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The graph shows two types of visitors according to their stay in a particular Caribbean

island between 2010 and 2017. On balance, eventhough in 2010 the number of visitors
staying on cruise ships were significantly higher than the ones staying on island, in 2017
this turned over.
Regarding the total number of visitors during 2010 and 2017, it has increased almost every
year. There is only one exception in 2015 when there was a slight decrease. Besides, the
most significantly increase it was on the last year due to the fact that both types of visitors
had risen. Nevertheless, there is a gap of 0.5 million which represent that staying on cruise
ships in more attractive for visitors than staying on island.
In general, during this period of time, visitors staying on cruise ships increased 1.5 million
while the ones staying on island less than 1 million.

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