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Lý Thuyết

1. Definition of RM: 3 parts: questions, answers, systematic

2. Primary and secondary research


Primary Secondary

Sources: primary, original Sources: secondary

classroom observation based on other’s research books &

responses to questionnaires articles

first-hand: second-hand: library research and

literature review (review the

The disadvantage of primary research is:

A. it can be expensive
B. It is time-consuming
C. It may depend on unreliable sources

3. Basic components of research

a. Introduction
b. Literature Review
c. Methodology
d. Results
e. Discussion
f. Conclusion

4. Research problem/ RQs/ R Hypothesis

● research problem: bigger one
● For that problem we need to think of specific questions: (......?)
● Hypothesis: an expected answer to that question (....... .) : A
hypothesis, then, is a tentative statement about the outcome of the
research. (Hatch and Farhady, 1985, p.4)

A. How do we know that we have a good research question?

● the relationship among a small number of variables
● point out the variables
● identify the relationship btw them: A depends on B or vice sera?

For eg:
GTM —--------- Speaking
Change/Vary the method
CLT —---------- Speaking (whether speaking skills of learners vary
variable variable
Speaking depends on CLT (method)
is Dependent
Speaking: Dependent variable (DV)
CLT: Independent variable (IV)
5. Validity and reliability
- The internal validity is the extent to which the outcome is a
function of the factor you have selected.
- The external validity refers to the extent that the outcome can be
generalized to other contexts.
- Reliability can be defined as the extent to which a test produces
consistent results when administered under similar conditions.
(Hatch and Farhady, 1985, p.244)
“When we increase the reliability of our measures, we are also satisfying a
necessary condition for validity: in order for a test score to be valid, it
must be reliable.”

6. Variables: Variable_Practice
a) Independent variable: The independent variable is the major variable
which you hope to investigate. It is the variable which is selected,
manipulated and measured by the researcher.
b) Dependent variable: The dependent variable is the variable which
you observe and measure to determine the effect of the
independent variable.
c) Moderator variable: A moderator variable is a special type of
independent variable which you may select for study in order to
investigate whether it modifies the relationship between the
dependent and the major independent variables.
d) Control variable: A control variable is a variable which is held
constant in order to neutralize the potential effect it might have on
e) Intervening variable: An intervening variable is a variable which has
not been measured or manipulated.

Eg: Investigate the effect of CLT on students’ speaking skills

Experimental group Control group



DV Students’ speaking skills

MV Male/Female

InV Intelligence

CV Grade 10

7. Scales
a) Nominal scale: Name (category)
b) Ordinal scale: name + order
c) Interval scale: name + order + equal intervals

8. Literature review
“A literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources
relevant to a topic for a thesis or dissertation. Its purpose is to
demonstrate that writer has insightfully and critically surveyed relevant
literature on his or her topic in order to convince an intended audience
that this topic is worth addressing”

Narrative (focus on the writer/source) Parenthetical (focus on the information)

The writer said that … … is research by … = … (the writer)

Structure of a LR
Introduce the theory
The significance of the theory
Application of the theory

9. Sampling

10. Characteristics of Qualitative research:

Unique case orientation. => least concerned about generalizing its
1. Data are often words and pictures (non-numerical data)
2. Generating hypothesis and developing theories
3. Inductive method
4. Involves direct and personal contact with participants => Dynamic
5. Flexibility
6. Contextual sensitivity => Natural inquiry
the challenge of qualitative data analysis is that it often includes data that
are not widely and complex; it is a major challenge to make sense of the
pool of data.
Categories are the basic building blocks of qualitative data.

