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When one of our customers creates an order through Shipper Web, we have to notify
our sorting hub driver to go pick up the package through the driver app. We notice the
usage of the driver app is low and many times did not get used properly which caused
miss pick up and late pick up. What data points and metrics would you need to analyze
this problem? How would you structure the solution space and prioritize the roadmap for
this solution? What are the short term wins and long term wins? What kind of process
and SOP do you like to implement to progressive improve the metrics? We want to
increase usage of driver apps and ultimately increase pick up ontime from 80% to 95%
in the next 3 months.

First of All, I am not really sure how the flow is on the Shipper, but I will use the approach
that is used by the ride hailing business. The solutions should be delivered for each product
problem, but the very short solution while the product improvement is how to motivate the
driver with more incentives for the pickup activities which are done on apps.

A. Allocations & Supply/Demand Data :

a. Problem : If allocation is not defined properly will cause the Driver not Happy,
because there are no any incentives for the drivers of the trips from their
location to the pickup location. Too far allocation will trigger 3 big issues (risk
on sequences) 1. Driver accepted the job but didn’t want to process 2. Driver
will cancel the order / push the customer to cancel to order 3. Driver will
ignore the order and will not use the Apps.
b. RCA : The far allocations can be caused by 2 situations: (1) Lack of supply
because of no mapping to analyse the Demand based on time periods, (2)
Lack of supply because of not enough Drivers hired.
c. Data Metric :
i. Data of supply and demand time by time based on the area (Grid or
geohash), with this data we will be able to map our customers' trends
and also the strength area that we need to be focused on.
ii. Historical allocations data and pattern that will help us to identify is our
allocation algorithm is running well or not, or maybe is the allocation
process fair enough for the driver or not
d. Solutions :
i. Based on the data metric above we will be able to inform the driver to
standby on certain areas that have high potential customers. Example
on 9-11 AM the peak demand happened east jakarta with certain
numbers of demand, so on that time we can direct Some Drivers to go
to that area on that time, using push notification.
ii. Developing heatmap based on the potential demand that can be
accessed by Driver, so driver will able to know which area will have a
high demand on that time
iii. Short Term solution is to incentivize drivers for allocation problems
that got the order / allocated for the order that has a distance more
than X kilometers. This is because maybe there are no any nearest
drivers available so we should allocate the driver that far from the
pickup location. This solution is only temporary until we can develop
our driver network and long term solution.
iv. Based on the Supply and demand data we will be able to push
another team, such as the Driver operations team or marketing team
to ensure that The supply of the Driver will be able to fulfill the
demand, also to the marketing team to increase the demand so the
driver will keep getting the order.

B. Journey data
a. Problem : ​If the ETA vs ATA is not accurates it will decrease the customer
experiences and slowly will decrease the demand and impact on the driver.
For the drivers that will be a big challenge as well, because who facing the
customers is the Shipper driver, if the apps promising the ETA 5 mins, but
actually driver need more time to arrived, that will be a lot dispute between
Customer and Driver that made both party will happy to use the Apps.
b. RCA :
i. Actual Pickup Locations​, the biggest issue on the ride hailing is
actually how fast the driver can identify and find the pickup locations.
Mostly the cancelation or dispute happening between the Driver and
customer. The true challenge is because we didn’t have enough data
of pickup location or the pickup location located on the incorrect
location that made the driver directed to the incorrect location. This
issue will cause the ETA will not match with the ATA and will increase
the cancellation or dispute between Driver and Customers.
ii. Routing and distance calculations for Pickup, ​the accuracies of the
routing and distance to the pickup location will impact a lot to the ETA,
since one of the factors to calculate the distance is using the routing
from the allocation point to the pickup location. The problem with the
routing using 3rd party map is we didn’t have any chance to influences
the calculations, example, the pickup location mostly happening on
the residential area or (RUKO) that have their own rule, such us local
portal that not allowed truck going inside or maybe the routing that
calculating using highway, but actually the pickup drivers are using
motorcycles that not allowed used the highway.
c. Data Metric :
i. Analysis the distance between the Order Pickup Locations and the
Actual pickup locations. Mostly the biggest feedback that given by the
driver on the ride hailing business is the Pickup Location that given by
the customer is different from the actual location, so we should know
which and where is the pickup location that has a big difference
between the order and actual location. This is very important not only
for the ETA/ATA calculation, but also for the delivery cost calculation.
ii. Analysis of the planned routing vs the actual routing, the Driver is our
best source of information to fix our problem, by do the analysis of the
driver behaviour to pickup or deliver the goods we will able to modify
the routing algorithm will be more efficient and accurates, also more
fair for our drivers and customers

