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11/11/23, 5:15 PM ACAS Objective Test 2 [CO2] : Module 2

ACAS Objective Test 2 [CO2] : Module 2 Switch account Draft saved

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Q1 Attempt all questions

______ automatically regulates the vehicle speed to a target speed set by * 2 points

the driver

Advance cruise control

Automatic cruise control

______ absorb the kinetic energy of the collision by deforming adequately * 2 points

and control the acceleration at the time of the collision

non-crushable zones

crushable zones

______ allows the headlamps to illuminate the intended vehicle travel * 2 points
direction (i.e., the inside of the curve)

Adaptive flood-lighting system

None of the mentioned

Adaptive front-lighting system

Advance front-lighting system /formResponse 1/3

11/11/23, 5:15 PM ACAS Objective Test 2 [CO2] : Module 2

HID lamp stands for * 2 points

Heavy intensity discharge

High interlock discharge

High illuminant discharge

High intensity discharge

ADAS stands for * 2 points

advanced driver auxiliary systems

None of the mentioned

advanced driver assistance systems

auto driver assistance systems

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