11. Characteristics of experimental research:

Manipulation of the IV.
1. It replies primarily on the collection of numerical data
2. It can produce important knowledge about cause and effect
3. It uses the deductive scientific method
NOTE: It rarely is conducted in a controlled setting or environments

12. Experimental design

Distinctive features

Random Using pretest Control group


Pre-experim The one-shot case x x x XT

ental designs study

The one-group x ✓ x T1 x T2
pretest posttest

The intact group x x ✓


True Posttest only ✓ x ✓

experimental control group
Pretest posttest ✓ ✓ ✓
control group

Quasi-experimental designs x x It’s better to T1 T2 T3 X

have a T4 T5 T6
control group.
If not you can

Ex post facto designs x x x

Factorial designs x x ✓

13. Mixed method

1. Data analysis
Paradigm 1: Quantitative
● descriptive: current state of affairs - tìm hiểu thực trạng
● correlational: correlational relationship - tương quan
● experimental: causal relationship - mối quan hệ nhân quả

- Descriptive:
a) distribution (frequencies: count up the number of items &
frequencies: 7 nam 5 nữ
b) central tendencies (mean: arithmetic average, mode: most popular,
& median)
mean: trung bình

34 48 54 56 66 69 73 74 86 86 87 87 87 87 88 88 97 99
mean= sum (34 48 54 56 66 69 73 74 86 86 87 87 87 87 88 88 97 99)/18 =
mode= 87
median = 86

X X-M (X-M)^2

1 34 -41.89 1754.77

2 48 -27.89 777.85

3 54 -21.89 479.17

4 56 -19.89 395.61

5 66 -9.89 97.81

6 69 -6.89 47.47
7 73 -2.89 8.35

8 74 -1.89 3.57

9 86 10.11 102.21

10 86 10.11 102.21

11 87 11.11 123.43

12 87 11.11 123.43

13 87 11.11 123.43

14 87 11.11 123.43

15 88 12.11 146.65

16 88 12.11 146.65

17 97 21.11 445.63

18 99 23.11 534.07

Tổng / (N-1) =
SD= 18.045
Variance= SD^2= 325,63

c) dispersions (standard deviation, variance (sd^2), & range (highest -

lowest + 1))
Mean= 8
Range = 10-6+1=5
X X-M (X-M)^2

1 7 -1 1

2 6 -2 4

3 9 1 1

4 10 2 4
tổng = 1+4+1+4=10
tổng / (N-1) = 10/3
lấy căn= 1.83
SD = 1.83
variance = SD^2 =

M: Mean

+ Chi square
a) One way: 1 variable
df = column - 1
fexp = trung bình cộng fobs = (55+26)/2 = 40,5
(55-40.5)^2/ 40.5 = 5.19
(26-40.5)^2/40.5 = 5.19
x^2= 5.19 + 5,.19 = 10,38
Chi square < critical value so the correlation is statistically insignificant.
Therefore the null hypothesis cannot be rejected.

Chi square > critical value so the correlation is statistically significant. Therefore
the null hypothesis can be rejected.

b) Two way: 2 variables

1) Line up
2) fobs

df = (row-1) x (column-1)
10A 10B Total

male 6 (0.2) 5 (0.17) 11

female 4 (0.2) 7 (0.17) 11

Total 10 12 22
x^2 = 0,74
fexp 10A 10B

Male fexp= 11x10/22=5 fexp=11x12/22=6

Female 5 6

- Correlational (relationship)
The magnitude of the correlation coefficient will vary from -1 to 0 to +1.
The greater the value, the stronger the relationship between the two

- Nominal: Phi
- Ordinal: Spearman Rho
- Interval: Pearson (bảng điểm, số liệu) (df = N - 2)

Bài có Pearson (r)

r < critical value so the correlation is statistically insignificant. Therefore, the

null hypothesis cannot be rejected.

r > critical value so the correlation is statistically significant. Therefore, the null
hypothesis can be rejected.

(nếu r dương => tỉ lệ thuận, r âm => tỉ lệ nghịch)

the researcher ….. (aim trên đề xuống)
using SPSS/ using Pearson/…

(1)r < critical value so the correlation is statistically insignificant. Therefore, the
null hypothesis cannot be rejected.

