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Lesson Plan

Theme of the lesson:.

Teacher’s name: Myrzagali Akmaral
Group: 311A Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Present perfect (I have done)
Learning objectives(s): -Students know about present perfect
-Students learn difference between present perfect and past simple

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning Organization moment : Students greet the Evaluation: Grammar
of the lesson -Hello students! teacher and will give a Green s-3p book
-How are you? great mood each other Yellow s-2p
-I’m good, thank you! Red s-1p

“Brainstor Students now, I will ask you questions Students ask questions Studenta can ask
ming” about present perfect: questions
What do you know about present

Today’s our new theme is: Present

perfect ( I have done)
Pre Learning objectives: Students know the Students can Grammar
learning -Ss know about present perfect theme and learning know the theme book
-Ss learn difference between present objectives of the lesson and learning
perfect and past simple objectives of the
Explain present perfect: lesson
Now, I will explain about present perfect.
Open page 16.First of all, I will explain
present perfect.
Middle of Students can Grammar
the lesson learn about book
present perfect c
Next, I will explain present perfect Students learn about
simple. The present perfect simple is present perfect
Explain used in two situations: 1) When there
present are completed actions present
perfect tense(Қазіргі мезетке дейін
аяқталған іс-әрекеттер болғанда
қолданылады) I have played-мен
ойнадым. 2)Or events completed
during the period covering the present
time(Не қазіргі уақыт аралығын
қамтыған период ішінде аяқталған
оқиғаларға қолданылады) I have
finished reading Hamlet this week-
Мен Гамлет кітабын осы аптада Students can
оқып шықтым. know about
For example: I have lived in Bristol present perfect
since 1984(and I still do)
Formula: Grammar
+ S+have/has+V3 Students know about book
We have played football on the ground present perfect simple
-S+have/has+not+V3 Students learn about
? Have/has+S+V3 present perfect

Exercise Speaking Students can speak with

I give you present perfect speaking present perfect
cards. You speak by using present
perfect and answer to guestions.

Look at the exercise 8.1 You ask people
about things they have done. Write Students can use present
guestion with ever. perfect

Exercise Next exercise is 8.2.Complete B's

answers. Some sentences are positive and
some negative.

Students you were active today’s lesson.

End of the Now, open your copybook and write Students say goodbye to
lesson down homework. Your homework is ex teacher.
8.3,8.4 on page 17
Goodbye students!

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