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Republic of the Philippines IM No.

: GEELEC 1S-2021-2022
Nueva Vizcaya

College of Electrical Engineering


Name: Esguerra, Andrei P. Subject: People and The Earth’s Ecosystem

Course & Year: BSEE-2B
Activity No. 4
Answer the following questions.

1.) About what percent of the Earth’s is freshwater?

Only about 2.5% of Earth's water is freshwater.

2.) About what percent of all of Earth’s water is found in underground, streams, lakes, and rivers?
Of this freshwater, 77% is in glaciers, 22% is underground, and less than 1% is located in lakes, rivers, and

3.) In what states does the water appear on Earth and other planets?
Solid, Liquid and Gas

4.) What powers the water cycle? How?

The water cycle is powered by the sun. The energy from the sun causes water to evaporate from oceans, lakes,
and rivers, and become water vapor. The water vapor rises into the atmosphere and forms clouds. When the
water droplets in the clouds become too heavy, they fall back to the ground as precipitation. This precipitation
can take the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. The water then flows back into oceans, lakes, and rivers, and the
cycle begins again.

5.) In which of the states of matter would water e at 130 °C? At 4 °C?
At 130 °C, water would exist in the gas state.

At 4 °C, water would exist in the liquid state

6.) Define the terms condensation and evaporation.

Evaporation is the process by which a liquid changes into a gas or vapor by absorbing heat energy. When a
liquid is heated, the molecules gain kinetic energy and move faster. This increased movement causes the
molecules to break free from the surface of the liquid and enter the air as gas or vapor.
Condensation is the opposite process of evaporation. When a gas or vapor cools, the molecules lose kinetic
energy and move slower. This decreased movement causes the molecules to come closer together and form a

7.) Give a brief and detailed summary of the water cycle.

The water cycle is a continuous process of water circulation in the Earth-atmosphere system. The cycle involves
several processes, including evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. The total
amount of water remains essentially constant throughout the cycle.
Evaporation, the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor and enters the atmosphere.
Transpiration, the process by which water is absorbed by plants through their roots and then released into the
atmosphere as water vapor through their leaves. Condensation, the process by which water vapor in the
atmosphere cools and changes back into liquid form, forming clouds. Precipitation, the process by which water
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Republic of the Philippines IM No.: GEELEC 1S-2021-2022
Nueva Vizcaya

falls from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. Runoff, the process by
which water flows over the land surface and into streams, rivers, and eventually the ocean.
The water cycle is an essential process that helps maintain the balance of water on Earth and is vital for the
survival of all living organisms.

8.) What is transpiration? How is it like evaporation?

Transpiration is the process by which water is absorbed by plants through their roots and then released into the
atmosphere as water vapor through their leaves. It is a biological process that occurs in living tissues and is
regulated by temperature, light, concentration, pH, hormones, and carbon dioxide. Transpiration helps in the
uptake of minerals and nutrients and is controlled by osmotic potential and water potential. It makes the surface
of leaves and young stems wet and protects them from sunburn.
Evaporation, on the other hand, is a physical process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor and
enters the atmosphere. It occurs from the entire outer surface and is not associated with minerals or nutrients

9.) Why is the atmosphere so important to the water cycle?

The atmosphere plays a crucial role in the water cycle by facilitating the movement of water from the Earth's surface to
the atmosphere and back again. The atmosphere is responsible for the evaporation of water from the Earth's surface, which
then forms clouds and precipitation that falls back to the Earth's surface. The atmosphere also helps regulate the
temperature and humidity of the Earth's surface, which affects the rate of evaporation and transpiration.
In addition, the atmosphere is responsible for the transportation of water vapor from one location to another, which can
lead to precipitation in areas that are far away from the original source of the water. This process is known as advection
and is an essential component of the water cycle.

10.) If the Sun grew much stronger in intensity, how would the water cycle be affected?
If the Sun grew much stronger in intensity, it would cause an increase in evaporation and transpiration rates,
leading to more water vapor in the atmosphere. This would result in an increase in cloud formation and
precipitation in some areas, while other areas would experience more droughts and heat waves. The increased
evaporation rate would also lead to a decrease in the amount of water available for runoff and groundwater
Overall, the water cycle is a complex system that is influenced by many factors, including temperature,
humidity, wind, and atmospheric pressure. Changes in any of these factors can have significant impacts on the
water cycle and the availability of water resources.
In your own words, how can you contribute to prevent water pollution, and what do you think is the best
way you can do to make an impact and change the mindset of the people around you?
(2-3 paragraphs only.)