(2)r > critical value so the correlation is statistically significant. Therefore, the
null hypothesis can be rejected.

Kết luận:

(1) insignificant. => there is no correlation btw apt and achieve

(2) significant => there is correlation btw apt and achieve => the more.., the
better q
+ dương => thuận
+ âm => nghịch

Xích ma XY = 10250
Xích ma X = 245
Xích ma Y = 330
Xích ma X^2= 9825
Xích ma Y^2=/ 18500
r = 0,04

df = N - 2 = 6
N = sample = số lượng đối tượng trong bảng = 8
X = aptitude
Y = achievement
(XY tự quy ước)
scatter plot or scattergram

- Experimental (cause - effect)

- Independent samples t-test: 2 groups
- Paired-samples t-test: 1 group
- ANOVA (= analysis of variance)

Paradigm 2: Procedure for analysing qualitative data

- Ethnography: culture/ Classroom observation (coi kỹ các lại observation)
- Case study: one particular “case”
- Action research: a problem in local

Case study Ethnography Action Research

When to use understand the Discover Discover

action/ context regularity: regularity:
discerning themes: discerning themes:
cultures of idea
individuals setting

When to use
- Case study: investigate a contemporary phenomenon
- Ethnography: study the culture and social interactions of a group or community
- Action research: identify and address a practical problem
Techniques of data collection
- Case study: in-depth interviews, group interviews, observational methods, using
documentary sources
- Ethnography: interview, participant observation, document
- Action research: observation, interviews, focus group, surveys
Tính Toán
a. paired samples t-test: 1 group 2 thời điểm (pre - test / post -test) (trước -

MD= 2

SD =

No. pre post difference (D-Md)^2 sd

1 5 7 7-5 = 2 0

2 8 8 0 (0-2)^2

3 7 9 2

4 2 6 4

To calculate a paired t-test, simply follow these five steps:

Step 1. Line up the two sets of numbers so that each set is a column and each
pair is a row.
Step 2. Calculate the difference between the numbers in each pair by
subtracting one from the other.
Step 3. Calculate the mean and standard deviation for the differences.
Step 4. Divide the standard deviation of the differences by the square root of
the number of pairs.
Step 5. Divide the mean of the differences by the result of step 4.

b. independent samples t-test (2 nhóm)

To calculate an independent t-test, follow these seven steps.

Step 1. Calculate the mean and standard deviation for each of the two sets of
Step 2. Subtract the mean for one group from the mean for the other group.
Step 3. Square the standard deviation for one group and divide it by the number
of people in that group.
Step 4. Square the standard deviation for the other group and divide it by the
number of people in that group.
Step 5. add up the results of step 3 and step 4.
Step 6. Take the square root of the results of step 5.
Step 7. Divide the results of step 2 by the result of step 6.


the researcher ….. (aim trên đề xuống)

using SPSS to calculate an independent t-test (paired/independent)
table 1. Mean? SD? Mean nào lớn hơn, lớn hơn bao nhiêu.

Bài có Sig. và sig. 2-tailed

Sig. < 0.05 lấy hàng equal variance not assumed

Sig. > 0.05 lấy hàng equal variance assumed.

Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 the difference is statistically significant, therefore the null
hypothesis can be rejected.
Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05 the difference is statistically insignificant, therefore the null
hypothesis cannot be rejected.

table 2. sigma => có lớn hơn 0.05 hay k

Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 the difference are statistically significant, therefore the null
hypothesis can be rejected.
Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05 the difference are statistically insignificant, therefore the
null hypothesis cannot be rejected.


Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 the difference are statistically significant, therefore the null
hypothesis can be rejected. => trình độ 2 lớp k tương đồng nhau
Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05 the difference are statistically insignificant, therefore the
null hypothesis cannot be rejected.

BT Chi square: p193/ cuốn 5
Pearson: Trang 230 cuốn 5

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