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The given line graph illustrates the quantity of holidaymakers traveling to a

specific island in the Caribbean over the period of 7 years starting from 2010.
Overall, the total number of tourists visiting the Caribbean island always
increased during most of the period. Additionally, the figure for visitors staying
on the island was higher than that for those staying aboard cruise ships during
the whole period.
In 2010, the total number of travelers visiting the Caribbean island was exactly
1 million, with only a quarter of them opting for staying on cruise ships,
whereas the rest decided to stay on island. Over the following two years, there
was a minimal decline to hit the lowest point of just below 0.25 million in the
quantity of visitors staying aboard cruise ships, whilst the number of tourists
staying on island still increased gradually, approximately 1.25 million tourists.
As can be observed from the graph, after a drop in 2012, there was an upward
trend in the number of visitors staying aboard cruise ships, nearly 2 million
visitors in 2017. Meanwhile, the figure for visitors staying on island remained
stable at 1,5 million from 2013 to 2015 before decreasing slightly by 0,25
million and rising again.

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