Water pollution is a major environmental issue that has a global impact on the health and well-being of people
and ecosystems. Water pollution can be prevented in a variety of ways, and everyone can help. Reduce the
usage of chemicals in your house and garden to help minimize water contamination. Instead of hazardous
chemicals, you can use natural cleaning products and organic fertilizers. Water contamination can also be
avoided by properly disposing of hazardous trash such as batteries, electronics, and paint. To discover how to
properly dispose of hazardous garbage, contact your local government or sanitation authority.
Another way to prevent water pollution is to conserve water. You can fix leaks, take shorter showers, and turn
off the tap when brushing your teeth. You can also reduce water usage in your garden by planting drought-
resistant plants and using a rain barrel to collect rainwater. Conserving water not only helps prevent water
pollution but also saves money on your water bill.

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Republic of the Philippines IM No.: GEELEC 1S-2021-2022
Nueva Vizcaya

To change the mindset of people around you, you can lead by example. You can educate your family, friends,
and neighbors about the importance of preventing water pollution and the simple steps they can take to
contribute to this cause. You can also participate in community events and volunteer for local organizations that
work to prevent water pollution. By working together, we can make a significant impact on preventing water
pollution and protecting our environment.

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Republic of the Philippines IM No.: GEELEC 1S-2021-2022
Nueva Vizcaya

Name: Esguerra, Andrei P Subject: People and The Earth’s Ecosystem

Course & Year: BSEE-2B

Assignment No. 4

Article Review:
(Resolving the Water Pollution Crisis in the Philippines: The Implications of Water Pollution on Public Health and
the Economy.)


Gabriella Andrews' article "Resolving the Water Pollution Crisis in the Philippines: The Implications of
Water Pollution on Public Health and the Economy" provides an in-depth analysis of the water pollution
crisis in the Philippines. The article highlights the implications of water pollution on public health and
the economy, and suggests potential solutions to the problem.

The article is divided into seven sections: Introduction, Background, The Water Pollution Crisis in the
Philippines, The Implications of Water Pollution on Public Health, The Implications of Water Pollution
on the Economy, Potential Solutions, and Conclusion.

In the Background section, Andrews provides a brief overview of the geography and population of the
Philippines, and explains the importance of water resources in the country. She also highlights the
various sources of water pollution in the Philippines, including industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and
domestic sewage.

The Water Pollution Crisis in the Philippines section provides a detailed description of the extent of the
water pollution crisis in the country. Andrews explains that the water pollution crisis is a result of a lack
of regulation and enforcement, as well as a lack of public awareness about the issue. She also highlights
the impact of water pollution on the health of local people, including the spread of waterborne diseases.

In the Implications of Water Pollution on Public Health section, Andrews provides a comprehensive
overview of the health risks associated with water pollution. She explains that water pollution can lead
to the spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis A. She also highlights the
impact of water pollution on children, who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of contaminated

In the Implications of Water Pollution on the Economy section, Andrews explains the economic impact
of the water pollution crisis in the Philippines. She highlights the impact of water pollution on the
fishing industry, which is a major source of livelihood for many Filipinos. She also explains the impact
of water pollution on the tourism industry, which is an important source of revenue for the country.

In the Potential Solutions section, Andrews suggests four potential actions that the Filipino government
could pursue to address the water pollution crisis. These include strengthening regulation and

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Republic of the Philippines IM No.: GEELEC 1S-2021-2022
Nueva Vizcaya

enforcement, increasing public awareness, promoting sustainable agriculture, and investing in

wastewater treatment facilities. Andrews also explains the potential drawbacks of each of these actions.

Andrews concludes her article by emphasizing the importance of addressing the water pollution crisis in
the Philippines. She argues that the issue is a complex one that requires a multi-faceted approach to
resolve. She also highlights the need for increased public awareness about the issue, and the importance
of government action in addressing the problem.

: Andrews, Gabriella (2018) "Resolving the Water Pollution Crisis in the Philippines: the Implications of Water
Pollution on Public Health and the Economy," Pepperdine Policy Review: Vol. 10, Article 2.

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