d. Solutions :
i. Based on the above data metric and RCA, the pickup location has an
error of more than 100 meters need to be fixed
ii. Use more algorithm to match the delivery transportation mode with the
actual road regulation (Highway, Odd/even, no motor, no truck, etc)
iii. Use the driver behaviour data to remodel the routing algorithm
C. Identify the true problem by
a. Cancelation Reason​. When the Customers / Driver Cancel the order there
should be some valid reason, and using the reason that submitted by the
users we will able to identify what is the challenge that faced by the users
when they are order through the apps and then they cancel the order
b. Shadowing the driver ​on field to know better what is the challenge that
faced by the driver when they waiting the order, receive the order, pickup the
order, communicating with the customers, and deliver the order. By
shadowing the driver on field we will know the true behaviour of the driver
when they use the apps, and gather as many as possible the feedback
directly from the driver when we do the shadowing
c. Customer / Driver Feedback from the Playstore or CE, ​this feedback on
playstore or apple store is very important, because this will impacting to the
new customer / driver who will consider to use the apps.
2. Shipper want to have 100% transporter performance visibility. Currently, the driver is
being tracked and monitored by integrating the vendor’s GPS. The problem is that the
driver seems not cooperating due to :
a. Doesn’t have a good handheld
b. Can’t see the value
c. Doesn’t trust Shipper
d. Lack of motivation and reward
e. Explain what approach & how you will solve the problem to achieve 100%
performance visibility.

A. Reward and Gamification model

a. Since the transporter or driver competition inside of the new ride hailing startup is
quite less, because of the demand high and supply are less, we should give them
another challenge by implementing the gamification process.
b. The gamification should be implemented using the GPS tracker that captured from
the transporter, and using the GPS tracker transporter can get point that can be
counted as their performances.
c. Give rewards based on the point they are collected
d. To avoid the fraud The point calculation not only based on the KM that tracked from
GPS, but also should calculated based on another parameters, such as, ETA vs
ATA, safety, services, etc

B. Incident Assessment and Protecting should be based on the GPS trace. This can be
implemented by communicating with the driver, that GPS trace should be an evidence
for any incident that may happen to the drivers.

C. Integrated one Product development​. The product that should used by the users
should be integrated to the one product. GPS trackers should taken from from the Apps
that use by the Drivers/transporter. To push the transported use the apps, they should
inventory, receive, start, and end the delivery using the apps.

3. List top 3 the most important values about yourself that indicate you are a rockstar
Product Operation Manager?

A. Team Makers (Collaborations)

In Every company that I have joined, my first assignment is to develop the new team
and make them ready to collaborate with all stakeholders. In every team that I have
developed, they always grew beyond the expectations and to be the trendsetter for
the company. At Grab I have developed the product operations team from only 10
team members and now grow to be almost 200 team members and successfully
collaborated with PM, engineering and operations team to develop internal product
for the ops and external product for customer.

B. Innovative and creative (Problem solving)

Since I have to develop the new team and product in every company i have joined,
the innovative and creative passion are needed, in GRAB we started the product
operation by using very simple tool and analysis process. As the leader I saw this will
not effective and efficient for the team, so I designed the internal tool and
communicated with another stakeholder such as PM and engineering to develop the
proper tool so we can identify the problem on ground faster instead of using the
manual tool.

C. Great Listeners
As the product operations, why should be a great listener, not only for our team, but
also for the customer. The voice of customer is the biggest factor to ensure the
success of our products. We should able to hear what customer challenge when they
are use our product and fix it to increase the customer experiences

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