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Good day, everyone! I am Jan Allyson S. Biag from BSBAFM 2-9S.

The Global North and Global South are two distinct regions in the contemporary world, each
with distinct economic and geopolitical traits. The Global South is characterized by extensive
industrialization, while the Global North consists of developing nations primarily focused on
agriculture. International marketing and investment play a significant role in maintaining or
reducing economic inequality, while historical processes like colonization and decolonization
influence geopolitical alliances.

Exploring the Global North and South dynamics reveals a complex of socioeconomic
inequalities, political intricacies, and the impact of globalization. What strikes me most is the
reminder that despite the interconnectedness brought about by globalization, there is a glaring
asymmetry in the experiences of various regions. Global South is a dynamic lens to understand
geographic disparities and the intricate interplay between power, economics, and cultures. It
underscores that inequality is not just about wealth distribution but encompasses a complex web
of historical, political, and economic factors.

Ultimately, the concept transcends a mere geographic designation; it is a continuous narrative of

seeking autonomy, battling inequities, and shaping the evolution of a world.

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