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The graph shows about the number of tourists that visit Caribbean Island between

2010 and 2017. It was measured in millions. Overall, the visitors staying on cruise
ships and the visitors staying on island went up and down but they increased in

Firstly, on 2010 untill 2015 the visitors mostly stayed on island. Meanwhile, on
2016 and 2017 most visitors stayed on cruise ships. In between 2012 and 2015 the
numbers of visitor that stayed on island increased, it was around 1.2-1.5 millions
of people. It decreased at 2016 and went up again at 2017. On the other hand, the
visitors that stayed on cruise ships rose up 0.25 in 2011 and went down in 2012,
but the visitors extremely increased on 2013 untill 2017. It went up from 0.25-2
millions of people. Lastly, in total the number of visitors on 2010 untill 2017
that stayed on cruise ships and on island grew from 1 million to 3.5 millions of

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