production. It is crucial for us, as individuals responsible for pollution, to
recognize our duty to develop and implement plans that decrease and prevent pollution. Humans are the main
contributors to pollution, but we possess the mental capacity and social systems to counteract or reduce its
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations organization that includes
195 member countries and thousands of independent scientific experts, published a Synthesis Report in March
2023. It concluded that human activities, principally through greenhouse gas emissions, an air pollutant, have
been unequivocally caused by deforestation, industrial processes, and improper waste disposal. The main
drivers of these emissions are energy use, land use, and the consumption and production of goods. The analysis
of historical data indicates a strong association between the rise in pollution levels and the expansion of human
populations and industrialization. With the increase in population, there is a corresponding increase in air
pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, and noise pollution. It is evident that human activities have
significantly contributed to the escalation of pollution levels, leading to the contamination of both air and water
Name: Eloisa Joy M. Madrileño Date: October 07, 2023
Subject: Physical Science

Select a statement that you feel might represent pseudoscience. Write an essay supporting and refuting your
selection, noting facts that support one position or the other.

" A belief that a person's personality can be seen through their handwriting.”
The belief that a person's personality can be seen through their handwriting is known as graphology or
graphoanalysis. It is not believed that graphology is a scientifically proven tool for determining a person's
personality characteristics. It is often employed for fun or in a non-professional capacity and has been popular
in various circles, especially in the past, but there isn't any empirical data to back up its claims.
According to the theory underlying graphology, details of a person's handwriting, including letter size
and form, word spacing, slant, pressure, and more, might provide clues about their personality, feelings, and
psychological condition. The scientific community has, however, condemned this approach for its inconsistent
results and lack of empirical validity.
Because graphology has not been scientifically verified and evaluated as being accurate, the majority of
psychologists and handwriting analysis experts consider it to be a pseudoscience. Character assessment and
psychological evaluation are often carried out using more exacting and recognized techniques, such as
standardized psychological tests, professional interviews, and professional observations.
Name: Eloisa Joy M. Madrileño Date: October 07, 2023
Subject: Physical Science

Question: What is science for you?

Science for me is a tool that allows us to gain a deep understanding of the world around us. Its
structured methodology permits us to systematically explore the mysteries of the natural world through careful
observation, experimentation, and analysis. Science unlocks the hidden realities and intricate workings of the
Science is essential these days. It's amazing how much it impacts our lives; science consistently works
to simplify and enhance our daily experiences. Technological advancements make life easier with smartphones,
efficient transportation, and modern medicine. Advancements in science have not only increased our lifespan
but also made our lives more convenient and interconnected. From easy access to information online to efficient
energy sources and accurate weather predictions, science has contributed significantly to our well-being.
Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in tackling global challenges, ensuring a better future for all of us.
Science encourages us to question, challenge the norm, and venture into the unknown. Science provides
a structured and evidence-based approach that inspires us to strive for excellence and innovation in all areas of
our lives. It pushes us to break free from restrictions and constantly reach for the impossible. Science sparks our
imagination to dream big and aim for the stars, whether we're exploring technology, healthcare, environmental
conservation, or outer space. It reminds us that we all possess the tools and curiosity to achieve greatness and
should never settle for anything less.

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